
The sudden firelight made Ji Bai, who had adapted to the darkness, feel dazzling. In a daze, the top of the wall around Ge Ran was filled with people. ﹢ Zero u seven u Chinese u text﹢

Ignoring the strong light, he suddenly took a closer look. The outline of the tomb that had been covered in dust for countless years passed through the eyes and came into Ji Bai's eyes.

The entire structure is similar to the Roman Colosseum in the Middle Ages, and I am inside the hexagonal Colosseum.

If there is a gladiatorial arena, there will inevitably be crowds of people watching and applauding.

The seats in the stands were crowded with people -

- The stone carvings are exquisitely made from completely cut stones. Their facial features are extremely realistic. With the uncanny cutting and carving skills, the stone carvings are lifelike. If you look closely, you can even identify their gender and specific age through their faces. It is not difficult to guess the psychological activities and emotions of each of them at this moment from their expressions.

Some of them clapped their hands and laughed, some pointed at the audience and shouted, and some were even so excited that they stood up and cheered loudly.

The degree of accuracy makes people worry that the person who carved these stone sculptures will come back to life.

The walls around the arena were engraved with murals similar to the handsome flag logo, which were vaguely identifiable. The background was a scorching sun, and then two long swords whose paint faded and intertwined were embedded in the blazing sun.

Very familiar mark

Looking at the logo on the four walls, Ji Bai frowned slightly. He always felt that the logo was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he just couldn't find it in his memory.

ce grid

And at this moment, something lay out of the inconspicuous black coffin in the center of the arena.

The coffin lid has disappeared. In other words, the black 'iron plate' that flew out before is the original coffin lid of this coffin.

"Ji Bai, over there!" Lin's voice no longer had its usual calmness. It was as if she had seen something that made people unable to calm down, and there was even an imperceptible tremor in her voice.

The voice awakened Ji Bai, who was focusing on the mural, and followed Lin's slightly surprised gaze -

-In the pitch-black coffin, a pitch-black gauntlet grasped the edge of the coffin, as if it was about to come out from inside.

Then, lying on his back, a dark iron helmet decorated with dragon jewelry supported his burly body. In the dim seam of the helmet, a blood-red light suddenly flickered.

It was as if a terrifying monster opened its eyes. Its sight first fell on Ji Bai not far away. After a moment, it slowly moved away.


"!" For a moment, Ji Bai's heart was occupied by fear. Until he looked away, a lingering feeling of fear, as if he had experienced a catastrophic disaster and survived, came over him like a tidal wave.

His breathing quickened for a moment, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

The two penetrating red lights in the black helmet paused for a moment on Ji Bai's body, and then it shifted its gaze to the side.

-On the wall where the griffon had smashed a big hole, the red light in the seam of the helmet shone brightly. male

It moved its neck slightly and made a few crisp 'clicking sounds'

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow like lightning flashed past, and only a series of crackling sounds were heard. The silver knight trampled on the griffin with one foot. For a moment, under the huge body of the griffin, Fell into the ground.

"¥¥" was completely incomprehensible to half a word of the low-pitched words. Even if Ji Bai searched through the language memory database, he could not find any similar syllables for the words in the entire sentence.

To put it bluntly, if this sentence were put to the present, it would make the majority of empty-ear enthusiasts feel extremely crazy.

But for some reason, Ji Bai always felt that he had heard this strange-sounding language recently, as if it was

"W-what the hell is this?!" As if he had woken up from the commotion just now, the purple-robed old man who was pressed by the griffon spewed blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the man standing above him in dizziness. black armor.

Judging from the old man's lower abdomen and chest, which were overflowing with blood, it seemed that most of the organs inside were almost in pieces.

As for the old man in black robe who was traveling with him, he was unfortunately crushed alive by the griffon and turned into an unsightly pile of crumbs.

"But, damn it! Where did this low-level species come from?! Griffon! Get up and crush this guy to pieces! Ah!"

It seemed that the chattering old man in purple robe had completely made it impatient, and he stepped on the gryphon with sudden force.

The crushing force crushed the purple-robed old man's bones and flesh. His eyes were so wide open that they were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he almost burst out of his eyes.

And just like an ant was trampled to death, the black armor did not stop at all due to the death of the purple-robed old man.

He put down his feet, swung the gryphon dozens of times larger than him into the sky with one hand, pulled out the giant sword from his waist, and pointed the sword light directly at the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!" The dark blade wave flashed past, and she sheathed the sword.

Blood spilled down, and pieces of flesh fell to the ground like raindrops.

Two large chunks of bloody flesh and mud that were split into two exploded at both ends of the arena, with dust flying up to a meter high.

Lin was completely stunned. The gryphon that had pinned her down in the middle of the battle was casually killed by the unknown creature wearing dark sealed armor in front of her. There was no room for resistance at all.

This tomb, to

Where is it?

And when she was in a daze, what she didn't notice was that the dark figure had shifted its gaze to her body.


"Jie Jie" Before she could react, the giant blade's edge was suddenly very close to her.

If the vampires who have lost the ability to regenerate resist the attack of this unknown 'monster' at this moment, the result can be imagined.

I'm really unwilling to die in such an unclear way.

"Clang!!!" The sword light of the giant sword chopped off a strand of Lin's silver hair, followed by a violent metal collision, and numb sparks shot out. s- male novel

When Lin came to her senses, a tall figure was already standing in front of her.

"Ji Bai almost gritted his teeth and spit out this word. With such domineering and tyrannical brute strength, I'm afraid even the troll chief is far less than one-tenth of it.

Elbows, arms, legs, and waist were all bleeding and bleeding. As the injuries continued to expand, Ji Bai struggled to resist with his sword.

If he continues like this, he doesn't need the giant sword to stab him, this tyrannical force can tear him into pieces.

"Sparks burst out violently, and the fanged sword in his hand kept wailing under the pressure of the giant blade.

"Ji Bai gritted his teeth.

"Boom!" Holy white particles appeared in an epiphyllum, wrapping Ji Bai's body. The dark silver fully enclosed armor instantly covered Ji Bai's body, and the blue knight's cherry blossoms fluttered in the fierce wind.

In the Colosseum, - - silver - black, two knights with closed arms started wrestling.

"Looking at the tall, fully-armed dark silver knight in front of her, Lin was slightly startled.

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