Blood Princess and the Knight

21~The blackened Astrid

Ju, you actually asked me to solve it on the spot, it’s so ridiculous and outrageous! In the toilet of the queen’s dormitory in the Royal Court of King’s Landing, Villette hugged her knees, still a little angry. Are you still angry? "The voice of that hateful succubus maid came from outside the house"

"This is just a joke. Even if you really want to deal with Her Majesty the Queen on the spot, you will definitely not care." "This is no longer a joke, but a simple bad taste."

"For some reason, the succubus maid heard a hint of grievance and resentment in Willette's words. "Sorry, I seem to have made you angry. "

snort. "After hearing the succubus maid's sincere apology, Villette snorted and walked out of the toilet. "Are you going to treat me like this when you go to the toilet?"

"This is Her Majesty the Queen's intention. Please forgive me."

"I told you I won't run away." After a moment of silence, Villette added. "I can't run either."~ You've finished using the toilet, you have to go back now. "

"I know." Looking at the metal black rings worn everywhere on her body, Garit sighed. After a rare opportunity to move her body, she had to go back to jail.

Returning to the huge and deserted bedtime, Willette went to bed.

"Then, I'll take my leave first. If you need anything, call me. I'll be at the door." After locking Villette on the bed again, the succubus maid bowed and left.

Villette was once again alone in the room, and apart from her own breathing, the only sound left was the crackling sound of the burning fireplace. Waiting, it’s this excruciating waiting again.

Villette is not an impatient person, nor is she afraid of waiting, but she hates lying on the bed doing nothing like this.

If this continues, the muscles on her body will definitely degenerate. Even if the chain is lengthened to give her more range of motion, at least she can exercise in her own way.

In this dark place, she couldn't tell the difference between day and night, so she could only stare at the burning fireplace in a daze. ————————

"Your Majesty the Queen, forever and ever." The noble ministers bowed respectfully to Astrid's luggage on the throne, and then all retreated. Watching the ministers leaving, Astrid's smile gradually faded, and a coldness quickly grew on her.

Haha, a bunch of idiots who follow the trend and follow the trend.

I have to put on a fake smile in front of these greasy, ugly old men every day. It's really disgusting, and it makes me feel like I'm in the same style as these rats in the stinking ditch.

"Your Majesty, today's official business"

"I have already taken care of it in advance. You can just return these documents to the noble ministers."

"As you command." The maid withdrew, and Astrid took several personal guards back to her bedroom. Along the way, she didn't know what she thought of, but she frowned slightly, her eyebrows spread out slightly impatiently, and the corners of her mouth curled up. There was a faint smile.

After going to court as a routine in the past, she could only spend the rest of her time in the garden drinking tea and admiring flowers, bored out of her mind. The last thing she wanted to do was go back to the palace.

Today is different.

Her beloved queen was waiting for her to return home in the palace, and now she was as eager to return home as possible.

"You just wait outside the door. There is no need to come in." "After instructing her subordinates not to follow her, Astrid walked up to the second floor on the luxurious silk carpet. ~ See Her Majesty the Queen." The succubus maid in charge of guarding the door Seeing Astrid coming, she quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Well, how is the queen doing today?"

"It's very quiet, there's nothing wrong with it." "Did you eat your food well?"

"Well, although there was a little incident in the middle, Miss Shenglun still ate all the food in the end." "Very good, well done."

"It is your duty to share the worries of Her Majesty the Queen."

"Really, here we go again, Qiong. Don't keep acting like this. If you get the atmosphere of the palace, I will treat you as disgusting as those greasy uncles from the clan."

"I understand."

Qiong nodded and put on a very innocent smile. "However, I teased Miss Shenglun a little today, and she seemed to be angry."

"You really love to play." Astrid sighed, then moved in the direction of Joan. "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, show me quickly, is my outfit messy?"

As she said that, Astrid walked around in front of Joan and said nervously.

"Your Majesty, I think Miss Shenglun most likely won't care about your attire."

"No, this can't be vague!" Astrid said firmly. "I have to show my most beautiful side in front of my sister. Joan, you are the best at dressing up. Please help me sort it out."

""Okay, come here." A few minutes later, the door was opened.

Villette, who was sitting on the bed and hugging her knees, raised her head and met Astrid's gaze. "Sister Shenglun, did you miss me today?~"

"I'm sorry, I have to deal with those annoying ministers, so I can only leave you temporarily."

"Wrong, are you angry because I haven't been here today? Then I will stay with you for the rest of the day, okay~?" Villette still ignored Astrid and turned her head Set aside.

"Oh, just promise, Sister Shenglun." Seeing that Villette just ignored her, Astrid pursed her lips, took off her shoes, jumped on the bed, and buried her head in Villette's head. On the thigh, take a deep breath.

"Woo! Ah, it smells like my sister~~ Shunwen is resurrected!"

"You, what are you doing?" Villette quickly pulled her leg back upon seeing this. “Don’t do such disturbing things!”

"Wrong, isn't it normal for girls to do this kind of thing? Or..." Astrid smiled and leaned towards Villette's ear, blowing hot air. "In my sister's subconscious mind, the relationship between us is not that simple. It is a relationship that goes beyond friendship?~~

"Stop talking nonsense!" Villette quickly backed off. "It's simply ridiculous! We are both girls, and we are not from the same ethnic group. Moreover, I already have a fiancé! "

Elder, marriage, husband?" Astrid's expression froze when she heard these three words, and it took a long time to squeeze these three words out of her mouth.

"Um, I..." Realizing that she had said something she shouldn't have said, Villette wanted to deny it, but she felt that the air around her had solidified, and she could not help but shiver to the point of being speechless.

*Ah, ah~ It’s so strange. Sister Shenglun is still married. How could it be possible? How could it be possible??" "Sister Shenglun is obviously just my wife. Where did she come from? , Husband, where is it?"

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