Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 15

Austin's childhood was dark. As the second son of the emperor, he has not been taken seriously by others since he was a child. Although he has a prominent status, he has nothing

Friends, it can be said that friends are a luxury for him.

Later, his father and brother were assassinated by the Ancestral God Cult. As a minor, he had to take over the team of his incompetent uncle and become the emperor.


No one asked him if he wanted to be the emperor and put him on the throne.

The reason why he recognized his status as emperor was simply because he did not want to disgrace his father's family and the legacy left by his ancestors.

This period of time when the emperor was undoubtedly his darkest time. His few friends did not dare to approach him because of his identity, so they had to

He treats everyone with courtesy.

That was his loneliest moment. Only his mother-in-law still treated him sincerely in the same way as before, and everyone else was a stranger.

When he felt bored and monotonous about everything, the blond girl appeared in front of him in this way.

But now, regardless of her past grudges, she stood in front of him so brightly again. This sword seemed to cut off the chains of his despair.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to give up." Bai Ming stood in front of Austin with his sword.

Bai Ming, why are you still in the imperial city?" Austin looked like a blond knight with a complicated expression.

"Why would your Majesty ask this question? If I'm not in the imperial capital, where else can I go?"

"Haha, haha," Austin said, laughing sadly. "Bai Ming, as you can see, I am in an extremely embarrassed state today." "

"You are right. You have always been right. I am indeed a fool. Now, you have seen that all the court officials have abandoned me."

I left. No matter how hard they flattered me in normal times, they did not hesitate when leaving now. I am the only one left in this palace. Now, I

I have no money, no power, and I am no longer the emperor. You can laugh at me as much as you like. "

Hearing this, Ming slowly put down her sword and walked to Austin.

"I know, you must be looking at me like a poor person now. Haha, I know, now you can finally laugh at me from a high place.

If you messed with me, of course you won't miss this opportunity to show mercy to me, right?" Austin suddenly raised his head.

However, what made him stunned was that he did not see any pity or sympathy in Bai Ming's eyes, but only calmness and a touch of


"You, why?" Austin's throat seemed to be blocked with a lead weight, making him speechless.

"Amazing, Your Majesty." Bai Ming caressed Su~xiōng. "I'm proud of you.

"The glory of the Quran, even if all the ministers abandoned it, you remained steadfast until the last moment. I feel honored to have an emperor like you.

fortunate. ’

When Austin heard this, he couldn't speak for a long time.

It was the first time in his life that he heard such sincere praise from others.

As an emperor, he has heard too many false praises, and no words can compare to this sincere admiration -

By this time, Austin's nose was sore.

From childhood to adulthood, no one has truly appreciated him or any of his qualities. Before this knight girl said these words sincerely,

He had never experienced how heart-warming it was to be recognized by others.

"Well, Austin couldn't help but burst into tears. This emperor who looked like a beautiful girl was actually just...

As an adult, he is even younger than Bai Ming.

"No need to blame yourself, you have already done what many people can't do." Looking at such a cute but usually strong child, he finally couldn't hold back his tears.

The motherly nature in Bai Ming's heart was aroused, she hugged Austin into her arms, and said softly

Austin almost fell in love with this heartwarming, nostalgic heart and care in every sense of the word.

Smelling the virgin body fragrance that belonged exclusively to Bai Ming, Austin felt his face and body heat up rapidly, and he almost couldn't control it.

He hurriedly broke away from Bai Ming's arms, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and moved his blushing face away, not daring to look at Bai Ming's face.

"Next, just leave it to me." Bai Ming stood up, holding the sword, and walked down from the throne. She only had one sword for one person, but her momentum was like a thousand troops.

The believers were outnumbered, but they did not dare to look directly into the girl's eyes.

"O eagle dogs of the empire, you are so ignorant! Didn't I see that you have no way out?!" the priest said angrily upon seeing this. "If you don't restrain your hands, you will be captured.

What awaits you will be blood splatter!

"You guys, come up with me and capture this woman!"

The cultists had no choice but to rush forward and meet the knight's sword.

The knight's face was indifferent, and there was no pause in her steps. Every time she took one step, one person would die, and every two steps she took, ten more people would fall.

In a pool of blood.

The pagans couldn't even see Bai Ming's movements clearly, and they were confused as to how they died. "What a bunch of rubbish!" Seeing that the situation was not going well, the priest stopped pretending and ran away.

However, before he could take two steps, he felt a burning pain in his back, as if his spine had been ripped out of his body.

"Ahhh!" Feeling the blood on his back flowing to his face, the priest yelled and fell to the ground.

"I said, I will let you die twice." Bai Ming looked down at the sacrifice expressionlessly, stepped on his back, and without hesitation, inserted the sword into the back of his neck.

The priest immediately stopped struggling. "It's really troublesome. Even a little girl can't handle it." Several fully armed soldiers walked into the palace, looked at their companions who had been dealt with, and said

There was no regret or sympathy for the priest who was trampled on the soles of his feet, just a slight frown.

"Hey, in such a big empire, there is only one emperor left, and a little girl who looks less than twenty years old?" said the burly man.

Hehe laughed.

"Yes, it's her?!" When the man dressed as a civil servant next to the big man saw Bai Ming, he was suddenly stunned.

"Why, do you know this little girl??" the big man joked.

"How could it not be?" Wen quickly took a step back. "Everyone, let's wait for the big army. Don't fight alone with this female knight."

"Tch! You really have no guts. As expected of someone who surrendered from Gulan, he just has no spine!" the big man said mockingly at the civil servant. "This is not a question of courage. Do you know who the woman in front of you is? She is Bai Ming Shenglun, the daughter of the previous generation of Shenglun family.

The daughter of the Sword Master, not only that, she also slew the blood dragon Goedoya single-handedly!"

"Oh? Then I want to see what she is capable of." Hearing this, the big man was not afraid, but became even more excited.

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