
Manda, who fell into a passive state, was sweating profusely. The Ghost Huteng had the advantage in size and quantity, and his holy weapon was unable to deal with this level of [magic skill]. ÷san∫Let’s read ∫ books÷

The magic vines stained with golden flames did not seem to have any negative effects. On the contrary, Manda had been stabbed in several places by the vines and thorns. Coupled with the abdominal wounds that continued to bleed and worsen, waves of weakness and weakness surged over him.

Until you can't die here, no one knows that this city is about to be in disaster, only you, right? ?

"Why bother? Teacher, you should just let it go. The attack from the ghost vines as a [demon] is minimal, but if you are injured by its stings, half of your life will be lost." Looking at being surrounded by vines, he kept struggling. But Manda, unable to save the situation, Lan Yu sighed.

Among the ruins, his own despair and memories about him kept coming up, making him slightly dazed. Then he woke up and shook his head.

In order to kill all the demons, you can't take the love between your children into consideration and everything you do. Even if you are scolded by many people, you have to keep going.

After all, have you still overestimated yourself?

Manda covered her trembling arms, and her consciousness gradually became blurred. The holy flame sword lay on the ground, and her thoughts flew away.

The figures floated through his consciousness like a revolving lantern.

"If you are too obsessed with personal relationships, you will eventually miss important things." The dark silver knight who was armed to the teeth said this, his voice was dull and there was no trace of emotion in it.


It turns out that he has always been clear about his own temperament, and he also understands that something like this will happen one day.

Looking at Lan Yu who was slightly lost in thought among the vines, Manda kept breathing heavily.

Make up for it now, although I don’t know if it’s too late.


In an instant, the temperature suddenly rose, and the fierce flames poured out from the sword body like a fountain. The momentum was like a rainbow, forming a golden circle of flames with himself as the center, temporarily pushing back the surrounding vines.

Taking advantage of Lan Yu's trance, Manda unfolded the scroll and threw it on the ground.

The teleportation begins, at any location, hoping to bring me to a person who can entrust me with important tasks.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that he has used magic to create such a strange thing. Unexpectedly, this day is his death anniversary.

I don't know if this kind of thing is reliable.

"The unfolded scroll quickly erased its edges and turned into nothingness, and the entity disappeared. Only the teleportation circle engraved in the scroll was left glowing slowly, like a small sun.

It was filled with spells that Manda couldn't understand, and it began to spin.

However, the speed of operation is really not flattering, perhaps because the level of the magic circle copied in the scroll is too low.

After coming back to his senses, Lan Yu looked at Manda who was activating the scroll circle, but surprisingly did not do anything to stop him.

"The low-level teleportation array gradually enlarged, and the rotation speed became more and more violent, which was dazzling. Finally, with the sound of sound breaking through the air, Manda and the magic array disappeared into the flesh wall.

Lan Yu was silent for a moment and shook her head.

Forget it, he won't live much longer. Success is already in his pocket. He can't become a variable and just treat it as repaying the kindness of raising him for so many years.

He waved his hand, and the ghost huteng took all of them back into the magic circle like an obedient child.

"Now, it's your turn to play." Lan Yu clapped her hands, and the fleshy walls on the ground writhed violently, spitting out a team of trolls.

Damn it, you actually treat us like this, you damn low class!

The troll captain stopped the angry troll soldiers and narrowed his eyes to look at the strange-looking blue jade in front of him.

"Mr. Lan, may I ask, where are our big leader and three leaders?"

"I told you, they are lurking in the sewers, waiting for opportunities to move. There is a teleportation array I have set up there." Lan Yu did not feel annoyed by the words of the troll soldiers, and said in a calm tone.

"Then, why haven't you heard anything from them? ?

"Do you suspect that I have done something to them? Do you think it's possible? I'm a human being? Or, as a human being, Lan has hurt your self-esteem as a troll?"

book, sfa

"you! "

"It's best this way, Mr. Lan." The troll captain nodded and led his soldiers towards the exit.

Humph! You guys who fail to succeed but fail to succeed!" Lan Yu snorted coldly.

They only play a supporting role, causing as much damage as possible and killing as many people as possible.

These flesh walls, that is, its own [external body], can be regarded as part of its own body. It will decompose the nearby human corpses in time, absorb the [demon] inside and reserve it for use.

Now, after so many years of preparation, Lan Yu has collected enough [Demons] to perform [Disaster Level] level killing techniques. It is time to turn the entire city into bargaining chips for his coup.

This time, nasty night


To stop yourself.

"The Swish array stopped rotating.

in front of you

The scene begins to freeze.

Manda was panting heavily while holding her sword, her brain was like a pot of mud that had been stirred up.

For those who are traveling through time and space for the first time,

This up and down feeling is not exactly friendly.

But compared to the mental shock, the physical one gave him more headaches.

He was directly hit by the [Magic Skill], and his skin was scratched because he was unprotected and was not wearing any armor.

As expected, my life may not be long. Kuchiku Koharu

Is Manda afraid of death? There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death, but he has no time to care about it now.

Even if he shouts loudly, he must tell everyone about the impending disaster in this city and let everyone prepare. It would be great if there is a Temple Association nearby.

To his disappointment, the place he was teleported to was an abandoned building with the exit closed, and no one would come here at all.

The force of fire attacks the heart rapidly, and life is like a flame swaying in a storm.

Can't you do anything by yourself?

Just when he was desperate, the sound of gradually and orderly footsteps hit the ground.

In the blur, a looming figure approached.

Manda narrowed her eyes, trying hard to see who it was.

Gradually, the figure came closer.

He wears a cross-shaped iron helmet decorated with wings, old cloth armor and leather boots, and holds a fanged sword.

Yes, is there anyone? ?

It was as if Manda had seen an oasis in the desert, and her dim old eyes lit up.

Although he seems to be a weirdo, he can't do nothing. Maybe, he can convey his words.

"Tuk, Tuk, wait a minute." Iron Helmet clearly noticed Manda, and his steps were obviously towards Manda.

The dull and cold gaze in the cross-helmet made Manda slightly shaken by the familiar feeling of déjà vu.

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