"Your Majesty the Queen, today's meal time has come." As usual, Qiong, who was responsible for serving Villette, entered the palace with a dinner plate and placed the dinner plate at her feet.

Seeing this, Villette stopped her sit-ups, sat up and got out of bed, cooled her feet slightly, did a few squats, and then took the towel handed over by Qiong to wipe the sweat on her forehead and body.

She has been staying in the Vampire Queen's palace for almost two months. Although it was a bit humiliating, when Villette used her body to please Astrid, the other party finally agreed to lengthen the chains that bound her and bind her. The scope of activities has expanded slightly.

Since I can get out of bed, the ways I can exercise have become more diversified. It is said that everything in the world is difficult only for those who are determined. As long as you think about it, you can definitely do it.

For example, holding your hands on the ground and your feet in the sky, lifting your body upside down, are all very good exercises.

In the past two months, Villette has finally figured out that she can ask Astrid for any conditions, and the other party will happily satisfy her, but only if she can gain greater freedom and more space for activities. In this matter, Astrid was extremely conservative, fearing that her actions would cause Villette to run away.

After taking a sip of the bland tea, Villette looked out the window quietly, the gentle wind blowing across her face.

After such a long time, Willette no longer rejects some of Astrid's behaviors, and there is no burden on eating these meals, because even if she doesn't want to eat these meals, they will still end up in her mouth. Get rid of it obediently from the beginning.

Another example is Astrid's eating behavior.

After drinking Villette's blood, Astrid didn't know why, no matter how high-end biological blood was, she couldn't catch her interest anymore. She ate something casually in the morning and held it back until she returned to the palace in the afternoon to have sex with Villette. Satisfy all the needs and desires, and then sleep contentedly holding Villette's weak body.

At first, Villette was extremely repelled by this, and was treated as a regular blood pack food by the vampire queen. As a knight, she felt insulted by this, so she fought hard. However, what made her despair was that Astrid's resistance to her not only failed. Annoyed, the harder she struggled, the higher Astrid's interest became. Until after tossing in the middle of the night, Willette finally stopped struggling, and Astrid would accept her blood with great satisfaction.

The dignity of a knight did not allow Villette to be violated and humiliated in this way, so her struggle against Astrid became even more intense.

I thought that this kind of behavior would make Astrid understand her determination, but I didn't expect Astrid to just regard it as the flirting and coyness of a lovely wife; this made Willette feel frustrated every time.

Gradually, she began to stop struggling and resisting. If her resistance brought even a little distress to Astrid, then she would be successful, and this would give her the motivation to continue doing this, even if Astrid would not hesitate to punish her for this.

I have to say that Astrid is really good at playing, at least very handy in dealing with the stubborn iron-headed boys like Sheng Lun.

In the battle of wits and courage with Villette, Astrid did not show any impatience or anger, but completely adopted a game-playing attitude. The more you struggle, the happier I will be. This gave Villette felt deeply frustrated, and any signs of resistance that would have continued were quickly snuffed out.

As for Willette, her struggle with Astrid was not a one-sided defeat, and she gained nothing. She still gained a lot of concessions for this, such as the daily afternoon tea time in the courtyard.

Today was the same as usual. After lunch, Willette came to the garden to drink tea accompanied by Joan. However, today was different from the past, she received an uninvited guest.

Because the aisle between the flowers was narrow, Villette didn't pay attention at the corner and bumped into a man in a dress who was passing by. "Huh??" The man in the dress turned around, patted his shoulder, looked at Villette with some dissatisfaction, stared at her closely, folded his arms, and stood still without speaking.

Villette didn't say anything. Just when she was about to pass by the man, she was stopped by him. "Wait a minute, this lady, she didn't say anything when she bumped into someone, and then she just left? Isn't it inappropriate?"

~Sir, I think you hit me first. "Villette replied lukewarmly.

If it were in the Gulan Empire, then no matter whether it was right or wrong, Villette would definitely pay the other party, but it was different here. Villette didn't think it was necessary to make money to the vampire, so she didn't say anything.

Ha?" The man in the dress turned up his nose in anger after hearing this. When he walked up to Villette and saw her face clearly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by a sarcastic smile.

"Who did I think you were, being so rude? It turns out to be you, our queen, your majesty."

"Sir, if you don't have anything else to do, I'd like to excuse you." Villette had no reaction to the latter's weirdness, which made the man in the dress feel like he had clenched his fist but hit it on soft cotton.

~Wait a minute!” The man in the dress stopped Villette from behind, as if he had no intention of letting him go.

He walked up to Villette angrily and said teasingly. "Our Queen has such a bad temper, isn't she? Why, after being the Queen for less than half a year, does she really regard herself as the master of this palace?" "Seeing that the man in the dress is determined to find her, Son, Qiong, who was waiting beside Villette, frowned slightly.

Haha, this posture is really arrogant now. I think I have been here for two months and won the queen's favor with this physical body. I am used to being domineering and domineering. I almost gave up the fact that I am a Quran. Have you forgotten?" The man in the dress mocked, but he didn't know that he was now

I have jumped repeatedly on the edge of life and death.

Everyone has their own bottom line and minefield, and this vampire noble in dress has obviously stepped on Villette's minefield. Villette remained silent, but her five fingers touched together at some point.

"I said, you don't really think Her Majesty the Queen takes you seriously, do you?" The man in the dress was not aware of this and continued to wonder. "To put it bluntly, Her Majesty the Queen married you not because she thinks highly of you, but simply to take this opportunity to humiliate you, your country, and your family!"

"By the way, the more health packs you can move, the better, so. Do you understand your situation now?"

"That is to say, Her Majesty the Queen saw that you have good looks and the taste of blood must be very good, and she wanted to humiliate the power behind you, so she accepted you as the Queen. In essence, you are just a little bastard from Gulan. I understand. What??"

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