
"Wu Ming~ Face, - said with a yǎng face, Lan Jiang, stop tiǎn. ☆ Zero = 淒中文☆

rr嗷woo~? Ke'er, are you okay?" Lan Lan tilted her head and spoke with a róuruǎn tongue.

Fortunately, your head is dizzy, aren't you? Lan Jiang, your saliva dripped on me, it's very unhygienic!" Ke'er grabbed shīlùlù's sticky clothes and puffed up her cheeks.

"Woo~ Even if you say so, we are not drooling?" Lanlan expressed that she was aggrieved.

"Then what is

“Tick-tick, tick-tick, water droplets dripped on the tip of Ke’er’s nose.

Above, the damp ceiling surface was constantly overflowing with water stains.

Only then did Ke'er notice that his lower body clothes were wet, and there was a layer of water where he was that could submerge his ankles. However, the water was warm, so it wasn't uncomfortable to soak in it.

In the darkness, the only source of light was the burning stove not far away.

"Lanlan, we, where are we? ?" In the dark and humid environment, looking at the red meat walls on all sides, Ke'er felt uneasy.

"I don't know~ As soon as I woke up, I found us lying here." Lan Lan sniffed her little nose, her face full of innocence and cuteness.

Ke'er sighed, knowing that he probably couldn't count on her.

"But I think we should be in that monster's belly, right?" Lanlan tilted her head.

"Wow, don't sound so scary!

"Oh, don't you think it's scary?" Lanlan tilted her head in confusion. h

Are we just the two of us here?


"If you ask about the people who were sucked in, there seem to be quite a lot of them, where are they?!" Lan Lan was stunned as she looked in the direction she was pointing.

Ke'er looked over and saw that there were indeed dozens of unconscious people lying in random directions over there. Due to the low light, he could only make out their outlines. ÷san∫Let’s read ∫ books÷

"What's wrong?" Ke'er asked confused.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with the number of people. It seems that there are several people missing?" Lanlan tilted her head and said uncertainly.

"not enough?"

"But I remember that there were very few trolls in the academy. Why did they attract so many?

"Goo meow! ? Yes, there are trolls? ?" Ke'er shuddered.


Half an hour ago.

"Really human? ?"

"Hey! - - Lower species, why did you forcefully teleport us here? ? We haven't killed enough yet!

"You'd better have an explanation - you disturbed our enjoyment. Even if the leader thinks highly of you, I can't spare you!'

"Don't think that changing your skin will change your inferior nature!"

The troll captain didn't speak. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the ferocious-looking Lan Yu who was sitting on top of the meatball. His calm appearance made him feel a little weird.

Release the law. " Lan Yu slowly raised her head, looking down at the trolls with pupils as big as copper bells.

"What did you say!? You human beings are so powerful."

"Second-level species, you should also become my food!" Lan Yu opened her dark long arms.

"This human being is afraid"

"Suck" the fleshy wall beneath him was like a faceless face, with his mouth wide open.

The evil wind roared, as if there was an invisible big hand dragging the troll soldiers toward the big mouth.

"Ahhh! What, what's going on?"

"What is this? ?"

Under the constant pull and drag of the strong wind, the giant troll man, who was huge and powerful, felt powerless.

"How is it possible? What kind of magic is this? ?"

"Minister Lan! What do you mean by this? Do you want to end the cooperative relationship between us? Stop what you are doing! Captain Troll steadied his body and shouted angrily towards Lan Yu.

"Cooperative relationship? Haha, don't you understand that a cooperative relationship can only be established when both parties have equal bargaining chips? A self-proclaimed second-level species is nothing more than that." Lan Yu looked at the resisting trolls below with disdain. people.

"Asshole! Ahhh!

"You, please also become my bargaining chip for dominance, hahahaha"


"Troll man, why are you here?" Ke'er stared at the tall figure lying not far away and couldn't help but shrink.

"Qin, Ke'er, don't be afraid. Those guys seem to have lost their intuition. Besides, I can protect you. If they dare to touch you, I will bite them to death!" Lan Lan cutely flashed her fangs.

"Carefully, carefully

As if Lanlan's words were fulfilled, the body of the lying troll soldier moved obviously.

"Wow! The troll has woken up! What should I do if Ke'er is swollen?" Lanlan suddenly shrank into Ke'er's arms, her dog ears twitching in fright.

Uh, Lan Lan Jiang, get up quickly, these trolls haven't woken up yet. "Ke'er has a black head

Thread, stroking the blue dog's head and comforting him.

"Eh? So what exactly?

"Carefully, carefully

It sounded like the sound of some creature drooling.

"Thin and thin!" - The fleshy tentacles of unknown origins pulled out from the ground of the fleshy wall like fast-growing plants.

"Wow!" Ke'er

and Lanlan were pushed aside.

The tentacles seem to have a very clear division of labor. They find their targets and entangle one troll soldier in twos and threes.

The purpose is very clear - to throw these troll soldiers into a large stove burning with fire not far away.

The melting of fat and internal organs is accompanied by the "cracking" sound of burning, and the stove is getting hotter and hotter.

"W-what are these? Wow, where are we?"

"Lanlanjiang, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm with you, right?" Ke'er had to comfort the girl next to her who was curled up in a ball.

sf mu

In less than a moment, the corpses of the surrounding troll soldiers and some unknown creatures were thrown into the burning furnace by the tentacles.

The body was burned completely, with no trace left behind.

"Yes, that's right! I remember - before, those 'people' lying here seemed to have been thrown in like this!" Lan Lan was so frightened that her face turned pale, and her fluffy dog ​​ears kept twitching. shake.


The flame in the stove swayed, as if it had received some kind of signal, or perhaps it was enough at one time, the tentacles stopped working and retracted into the flesh wall again.

"But, Ke'er, will it be our turn later?" Looking at the crackling fire, Lanlan swallowed with an ugly face.

"Ming-da, probably not

"Uh-huh? What a love!" Lan Lan, who was caught off guard, was tied around the neck by tentacles that suddenly sprang out from behind. Before she could struggle, two more tentacles came out and tied up Lan Lan's ankles respectively. With his wrist, he dragged her towards the stove.

"Ah, I have no idea that Lianxiang Xiyu's tentacles are completely insignificant.

Under the strong feeling of suffocation, Lan Lan's eyes rolled and his tongue spit out and he fainted.

"Lanlan sauce!

(Probably two or three updates tonight (:3j 4)_ (sure) )

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