After this incident, Willette gained a long-lost freedom. Astrid and Joan acquiesced to her right to move freely and no longer restricted her freedom with chains, but she still could not step out of the palace.

After unlocking the scope of movement, Willette's movement methods became more diverse. In the past, she could not see Astrid's figure in the morning. Now, on the contrary, Astrid could not see her figure in the morning. She went out for a morning run before dawn.

But Astrid didn't seem to like this.

"Every day when I open my eyes, I can't see my sister. Astrid has to dress up, wash up, and have breakfast. She will die if she has to look at those dried orange peels on her face!" So, Astrid came back late. The actual interactions with Villette have increased, and the offensive has become more fierce. Villette must be so tired that she stays in bed every day to be satisfied.

As usual, today's Villette stood up from the bed limply, her arms and thighs were as weak as a doll, unable to lift up any strength.

Ah, that idiot, he actually had so much fun last night, Villette thought resentfully.

As a result, her waist is so weak that she can't even lift her hands and feet. How can she go for a morning jog now?

"Your Majesty, are you awake?" A little maid who served food opened the door. "Didn't it disturb your sleep?" "No, um, could you please help me up?"

"Okay, don't move yet." In my impression, the queen who was extremely diligent would be so lazy and indifferent. The little maid figured out the problem with her toes and came over to help immediately.

After staying in the Scarlet Blood Realm for so long, she had so much contact with vampires. The more contact she had, the more Villette felt less abnormal. Instead, she subconsciously treated these vampire maids as human maids.

Apart from cultural differences, in the final analysis, vampires are no different from humans. They are mortal creatures like humans, except for some unique eating habits.

"Is Her Majesty the Queen going for a morning jog as usual today?" "Yes."

"It would be better for you to take a rest." The little maid hesitated. "Human life is in danger if too much body fluid is lost."

"It's okay, I'm almost recovered." This is a habit that Villette has developed, and it will not be interrupted so easily. This has almost become a must-have routine for her throughout the day.

It seems that Joan has also become busy recently. Villette has not seen her for a long time, and she was probably called by Astrid to help with official duties.

Since the last incident, Joan and Villette chatted privately several times, opening their hearts a little, and gradually accepting vampires. The chats between Villette and Joan have also become diversified.

After chatting for a few days, the two of them felt like they had met each other too late.

If Joan wasn't too busy, Willette would still be happy to spend tea time with her.

After taking off the extremely shameful pajamas and nightgown that Astrid selected for her and forcing her to put on, and putting on a smart outfit, Villette began today's morning exercise accompanied by the little maid.

After running around the palace for nearly forty minutes, Villette stopped, with a lot of sweat on her forehead and back.

"Your Majesty the Queen." The little maid thoughtfully gave Astrid a water glass and towel.

"Would you like to visit the palace in front?" Looking at the location of the two of them, the little maid thought of something and suggested. "No need, let's go."

~Oh, okay, but the front is where Her Majesty the Queen has her daily office. "

After a while, Villette stopped in a mysterious manner, turned her head and looked at the silver-covered pointed-domed palace standing in the palace complex. "But that's right. It's almost breakfast time. Your Majesty has told the Queen to eat on time. Let's go.

"It doesn't matter if you go and take a look." Just when the little maid suggested to open the door, Villette changed her mind.

"I kinda want to see how that guy works."

"Your Majesty, Queen, would you like to go in to express your condolences to Her Majesty? Her Majesty Astrid will be very happy to see you after work." "What does her happiness have to do with me?" Villette snorted coldly. , but his footsteps walked towards the Pointed Dome Palace involuntarily.

"I will take you directly to Her Majesty the Queen."

"Is there any place where I can see her without being discovered?" Villette didn't want to take the initiative to stick to her, and thought for a moment.

"Oh, that's it. Your Majesty Queen, please come with me~" The little maid showed a smile that I understand when she heard this, and took Cailit to another palace next to the Pointed Dome Palace.

Her Majesty the Queen and Her Majesty the Queen are truly in love.

Looking at Ruoweilite's dangerous face as calm as water, the little maid covered her mouth and said.

"Love?" Villette raised her eyebrows. "There is no such thing as love between me and her, okay? Don't say these weird things." "Yeah~ I understand."

Seeing that the young maid who was just beginning to have an affair didn't take her protest to heart at all and was completely immersed in her own fantasy world, Villette sighed and said nothing to break the girl's fantasy.

It was obvious that her relationship with Astrid was just that of captor and captive. Why now——Villette was slightly startled.

She didn't understand why she was so repulsive when she recalled the true relationship between the two, as if this indisputable fact made her uncomfortable.

Sure enough, after staying in the Scarlet Blood Realm for too long, has she become strange?

"We're here, this is it." The little maid led Villette to the top floor, and the two of them

Looking down, from this position, you can just see the third floor of the Pointed Dome Palace, where the silver figure is working delicately.

Looks very serious.

Villette was slightly absent-minded. She was completely different from the old and crooked little devil she usually looked like. Astrid was handling her official duties seriously, like a majestic and uncompromising person in power.

No, that's how it should be.

Just when Villette was about to leave, another person appeared next to Astrid.

It was obviously not Joan, but a girl about the same size as Astrid. She had a cute single ponytail and was sitting in front of Astrid, smiling and saying something to her, while Astrid His face was full of doting, and while he was busy with official duties at the table, he did not forget to talk to her.

This girl. Villette had never seen it before, and from what she saw, the relationship between Astrid and this girl seemed to be very intimate.

I don’t know why, but after seeing this scene again, Villette felt very uncomfortable. There was always a feeling that she had been suddenly abandoned.

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