Blood Princess and the Knight

25~He won't bother us anymore.

After the wedding banquet officially started, the vampire nobles stepped forward to give blessings to the newlyweds.

It seems that because of this happy day, Estrid didn't find it so annoying to see these flattering and greasy old faces, and thanked them in return.

However, on the contrary, Violet was disconnected the whole time, and there was no light in the two days. She was completely unaware that someone greeted her, like a finely crafted marionette.

How the banquet started, she no longer remembers, she only remembers that when she came to her senses, the cold touch filled her lips, at first glance, Astrid's face was as beautiful as a doll A delicate face is within easy reach.

"Oh, woohoo!" Feeling Estrid's constant demands, Violet hurriedly withdrew, but found that there was no room for her to maneuver on the throne, and she was pulled into her arms by Astrid.

Although Estride is much smaller than Violet, her level of domineering and evil charm is not comparable to Violet, who is an innocent girl.

She resisted the contact with Astrid, but found that the distance between the two could not be shortened no matter what. On the other side, Astrid had already pried open Willett's lips and teeth, exploring into the unknown The domain of her, ben Meng asked for her.

~ woo woo woo!"

~Oh! "Williet was groaning in pain, but the nobles below looked very enthusiastically.

"Her Majesty is really bold, to be so intimate with her little bride in front of so many people""

"That's not right, this is Her Majesty the Queen, I just feel sorry for that little Gulan girl, look, she's about to be made to cry by Your Majesty, tsk, she looks like she's about to cry, she's as white and smooth as milk The skin makes me want to rob a Gulan woman as a slave."

"Let me just say, Her Majesty married this Gulan woman probably because she wanted to humiliate her or her family, otherwise there is no reason to do so, isn't there? Even if Her Majesty doesn't like men, we Scarlet Blood Region are not beautiful woman."

Seeing this scene, the nobles cheered for joy. From their point of view, their queen's crushing of the Gulan people was like the Blood Spirit Empire crushing the Gulan Empire, and they chanted triumphant songs of victory.

"Hoo hoo..." The long lingering finally came to an end, Violet gasped in front of the armrest of the throne, she felt as if she was about to suffocate-

"I'm sorry, I seem to be in a hurry." Gently hugging Violet, Astrid leaned close to Violet's ear, her childish voice carried her unique tenderness.

"Don't, don't come close to me..." Violet struggled to stand up straight from the throne, but was dragged back by Estheria.

"Don't forget, you are still wearing chains that bind power and spells, and now Sister Violet can't break free from my arms~" Estrid's voice has a strange charm, like It's like an intoxicating fine wine, just listening to it makes people intoxicated.

"Now, Sister Violet is married to me." Astrid felt aggrieved and dissatisfied with Violet's resistance to her, but—thinking that from now on, Violet has officially become a For his wife, this dissatisfaction disappeared.

"Sister Violet is a knight, right?" Astrid ignored Violet's evasion, forcibly held her face, and made her look at her, I don't know. "She doesn't know if she can still be called a knight with her shameful appearance.

~Since it is a knight, then if the knight announced it in public, it must be carried out to the end~?~

"Just now, Sister Violet has sworn to be with me forever and forever, and she will also fall in love with me."

"That is to say, if Sister Violet's words and deeds violate these statements, then Sister Violet is violating the knight's creed." Estrided licked her cherry red lips.

"I may not be a knight for a long time." Violet said bitterly, tears falling silently. "If the emperor sees my embarrassing appearance, I'm afraid I can't wait to expel my knighthood as soon as possible."

"It doesn't matter, what's so good about being a knight of Gulan, wouldn't it be better to be a knight of the king alone?" Estride said in a persuasive way

I am a sinner. "Williet gritted her teeth.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, just when Astrid wanted to make more intimacy with her, although she tried her best to stop her, a faint sense of loss instinctively rose in her heart.

She didn't know what was wrong with her that she actually felt this way.

Could it be that she has already longed for Astrid invisibly? -

She couldn't believe that she had become so filthy. The dead parents and her aunt seemed to cast aside her worthless son-in-law...

That's right, you are a sinner~ Astrid hugged Violet happily. "Enjoy the sinner who took my heart~ So, sister sinner, you must be responsible to the end."

"Also, did the reaction just now mean that sister Violet wanted it?~"

"Go away..." Violet seemed to run out of this place of right and wrong now, squatting in a corner and crying everywhere, but the people around her stuck her tightly, leaving her nowhere to escape.

"There's no need to be shy, it doesn't matter if Sister Violet doesn't like me now." Astrid raised Violet's chin. "If you don't like me as a person, try to like my body first, how about~?~

Don't say such embarrassing words!" Violet's face turned red in an instant, like a small overripe apple.

^Hee hee, sister's shy look is so cute. "

Astrid said with a smile.

"By the way~ Sis, besides these jewels laid out on the ground, I have one more thing to give you." What is it?" Violet had a vague premonition.

~Hee hee, from now on, that man who bothers you can no longer bother the two of us. "~What do you mean?!"

"Don't worry~ I promised Sister Violet that I won't shoot him." Estrided said mysteriously. "However, at least she is an acquaintance of my sister, so no matter what, I will send out an invitation card on this wedding day."

"Just now, I had someone engrave the intimate appearance of our wedding with a spell, as a souvenir, and I sent a copy to that man named Bai Leisen."

"You!" Violet asked, blushing for a moment, panicking.

"Seeing this situation, I believe that Mr. Bresson will sincerely wish us happiness." As she said, Estrid continued to hold Willett's face, her eyes full of affection.

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