Blood Princess and the Knight

A girl named Bai Ming 23

Austin has never felt like this, wanting to spend the rest of his life with a girl and grow old together in a calm and ordinary life.

Perhaps it was the wrong time, or perhaps it was fate. Under the impact of the alien gods, this trivial wish was destroyed in an instant like a small boat in the middle of the stormy waves.

"A group of monsters with fish heads and human bodies surged up from the coast of Your Majesty's Cypriel City. They held harpoons and climbed to the top of the city at night. By the time the guards on the coastline noticed it, it was already too late. They have now captured the city. Coastal Defense"

"Your Majesty, monsters about ten meters high were found outside the wall of the Principality of Lyle Brazo. They were shīlùlù, as if they had just crawled out of the water. "Your Majesty, the Principality of Lyle Brazo was breached by them."

Is this retribution for him?

Austin closed his eyes slightly and sighed tiredly.

"The monsters are coming with a flood. The people of Gulan cannot escape the speed of the flood. Only a small number of them were killed by the monsters, and most of the people were drowned alive by the sea water." The sergeant who reported the report had a heavy look on his face. road.

"Your Majesty, please give me an order."

Looking at the soldiers who were looking forward to death, Austin took a deep breath, feeling sad and a little relieved at the same time. "Guys, to be honest, I'm very pleased."

"At the last moment of the life and death of the Gulan, there were actually so many loyal soldiers who risked their lives for it. I would be really happy."

"I have nothing to say now. Please respond to those invaders. No matter what their purpose is, tell them that the Quran must be recited."

"For the Empire, for the God of War Cypriel"

"We may not be able to defend the city wall today, but we will definitely be able to defend the dignity of the thousand-year-old Gulan." After speaking, the soldiers raised their weapons high and shouted.

"Make this body into a wall," Austin sat up from the throne and shouted.

The soldiers don't know if they will have a tomorrow, but at least for this moment, they are willing to sacrifice everything for their country. "Bai Ming listens to orders"

"I'm here." Bai Ming came out and knelt down on one knee.

"You lead the main soldiers to guard the city gate and be sure to keep those monsters out of the city gate." "Take orders."

"Then" Austin smiled at Bai Ming. "Come back alive and make me tea." "I can't guarantee this."

"This is an order. Do you want to disobey my order?" "I understand." After accepting the order, Bai Ming left with most of the main knights. Austin stared deeply at Bai Ming's leaving figure.

"Let's go, Your Excellency, Captain of the Guards, we are also going to the battlefield." "Run to the battlefield." The Captain of the Guards looked at Austin and was stunned.

"Why, you shouldn't have forgotten that there is a group of fish monsters on the coastline of Cypriel City." "But, Your Majesty, do you want to conquer it personally?" "No, it's not called a personal expedition." Austin patted the captain of the guard. shoulder and smiled. "You and I are just like everyone else. We are just warriors who protect the dignity of Gulan, so we have the same status."

"You are all on the battlefield. I can't just stay behind and watch. If this is the case, I will be extremely incompetent as an emperor." "But, Your Majesty, your safety comes first." The captain of the guard said hurriedly. "I'm afraid no one here has the ability to protect you from those unknown creatures. Let's just ask His Excellency Knight Commander Bai Ming to come back, and we can go to the city gate for her to fight the main force of the heretics."

"No." Austin shook his head. "I don't want her to be distracted from taking care of me."

"Let's go and fight with me."

"That's fine, but Your Majesty, please don't stay too far away from me." Seeing Austin's firm attitude, the guard captain said helplessly. A bloody storm rolled up under the night.

On the top of the city that has stood for thousands of years, the soldiers of Gulan defend their homeland and the country, and they remain steadfast despite fighting against the trapped beasts.

This may be the last night of the Quran. Every minute and every second of the battle is watched by the God of War, and they feel supreme honor for it. Bloody flesh and corpses were scattered all over the place. This was not the first time that Austin had seen this cruel scene, but it was also the first time that he had been so immersed in it.

The cruel and ruthless monsters used their claws to tear apart the armor and skin of the soldiers fiercely. In front of their minions, any protection seemed to be in vain.

They spit fireballs at the charging soldiers, and the flames rolled up by the shadowy fireballs drove the soldiers away.

Due to the incomplete organization of Gulan, there is no formed magician unit to fight back and protect at all. Only the soldiers advance with a city wall made of flesh and blood. Just a round of fireballs beat Gulan's soldiers to pieces. .

Austin didn't realize what war was until the dizzying fireball approached.

"Your Majesty, be careful." At the critical moment, the guard captain pushed Austin away. Even so, Austin was still injured by the aftermath of the fireball. These shadow flames are like maggots, burrowing into the bone marrow, causing heartbreaking pain.

"Mr. Captain" Austin looked up and realized that the soldiers on the other side of the city had also been eliminated, and the reinforcements he had brought were very few left in the bombardment. Now, all his subordinates had fallen, and he was the only one left. Own.

"Hululu" the monsters made strange sounds, and the shīlùlù's long tongue stuck out, reaching towards Austin like a whip. "Swiss" Under the bright sword light,

The disgusting tongue was broken in front of the purple sword.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I'm late."

"Bai Ming, why are you here? I didn't ask you to go."

"Your Majesty, the infidels in front of the city gate

I solved it. When I came back, I saw that you were not in the palace, so I came here. "Bai Ming explained. "It has been solved." Austin looked at Bai Ming in disbelief.

"Yes." Bai Ming looked calmly at the fish-men monsters. "I remember that Your Majesty ordered me to have tea with you tonight, so I will come back after finishing the matter."

Staring at the monsters rushing towards her, she struck out with a sword. This sword seemed to chop the stars in the sky into pieces, and in a heavy rain of blood, falling

A fragment of limbs and broken arms.

Austin was stunned. With just one sword strike, these invulnerable fish-man monsters were shattered into pieces, leaving no trace of armor behind. At this moment, he remembered that the girl in front of him was no ordinary girl.

After the Sword Master, she is the most famous knight in the younger generation of the Gulan Empire, and she is the dragon slayer who killed the blood dragon Goedoya. This is her real strength

The moonlight reflected the girl's pure and flawless blond hair, adding a touch of holiness to it.

Austin suddenly remembered a fairy tale he had read when he was a child. The golden-haired saint warrior killed the ferocious and violent silver-haired devil under the moonlight.

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