Blood Princess and the Knight

24~An army against the general

Somewhere in a shady temple.

It seems that it was a temple used to worship a certain Ming in the past. Now, the huge prayer hall is in a mess. The old wooden seats are dilapidated. There are cobwebs in the dark corners, and the dark prayer platform has blurry edges and corners.

The wall was seriously damaged, and a large hole burst out from the entrance of the hall, as if it had been forcibly opened by the government, or someone had done it deliberately.

There are still many incomplete mural patterns left, which are completely different from the painting style of the entire temple, because the Ming Dynasty enshrined on the throne has changed.

The gray sandstone vividly depicts the image of 'Xinming', rising from the deep sea with no end in sight. Half of the huge body is still hidden in the sea water, and the huge eye sockets seem to be shining with a charming light. Countless tentacles emerged from the water like towering pillars, as if they were going to drag the entire world into an eternal hell.

The new replaces the old, the advanced replaces the conservative, and the new order overthrows the decadent old order. This is the truth of nature.

"Sacrifice to the lord, sacrifice to the lord!"

"Master, why did you lose your etiquette in such a panic?" Holding an iron staff, wearing a decent suit and a tall hat, the middle-aged man looked like a polite and well-bred gentleman.

That's how it should be, minus the weird goat mask on his face.

He turned around slowly with his back to the entrance, and looked at his panicked subordinates who were kneeling on their knees without saying a word with a calm smile.

"Hold, hold the priest's words. The man's words were gentle and elegant, but they did not bring any warmth to the subordinate's heart. There was cold sweat on his forehead. He handed over the envelope in his hand with fear in his heart.

"This is a situation report sent by Yinlang's followers. It seems a little urgent.

"Which area is the Yinlang Retinue? If I don't explain clearly, how can I remember these multiple places?" The man took the envelope with a smile, and crossed out the seal slowly.

"It's the Yinlang retinue from Saplan State." His subordinate immediately explained.

"Oh, then I probably know what is written in this letter." Before the man took out the letter, he stuffed it back, and sparks appeared between his fingers, burning it to ashes.

"Okay, everything is okay now. Please go back and don't disturb Mr. Zu's interest." The man waved his hand.

"Then, Lord Priest, what is your next order?" The subordinate who sent the letter was stunned.

"Order? What order?" The man looked at his subordinates funny. "You want to take my orders with you? Then you may be disappointed. I have no orders to issue. Go ahead.

"Master Priest, are you going to give up on Saplan State? That is our infiltration point.

"Need you to remind me?" The man in the goat mask sneered. “Figure out your place.”

"No, if you don't lower your head immediately, there will be no good results if you anger this moody boss.

"Are these threats going to be ignored?"

"Threat? Where is the threat? Why didn't I see it?" A curious look appeared in the goat mask, looking at the person in front of him playfully.

"But the enemy has occupied the gateway to Saplan State. Behind the gate is a plain with an unobstructed view. The consequences are disastrous."

"It's obviously just a few kids playing around, so what's the threat?" the man murmured as if talking to himself. "Oh, by the way, this seems to include my good daughter who thinks she's smart and thinks she's doing things secretly without revealing any clues."

"Okay, step back, why bother to inform me about this trivial quarrel. "Zero Paint Chinese"" the man complained as he walked, as if to express his temper. "If you dare to disturb me next time, you will not be lenient. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I can't figure out this gentleman's temper. Naturally, they who are favored by their ancestors are not capable of being unknown to themselves.

When dealing with such favored superiors, they might turn themselves into powder if they are in a bad mood and have to retreat.

On the other side, Bai Ji, who didn't know that the action had been exposed, but still felt that everything was under control, planned and formulated a plan overnight.

Of course, the help of Mr. Wu Ke, the master of Suoguan, must be indispensable in this. With this guide who dare not betray, outsiders like them can do things much more easily.

What he wrote in the letter was also very simple. Suoguan was besieged by unknown troops and suffered heavy casualties. If there was no support, I would be afraid that the pass would be lost and the door would be wide open.

Yechao is a thousand-year-old city that retains its ancient name. Its builder and name are unknown.

It widely absorbs the food of Saplan State, so the city is high and strong, and it is difficult to break through. It is the heart and soul of the entire Saplan State.

