It has been almost four months since I lived here.

Villette has been completely accustomed to this kind of life. Although habit does not mean adaptation, it is much better than the beginning.

Her daily life trajectory has almost been fixed. She wakes up in the morning, eats breakfast, and exercises in the palace. At noon, the maid brings lunch and then rests. After taking a bath in the afternoon, she goes to the back garden to drink tea with Joan. Afterwards, after eating and taking a shower, I lay on the bed on time and waited for Astrid'

Be pampered, then fall asleep, and it's a new day.

Today, Villette has completed all the above steps, except for the last one, lying on the bed like a corpse, waiting for a certain silver-haired vampire to come over to her little mouth.

"Squeak." The door was opened, and a silver-haired girl as delicate as a doll stepped in.

However, today seems to be a little different from usual. Astrid, who used to pounce on Willette like a clingy bag when she returns to the dormitory, is surprisingly abnormal today. Not only does she not have the energy of the past, a pair of swaying up and down The twin ponytails seemed to have lost their vitality at this moment, and they were like eggplants beaten by frost. After the maid took off her shoes, she walked into the room step by step, threw herself next to Villette, pulled the quilt, and wrapped herself in it. superior.

"Sister Villette, are you having a good day today?~" After the routine greetings, Astrid yawned greatly. Although she was still holding on, her eyes were full of exhaustion. It seemed that I was too tired to hold on.

"Well, I'm a little tired. I can't chat with my sister today. Good night, sister Villette." "Astrid's eyelids opened little by little, and then she seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

?" She was already prepared to be pinned down by Astrid, but nothing happened. Willette looked at Astrid sleeping next to her in surprise. She was very abnormal today. .

However, Willette didn't think much about it. Maybe Astrid was too busy today, so she was naturally too tired to fall asleep in bed when she got home.

Touching her neck, there were two inconspicuous holes there, which were the marks left by Astrid on her body. It was in this position every day, and it would remain there over time.

For some reason, Willette felt as if her body was gradually adapting to Astrid's shape. No, no, no, this idea seems strange no matter how you look at it, right?

Looking at Astrid sleeping soundly, Villette took a deep breath and lay down on the other side of the big bed. It's okay if she doesn't suck, and she can save some blood.


I don’t know why, but Villette, who didn’t have her blood sucked tonight, always felt like something was missing, and couldn’t sleep due to tossing and turning. Could it be that he is so used to being sucked by this abominable vampire that he still can’t sleep even if he draws blood for no reason??

Villette was frightened by this idea and quickly closed her eyes. However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not fall asleep. It was not until late at night that she fell into a dream.

When she woke up the next morning, Villette woke up with a pair of restless eyes. She subconsciously turned over and found something soft beside her, like a pillow.

In a hazy state, Villette opened her eyes and saw the silver satin covering half of the bed.

?" Villette woke up in an instant and looked at Astrid who was sleeping next to her and had not yet woken up. What happened to her?

After confirming that she had read it correctly, Villette frowned slightly.

I have lived here for four months. Every morning, when Villette wakes up according to her normal biological clock, she opens her eyes, and there must be nothing next to her. There is never a shadow of Astrid.

But today——

Villette subconsciously wanted to poke Astrid, but stopped halfway. She found that Bai Ji seemed to have ignored her and asked her what happened.

The door was opened, and Joan came in with several maids. Seeing that Villette was awake, he motioned to her and saluted, then came to Astrid and shook her body.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go to court." Qiong whispered.

"Uh, uh? Go up, go up to court?" Astrid mumbled, her little head still unable to understand the meaning of the word 'go to court'. "Today we need to go to court as usual. Don't sleep. The nobles are already in place." Qiong hesitated.

"If you are late, those nobles will definitely think too much."

"Ah, I seem to have overslept." Astrid finally woke up from her daze, rubbed her fluffy hair, and got out of bed with Joan's help.

"I'll change your clothes right now."

"No need, it's too late, just put on your clothes and let's go." Astrid's voice sounded obviously powerless, as if she was trying to hold on to her words now.

"Ah? Sister Villette is awake already? I didn't wake you up, did I?" Astrid said a little surprised when she realized there was a pair of eyes watching next to her. ~Your Majesty, the Queen woke up before I woke you up. "Joan explained.

"Ah, that's it. Then I did get up a little late today." Astrid stroked her forehead and put her feet on the edge of the bed. After Joan put on her knee socks, she got out of bed.

"Well, sister Villette, see you later~" Putting on her shoes, Astrid said goodbye to Villette with a smile before leaving, and then left the palace accompanied by Joan and others.

Villette was the only one left in the huge dormitory. And she was lost in thought.

I thought it was just that Astrid was too busy yesterday, so she seemed abnormal, but now it seems that is not the case? Could it be that there is another hidden reason?


, Willette became interested in Astrid's affairs, but she probably didn't even notice it herself. Maybe she's just too tired?

Villette shook her head, getting rid of these things that were not her turn to worry about, and started her daily routine today.

It was a routine routine, but the only difference was that the maid who brought her food today was not Joan, but an unknown maid. When she wanted to go to the garden to drink tea in the afternoon, Joan was late.

"Sorry, Your Lady Queen, I'm a little busy this morning."

"The next few days will probably be a bit busy. I won't be able to deliver food to you immediately. I may ask other maids. As for afternoon tea time, I will definitely come if I can. If something really delays me, , I will probably ask others to accompany you as well.”

Is this going to be the case all this time?

Villette was a little surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions.

In the final analysis, she does not belong to this palace and has no right to interfere with the affairs of the vampire clan.

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