Blood Princess and the Knight

15~Finally we meet again

Icehelm City. The Gulan Empire is located in the Northland, a city of ice and snow that suffers from frost all year round.

This domain was built in the early days of the empire. It has been eroded by various wars in the millennium history of the Qulan Empire, but has never been captured. The city walls have been reinforced by ice and snow time and time again, so it is known as the ice that cannot fall. Helmet General.

However, today, this general who kept all foreign enemies at bay is late. He has gradually declined under the fierce attack of the vampire army, and is now regarded as "fallen" by default. The time to arrive at Icehelm City was about a week after Villette set off.

By the time the entire knights rushed to Ice Helm City, the battle was already over, but the biting ice wind was still alive, icy-beating the cheeks of the knights present.

"Leader" Yi La stepped forward but hesitated to speak.

Villette remained silent, leaning down to touch the humanoid outline covered with ice and snow on the ground. The cry of the northern eagle echoed across the icy snow.

Of the Knights of the Holy Queen, no one survived.

"How is the situation in the city?" Seeing the vanguard knight return, Villette asked quietly.

"Your Excellency, Captain, the war is over, but the strange thing is that the city is now empty. We have not found any surviving citizens or comrades, nor have we found any vampires.

"How's the spring magic test?" Villette focused on the only mage in the group. On Alice.

"There's no problem, Your Excellency, Captain~" Alice replied with an energetic smile.

"Did they leave early?" Ila pondered. "But why? Logically speaking, after capturing this city, even if the vampires leave, shouldn't they send troops to garrison them? -" Can traces of the vampires be found? "

"Found it. Judging from the footprints, the vampires have left the city and are continuing their march to the southwest."

"Are you planning to use blitzkrieg to resolve the battle quickly, so you don't have any troops left to deploy?" Villette thought. "Then their goal may only be the imperial capital. -

"Captain, what should we do now?" Ila asked. "Want to return to defense for support?"

"No." Looking at the knights behind her, Villette said solemnly. "After driving day and night for several days, Daqing was tired, so he sent an order to the whole group to go into the city for repairs." "Yes." After answering, Villette took the lead and rode into the city.

Until the whole group entered the city, the city gate was closed.

After confirming that there were no enemies, they were unwary and did not notice the flickering shadows in the darkness.

Villette's face was a bit ugly. Not only her, but also the entire group had few good-looking faces.

Although the war had been over for many days and the original battlefield was covered with ice and snow, the shapes and shapes of the corpses were still clearly visible, and even the colors of the clothes they were wearing could be clearly seen.

These are the civilians living in Ice Helm City. No one was spared. All the vampires were killed. They actually used cruel means to massacre Ice Helm City.

This shocking scene made Villette's expression gradually start to look unnatural.

"Captain, this should be a residential area. We have packed up the houses. The weather is very cold. Can you go in for a while and have a rest?" "No, let everyone go in and rest first. I don't care." Villette stood in the wind, I don’t know what I’m thinking.

"Okay, please be careful and don't catch the cold." Seeing that Villette insisted on doing so, the members of the group, who were well aware of Villette's temperament, entered the house without much persuasion. At dusk, Willette entered the small house. There were still some daily necessities from the previous owner, as well as bed quilts. "Excuse me." After saying "Excuse me," Villette took off her shoes and entered the house.

"It's getting late. Let's get some rest quickly. We'll get up early tomorrow morning and be on our way. "Okay, by the way, captain, do you need a night watchman?"

"No, let all the team members go and rest. Alice has used magic to survey and there is no one here, so those vampires probably won't come back here." Villette said without hesitation.

"Okay, I understand." The adjutant withdrew, and before leaving, he told Villette to also take a good rest. The days are short and the nights are long in the North, and soon the night ban comes.

After nearly a week of hurried travel, everyone in the knights was indeed exhausted. After hearing that the magic master had surveyed the square garden and found that there was no one in the area, and also heard the order from the leader, they simply took care of dinner and lay down in the rare space. There were big heels on the bed.

In the room, candlelight flickered. Villette, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, untied her braided hair and pulled her eyelids down bit by bit, feeling sleepy. In the dream, she returned to her childhood, holding her aunt's hand, running and laughing on the endless lawn.

"Coffee pops!" The dream suddenly shattered into pieces, accompanied by a burst of fire and a harsh, sharp sound. Villette suddenly opened her eyes and noticed that there were bright lights outside the store.

Being attacked?!

"Crack!" The door panel was violently kicked open, and soldiers in jet black armor and blue armor filed in.

Without enough time to think, Villette stood up, kicked the soldiers who tried to attack her out of the way, pulled out the sword on the side, and nailed the intruding soldiers to the wall. There was a cry of killing outside the house, which made Vilett's hair stand on end - one was the language of the vampire clan.

After simply putting on a suit of clothes and armor and putting on her boots, without even having time to tie her hair, Villette rushed out of the room in disheveled clothes and found that the camp was already in flames.

Hajime's eyes widened, and a wave of negative emotions mixed with despair filled his head. "Mr. Adjutant! Ira! Alice! Everyone!"

No one responded to Villette in the sea of ​​fire, leaving her alone trembling in the wind.

The vampire soldiers quickly noticed the fish that slipped through the net and surrounded her.


"You guys." The cold wind blew Villette's messy blond hair. She gritted her teeth and raised her head, her anger and murderous intent no longer concealed.

What have you done?!" The broad-edged sword danced wildly, splattering a line of blood in the vampire army. The crazy sword would smash everything it touched. "Everyone, everyone" Wei Litte rushed towards the place where everyone was in her memory, and her heart was now in a mess.

Why, didn't you check that there is no vampire army within a hundred miles? Why does this happen again?? Impossible, Alice has not made any mistakes, unless

A terrifying possibility occurred to Villette, which she quickly dismissed.

Impossible, Alice cannot betray her companions, and has no reason to betray her companions.

While fighting her way through the rebellious army, she didn't notice that in the distance, on top of the city wall, the white-haired girl sitting elegantly on the tower was watching her quietly, her charming face filled with morbid love and affection.

"Finally, we meet again~"

"My cute silly knight~"

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