Blood Princess and the Knight

4~ Shinsei Demonstration


The gears of fate run over you and me, and no one can escape from it.

Every action, every thought, is predestined.

Vampires don't have a good thing.

The white-haired short loli is all black when cut, eh

"Ji Baixian"


"Mr. Ji Bai?

"Ji Bai, sir~?"

The tangy scent of milk awakened Ji Bai's frozen consciousness, and when he came back to his senses, a soft and white dumpling came into view.

Hmm?" Ji Bai tilted his head, and began to analyze the situation in front of him and his next-step plan with his insufficiently clear mind.

Intelligent creatures use reason to restrain instinct, and instinct overwhelms reason in certain emergencies, which probably means that at this moment, Ji Bai has fallen into a daze after being debuffed by the debuff of reducing intelligence and monkey's intelligence subtraction.

Maybe it was the instinct of a male creature, or maybe it was the desire for a female embrace, Ji Bai followed his first reaction and stuck to it.

Well, this is the origin of the two cat paw prints on Ji Bai's face.

"Brother Ji Bai, are you feeling a little depressed today?"

"Ji Bai yawned.

f light

"That pair of dark circles, and that cat's paw print


"By the way, you didn't come to class yesterday afternoon. Instructor Lin Tuo was notified that you had some unspeakable diseases and needed recuperation."

"Hehe. ζSense ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ ζ" Ji Bai, with a deadpan fishy eyes on his expressionless face, gave a rare smile, although this smile looked uglier than crying.

"Ah~ What's the matter with keeping a secret? We definitely can't refuse such a lovely little niece's request, but the little white devil turned around and got together with the pitiful, penniless, curled up under the quilt. next to the girl's ear.

"From now on, once a week, I will come to Auntie Lizi's place to serve her bed, eh~ is that okay? If I don't see you, I have to take some other measures." He tapped the girl's crystal clear neck with his finger.

Is it okay not to mention this matter? 1 Ji Bai supported his head, his expressionless face revealing a trace of haggardness.

"Oh, okay." Seeing Ji Bai's indescribable expression in front of him, Huo Lei consciously put away his curiosity and stopped asking.

"Sit down and start class." Lin Tuo, who entered the classroom, caught sight of Ji Bai with a haggard face at first glance, and looked away meaningfully.

Just yesterday at noon, he received a call from someone who would never call him - the current head of the February-Month Knights.

"Crooked~? Excuse me, is this Your Excellency Lin Tuo?

"I'm sorry to bother you, little student Ji Bai in your class, she suddenly developed a sinking lower abdomen, general fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and craving sour, in short, she is sick, this afternoon Let me take a leave of absence for her~”

This, will there be a kind of imperial feeling?

"Oh? Where is she now? Well, she's on someone else's bed~ Hehehe, anyway, please take care of this~ Dududu (hanging

Five minutes after the call ended, Lin Tuo was still moving stiffly, and the hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

If he hadn't heard it clearly and clearly, he would really have suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, or that he hadn't woken up yet.

Damn, this fellow is indeed a person with a story! Let’s talk about why this fellow has come out of me again and again, still sitting on the life and death chair, talking and laughing year after year. , I took down the leader's wife loli! My horse also, this posture is too deep, and I can't afford to provoke it.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo put on the pair of dusty black-rimmed glasses placed in front of the table, wiped them with a wet towel, and put them on the bridge of his nose.

after class.

"Cough Lintuo stood beside Ji Bai, pretending to cough.

Ji Bai faced out the window with dead fish eyes on his face.


"Hey, Zhutuo is a little heavier, sf light

Ji Bai still couldn't respond.

"Ahem, that, little classmate Ji Bai?"

Just say something. Noticing Lin Tuo's small movements earlier, Ji Bai turned his head, his dead fish eyes and dark circles looked extremely funny.

"Oh, seeing Ji Bai's appearance, Lin Tuo sighed with emotion, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Young people are full of energy and stay up all night to fight fiercely. You still have to pay attention to your body when you have a good shower.

"If you fart, let it go." Ji Bai stared at the dead fish eyes, and his tone was a little unhappy.

I was tossed and fiddled with by Huaxiang in exchange for chestnuts, as if I was playing with a piece of plasticine, I unlocked my various postures overnight, and I didn't let myself go until this morning. It's strange to be in a good mood.

If this damned vampire hadn't been completely sure, he would definitely have taken this annoying little goblin away.


, These black histories still need to be teased by others, Ji Bai feels that if this continues, he may not be able to restrain the small universe in his heart, jump up and vent his anger on Lin Tuo's head.

"Oh, yes, yes." Lin Tuo didn't know why, looking at Ji Bai's impatient face, he felt like a woman was visiting relatives.

Why do you feel this way? This guy is obviously a man, right? ?

Lin, who was seated opposite Ji Bai, put down the book lightly, and glanced at the situation here.


, then I’ll cut to the chase. Tomorrow is the martial arts performance meeting for freshmen. Time is running out, and classes are over now. You should go to the martial arts counter to register, and arrangements will be made directly tomorrow.

"Can I abstain?" Ji Bai stared listlessly at the dark circles under his eyes.

"It's not that there is, it's about to put it into action." After finishing speaking, Ji Bai slumped down on the desk.

"Hey, you young man, listen to what I have to say? This martial arts competition is linked to the level

"Come on, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, so you certainly don't care about the fact that the level is linked to the subsidy you get." Lin Tuo pursed his lips and just wanted to leave.

"Hey!" Ji Bai sat up in an instant, staring at Lin Tuo with wide eyes.

"Where do I sign up? I can't wait."

"Why do you get such a big reaction when you mention copper stink?" Lin Tuo's mouth twitched.

"Tell me how much.'

"Huh? Are you really here for the money? Well, this martial arts performance is not directly linked to money.

Without another word, Ji Bai lay down again.

"However, if you get the ranking, we have set up a freshman adventure this time. The location seems to be a newly discovered ruins. Well, it's just like shopping, and then you can get a generous reward. How about it? Are you interested? ?”

"So they've all signed up? 3? 1" Ji Bai got up on his stomach again like a sit-up, scanning the circle of classmates in front of him.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand that you are the only freshman in the whole tomato class? ?"

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