
The canteen of the orphanage is quite large, with four people surrounding a wooden table. The chattering and energetic children pulled their companions to sit at the same table. Ji Bai, Xiao Sha, the old dean and Xiao An were sitting at the same table.

At this time, there were only Ji Bai and Xiao Sha, and the old dean took Xiao An and said he was going to serve the food.

"Uncle Xianshi, why don't you take off your helmet? It's time to eat."

"No obstruction." Ji Bai's tone was neither salty nor cool.

"Why are you so persistent?

“The more relaxed you are, the more vigilance is necessary.

?Do you want to eat while wearing a helmet?

"Why not? Don't you believe it?'

"That's not what I meant. Xiao Sha turned her head and pouted and whispered.

"Don't you think there's something wrong with you now?"

"What do you mean?

"In every aspect, Uncle Xianshi, from the day we set out to explore the sewers to now, you have always been very abnormal." Xiaosha narrowed her eyes and whispered.

"I thought that after the exploration commission was over, your nervousness would be calmed down a bit, but it has become more serious. It is completely different from the Uncle Xianshi I knew before. Don't tell others, he is this boring old man. What you really look like."

"Really?" Ji Bai was slightly stunned, subconsciously touched his helmet and fell silent.

Perhaps, he has not yet come out of the serious atmosphere of his dead comrade, so he subconsciously maintains his former law enforcement mode.

"Isn't this good?" Ji Bai touched his helmet. Wen Xiaojiang

"Don't you think you are like a robot without flesh and blood? ? How does this look normal? Although your cheap look is very annoying, it is better than this infuriating wooden image!

"I just want to avoid tragedy." Iron Helmet lowered his head slightly.

"This is an ordinary human city-state. There are no hostile demon species. Why are you always forcing yourself to tense up?" Xiaosha's expression dimmed a little when she said this.

"Uncle Xianshi, even if you blame yourself for what happened before, don't bring these repressed emotions into your normal life. Ke'er is still young and will be affected to some extent. At least in peacetime, please return to normal, okay? Xiaosha sips She pursed her lips.

She knew that these advices would fall on deaf ears to a certain stubborn guy who would never

"I understand." With that said, Ji Bai took off his iron helmet.

"Eh?!" Xiao Sha was stunned.

"The world outside the helmet is refreshing." Ji Bai took a deep breath and smiled at Xiao Sha.

"Wow, your smiling face is scary.

"It hurts my heart! You scold me for being abnormal when I wear a helmet, and you think I'm ugly when I don't wear it. Why am I so difficult to be a human being?" Ji Bai's face was full of helplessness.

"I'm telling the truth, but at least uncle, your painting style is normal now. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Uncle Xianshi's face for a long time.

"What? Do you really want to see it?" Ji Bai said jokingly.

"It's so ugly that no one cares about it.

Haha, the two of you have such a good relationship. "The old dean came over with a smile while holding a dinner plate, and Xiao An next to him was holding two white porcelain

"Mu Ding is playing Wan.

"Brother Knight, bowl." Seeing Ji Bai take off his helmet, Xiao An was slightly stunned and timidly handed the bowl and chopsticks to Ji Bai.

'Thanks. "Ji Bai took the bowl and chopsticks and showed a smile that he thought was very sunny.


Xiao An took a few steps back in fear.

It breaks my heart. Is my face so sorry for the audience?

The corners of Ji Bai's mouth twitched a few times.

"Puff, Xiao Sha on the side covered her mouth and snickered.

She felt that in normal life, she still preferred Ji Bai's current state.

Xiao An obediently jumped on the bench, and the four of them started eating.

The lunch at the orphanage is very simple, including rice, roasted potatoes, and a portion of nǎi oil soup.

"Speaking of which, are you feeling better after that incident?" Ji Bai leaned slightly closer to Xiao Sha and whispered.

That thing speaks for itself.

If you mention it while eating, can I understand that you did it on purpose?

"It's good if there is no psychological shadow. If you need a warm chest, come to me anytime.

"No road race!" Xiaosha flashed her little tiger teeth and said in a vicious voice.

"Mr. Ji, are you a knight?" the old dean asked in a casual tone.

"Not really." Ji Bai replied while stuffing potatoes into his mouth.


"Oh? Where to start?'

"Already retired." Ji Bai swallowed a piece of potato.

sf light

"Really? I think Mr. Ji is quite young."

"Oh, thank you for the compliment, I retired due to injury.

"That's right." The old dean smiled kindly.

"Yes." Ji Bai adhered to one of the purposes of coming here this time, to enjoy the meal without saying much, just to eat.

Xiao An seemed to have no appetite and ate the baked potatoes dryly.

"Xiao An, your illness is not cured yet. Have you taken medicine on time?" Xiao Sha stroked Xiao An's forehead.

"Yeah, eat it." Xiao An nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"If you feel uncomfortable, please tell your sister immediately." Xiao Sha cāo cāo Xiao An's head.


"Mr. Dean, please take care of Xiao An. The money may be put to good use.

"Haha, it's your duty, no need to be polite."

Ji Bai was eating rice and gnawing potatoes without any distractions, without saying a word.

"Click." The sound of the doorknob turning.

"Ke'er, I'm back."

"Mr. Ji Bai, are you back?" Ke'er poked her head out of the kitchen, and the apron she wore seemed a bit too wide.

"Yeah, I'm back." Ji Bai changed into slippers and walked into the room carrying his iron helmet.

"Have you had lunch?" Kerr jumped out of the kitchen door.

"We ate outside, how about you." Ji Bai smiled and rubbed (meow) and pinched Ke'er's fluffy ears.

"Goo meow! yǎng, yǎng~" Ke'er said angrily.

"Oh, sorry."

Well, this one feels more comfortable to the touch.

"Oh, by the way, Ke'er, there's no need to make dinner. I'll take you to another place for dinner."

"Eh? ?" Looking at the smiling Ji Bai, Ke'er tilted her head in confusion.

"Mr. Ji Bai, are you okay?

"Well, something happened before. Didn't it scare you?"

"Actually, Mr. Ji Bai looks quite handsome."

"Huh? What?"

"No, it's nothing~"

Early at night, south of the city.

The old street lights flickered on and off, and not a single pedestrian could be found on the deserted and cold streets.

Under the weak light, the blurry shadows swayed and tugged.

"Beep, beep, etc., orderly footsteps, rough cloth strip armor, a cross-shaped iron helmet decorated with wings, and something wrapped in rag leather tied behind his back.

The man seemed to be diving into the night, heading towards his target location.

At this time, the not-so-busy southern part of the city has fallen into a dead silence. Whether it is the workers who are busy during the day or the beggars living on the streets, they are all snoring on their respective caves.

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