"No, I, I, I saw this thing when I came in, and then, she was crying!" Captain Vulture defended in a panic, but the more he panicked, the more holes he spoke. The more she cried, the more she cried. Astrid, who was crying pitifully, was surprisingly calm in her heart. On the surface, she was crying in a distressing manner, but deep down, she was ridiculing her.

"Mr. Adjutant, did your captain just do this when he said he had something to do?" Villette's adjutant frowned.

"If you're not the chief, what are you doing? Why are you here?" This made Captain Vulture's adjutant and even the knights behind Captain Vulture unable to step down.

"Didn't you just say that there are some serious matters that need to be dealt with, so we should take the first step?"

"I, I, I just mentioned this topic." Captain Vulture was speechless. He just said this out of spite and wanted to distract his subordinates. Now when he was asked this question, he immediately got stuck in his throat and hesitated to say no. This single sentence also increased everyone's doubts about the legitimacy of his actions.

Without saying a word, Willette bypassed the clown-like Captain Vulture in the middle of the crowd, took off his robe, and placed it on the naked Astrid.

"~Okay, it's okay." Villette hugged Astrid into her arms, holding her head and kept comforting her.

Sister, sister woo woo woo. "Astrid's cries gradually subsided as she felt a sense of security in Villette's arms. So, Captain of the 12th Vulture Team, what happened?" the adjutant asked.

~I, I didn’t do anything! I really didn’t do anything.”

~ Mr. Captain, I'm asking what happened, not whether you did it or not. "I, I" Captain Vulture's confused words unconsciously aggravated his own suspicion. Isn’t this just asking for trouble?

"I just got into the carriage and saw a bunch of scattered strips of cloth on the ground, so I picked them up, and then I heard her yelling there, saying what I wanted to do to her," Captain Vulture explained helplessly.

"Then the question is, why did you get into this carriage?" The adjutant caught the crux of the question. "The meeting place between our captain and you is not here, right?" "I" Captain Vulture's face turned red from holding back. However, it was obvious that he couldn't answer this question. If he answered, he would really blow himself up. And his appearance of guilty conscience naturally aroused the suspicion of the knights of the fifteenth team of the Holy Shield, and the disappointment of the knights of the twelfth team of the Vultures. Everyone knew how credible his words were.

"Sir, as the captain of the twelfth team of the Vulture Knights, you actually tried to do something like that to a young vampire prisoner of war. Isn't this self-destruction?"

"No, I told you otherwise. How could I be interested in vampires?" "Stop crying, sister is here." Villette comforted Astrid, guilt and self-blame rising in her heart. If she hadn't left Astrid alone, this wouldn't have happened.

~Eskind, tell your sister what happened. "

"Uh-huh? Sister Shenglun, Astrid, Astrid was waiting for her sister in the tent just now, but this uncle suddenly broke in. After seeing Astrid, the two of them Her eyes flashed. Astrid was really scared at that time."

"He tore Astrid's clothes, and then snatched Astrid's and put it into his pocket." "~You are talking nonsense!" Hearing that Astrid slandered him, he went to The Vulture Captain immediately retorted after throwing dirty water on himself.

"I didn't do anything to you at all. I didn't even touch you, and I tore your clothes off? Blank, don't flatter yourself! No matter how hungry I am, I won't find a vampire." "Seeing that the situation is getting more and more unfavorable for him, Captain Vulture knows that if he doesn't say something at this time, his captain may really be fired.

So how did you get into this carriage?"

"I, couldn't I have walked in accidentally??" Even his subordinates were suspicious of him, and Captain Vulture was a little anxious.

"Besides, what else did this brat say, that I took her underwear? That's nonsense! It's nothing! Everyone, I'm your captain, how could I do such a dirty thing?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of Captain Vulture's adjutant suddenly became strange.

In fact, he knows Captain Vulture's quirks as he has been with Captain Vulture day and night. If it were him, it wouldn't be strange to do such a thing.

Yes, this Vulture Captain is an out-and-out young man who is particularly interested in children, so much so that the adjutant once suspected whether he had engaged in any criminal behavior, although he had not seen him do anything extraordinary. , but that’s just because I didn’t see it——

"That being the case, Captain, if you want to convince everyone, why not use this to clear your own suspicion?" the adjutant suggested.

Unless absolutely necessary, neither Villette nor the adjutant wanted to believe that their colleagues would do such a shameful thing, unless the facts were in front of them.

Everyone was silent until the wrinkled piece of cloth was found from Captain Vulture's pocket. Now, it's time to sit down.

"No. No, no! I, I'm not, when did this thing fly into my pocket?!" Captain Vulture couldn't argue. In the confusion, he suddenly thought of what he saw before entering the carriage. When a piece of cloth fell to the ground, he picked it up and threw it into his pocket.

"This, I picked this up accidentally and put it in my pocket. I don't know what it is!


However, at this moment, no matter how Captain Vulture explains it, everyone present does not believe it. His words are now pale and unconvincing. Even the adjutant who has spent the most time with him does not believe it, let alone others?

"Captain, why are you doing this? Are you interested in vampires or such a small child to attack such a small vampire?" Even the subordinates including Captain Vulture couldn't stand it.

"Ah! So what? So what??" Seeing that no one believed him, Captain Vulture broke the pot. "Isn't it just a vampire? It's nothing like this, so what if it is, it's not a human being anyway!"

He was so angry that he didn't realize that these words were a disguised admission of his crime. Villette stood up and then looked at the Vulture Captain quietly. "Captain, please come back." "You are not welcome here. In addition, I will report this matter to your group leader truthfully." "In the corner where no one noticed, Astrid quietly raised the corners of her mouth.

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