
The sweet and loud chirping of birds lingers in the ears, the clear spring slopes down, and the waves hit the rocks. There is no need to deliberately concentrate on the smell, and the faint fragrance hits your nose, as if you are in a paradise.

Ji Bai felt that he was half asleep and half awake. Lying in the quiet wilderness, he seemed to be integrated with the surrounding plants and trees. His head was pillowed on a soft and comfortable cotton pad, and he was breathing in the refreshing air. Some don't want to open their eyelids.

At this moment, it was as if time had stood still. Apart from the white clouds floating leisurely in the blue sky, only the gentle breeze blew through the raised reeds and leaves.

"Ah! Is Mother's knee pillow still comfortable?" The most frightening voice deep in Ji Bai's soul blew past his ears like the wind blowing across his face.

She opened her eyes suddenly, - the silver-haired girl in a black dress looked down at herself with a smile -

His head was resting on her soft thighs.

"Sleep well, my son~ You must be very tired during this period. No matter where you are, my mother is always looking at you~ oh~ hehehe

After a moment of hazy consciousness, Ji Bai opened his eyes.


A few rays of warm sunlight shined into the iron helmet through the glass window, making him feel a little dazzling. 1,

He glanced at his wet leather gloves and looked at the simply furnished furniture and the familiar ceiling.

Did it turn out to be a dream? It was probably a sequelae of using vampire power.

-For more than a year, the vampire part of the body has never given up its dominance and completely transformed itself into a vampire, just like a deadly poppy, tempting and inducing itself to accept it all the time.

The only thing Ji Bai could do was to minimize contact with it and let the human part of him take over to ensure that he would not forget the knight's heart.

What really frightens him is that this force is subtly changing his ideas and personality without him being aware of it at all.

Just like in the past, Ji Bai was a taciturn and practical person. He would not talk nonsense with you when something happened, and he would just pick up the sword and do it.

Now, when I encounter something annoying, I will complain and think about it, just like a woman with excessive estrogen secretion.

Although the change was not big, his mountain-like mood was indeed shaken.

If the vampire's power is frequently used, sooner or later he will be obsessed with accepting its dominance. This is the last thing Ji Bai wants to happen.

After withdrawing his thoughts and curling up for a night's sleep, Ji Bai moved his somewhat stiff cervical vertebrae and joints a little and stood up.

I came back too late yesterday. I wanted to take a bath, send all my armor to the armory shop for repair and care, and then go to bed to rest. I didn't expect that as soon as I sat on the floor to rest for a while, my eyelids drooped unsatisfactorily, and then I suddenly realized. Dark and fell asleep.

When he woke up, Ji Bai felt refreshed and his chest expanded. The blazing sun outside the window had reached the highest point in the sky.

It's noon. Even if you go to school to report now, you will probably be punished.

"Gugu" an embarrassing echo came from his belly.

Ji Bai touched the iron helmet and subconsciously looked at the table - there were no unique cat biscuits on it as usual.

The iron helmet tilted, and Ji Bai felt a little surprised.

The taste of the biscuits made by Ke'er is hard to describe. It's not delicious, but it definitely can't be called delicious. Why am I addicted to those cat biscuits?

Speaking of Ke'er, after she exceeded the regular time required for the exploration mission, she dragged a small stool and stayed outside her home.

When she saw her come back yesterday, she hurriedly put herself into the house, and then she fell asleep leaning against the wall. She didn't know what she was doing.

"Click." The doorknob turned, and a petite figure walked into the door.

"Huh? Mr. Ji Bai, you're awake!" Ke'er held a long loaf of bread in her arms, shook her cat ears, and walked over with a warm smile.

"Yeah." Tiejei nodded, subconsciously wanting to reach out and touch Ke'er's head, but he could only give up after looking at the dirty cloth armor.

"Xian Ji Bai's mission this time is very dangerous, isn't it?" His big, clear eyes looked at the iron helmet seriously.

Um. "The negative answer is completely untenable. The dirty and tattered armor has already put the facts in front of you.

"Meow, really, he must be injured, right? ? Ke'er knows some medical skills such as bandaging and healing, if Mr. Ji Bai doesn't mind it,

"It's no big deal." Tiejui shook his head and rejected Ke'er's kindness.

"Even if it's a minor injury, we can't leave it alone. Cong Kekong knows where the college's infirmary is, Ji Bai

"It's okay." Ji Bai repeatedly stated that his injuries were not serious enough to require seeing a doctor.

"Miaoming is right, I'm sorry." Looking at Ji Bai, who was indifferent in front of him, Ke'er drooped her cat ears.

"why apologize?

"Ke'er doesn't know anything and can't share Mr. Ji Bai's worries. It will only cause trouble. Ke'er is a little frustrated.

"No, you helped me a lot." Iron Helmet's gaze was fixed on the long loaf of bread in Ke'er's hand.

"Mr. Ji Bai, are you hungry? No, at least you have to take a serious bath or something before eating." Ke'er said.

He hid the long loaf of bread behind his back and said with a pout.

"Did you go out to buy me breakfast just now?"

"Yeah, that's not entirely true. Ke'er also went to Mr. Lin Tuo's place to help Mr. Ji Bai take a leave~" Ke'er smiled.

"Thank you." Ji Bai was silent for a moment and nodded. of male toys

Ke'er is a well-behaved and sensible child with very thoughtful ideas.

"Ke'er has already boiled the water for Mr. Ji Bai. Mr. Ji Bai can go take a hot bath at any time~ I'll leave the living room to Ke'er to clean up, so hurry up and go~" Ke'er seemed to be in a very happy mood. With half a push, Ji Bai was pushed into the bathroom and closed the door.

The bathtub is filled with rising warm water.

Ji Bai glanced at the closed bathroom door and began to take off his leather armor and clothes.

If it was not a last resort, let alone Xiaosha, Ji Bai himself would not want to go into the sewer like a mouse. Ji Bai felt that his hair was about to solidify after not washing properly for two days. It was really time to take a good bath.

- There was a loud sound, and soon, the strong muscles were exposed to the air, and the body was covered with various scars, large and small.

These wounds were densely arranged and looked very unsightly, but they were Ji Bai's medals proving that he had experienced many battles.

He piled the armor and dirty clothes on the ground randomly and stepped into the bathtub, filled with crystal water drops.

My body is indeed a little dirty, and it will probably smell even if I don't wash it. I already have a smell, and after staying in the sewer for two days, it's hard to think about not smelling it.

This time I happened to clean it up seriously, but Ji Bai still couldn't stand the sloppy feeling.

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