The old man who is the city lord is considered to be a human being and is now over sixty years old. The family has been the lord of Yechao City for generations. He follows the orders left behind, cultivates fields, trains troops diligently, and defends the city.

After decades of wise and foresight, the people in the city have enough food and clothing, and everyone praises the rules and regulations clearly stipulated by the city lord, which all show the city lord's foresight and enlightenment.

At this moment, the city lord of the old city, who has passed his 60s, is now frowning. His staff gathered in the hall of the city lord, whispering to each other, and looking at the letter on the desk that the city lord had just received this morning. A letter asking for help in hand.

"Everyone, be quiet." The old voice coughed twice, stopping the chatter below.

"Today we have called everyone here to discuss the content of this letter and how to deal with it appropriately." The old Lord Jie Duo City's feathers were covered with feathers.

He held the envelope between his wrinkled fingers and signaled to the staff and guests present.

"Sir, does this letter have the seal of the gatekeeper?" - A burly and powerful hero

Many people came out to ask for instructions.

"Yes, I have met Wu Ke several times, and I can recognize his handwriting. There should be no mistake." Yu Zheng frowned, and his wrinkled old face looked a bit ugly.

"Then the information in this letter is indeed true. Locking Pass is an important choke point for our army. It is a top priority and cannot be lost. I also ask you to send troops to rescue.

The burly and muscular soldier asked for instructions.

"You are a warrior, what do you know? ?" Another slightly thin Jedou came out, glanced at the soldiers with disdain, and said

"I think it's okay for you to ignore this matter and stick to the city. Even if the lock is really lost, it's not my fault."

"What are you talking about? ? Once the lock is lost, the Sapland State is equivalent to the door being wide open, with unobstructed view. At that time, the enemy soldiers will lurk and flee to the mountain and forest boundaries, coveting them with evil intentions, like gangrene in the bones. Just leave it alone? ?It’s a shame you said it!”

Looking at the staff below who were expressing their opinions and arguing constantly, old man Yu Zheng felt a pain in his forehead.

"I dare to ask father, what do you think?

Just when he was having a headache, his most trusted adviser and his proud eldest son withdrew from the state of silence and asked with a smile.

"Well, I can't let the enemy break through the pass. Even if it is risky, I can only bear it. Locking the pass is really too much to lose." Yu Zheng said without thinking, twirling his beard.

"In that case, my father fell into the enemy's trick." The counselor smiled and said one word, and the voices of endless discussions were silenced for an instant - all eyes looked at the counselor who was chatting and laughing beside the city lord.

"Everyone, please be patient. First, let's discuss the situation and lock the pass. It is the first fortified pass in Saplan State. There are definitely many soldiers, even if they are not elite, and there are air defense barriers and space barriers left over from ancient centuries. It cannot be broken through at any time by any means. The height of the city wall alone is prohibitive.

"I don't believe that the world's largest pass can be lost at any time. The so-called reinforcements? Locking the pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is surrounded by mountains on both sides. No matter how fierce the enemy's offensive is, a certain number of archers can be deployed to defend it. Live, there is no need for reinforcements.

The staff all frowned.

"And now, the master of Suoguan Pass has personally sent a letter asking for help, asking us to send troops to help. Why is this? In my opinion, there are only two situations. One is that the master of Suoguan Pass was frightened by the enemy's siege momentum. The second type

"The lock has been lost."

When these words came out, all the staff took a breath. Everyone understood what it would mean if the lock was lost.

"And this letter was written by the master of Suoguan Pass under the pressure of the enemy's sword." The counselor snorted coldly.

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"No, it's unlikely. I know a little bit about Master Wu Ke's character. Although he neglects his official duties, he is not a traitor.

The old city lord Yu Zheng raised his own question.

"It's simple. Father, if you use the fate of your closest relatives to kill you, are you still afraid that Lord Wu Ke will not obey your orders?" The counselor smiled.

"In your opinion, which situation is the most likely?" Yu Zheng panicked and immediately asked for help.

"Of course it's the latter. The former is almost impossible. It's just for reference."

"The child is clever and clever. Since he has seen through the enemy's plan, he must have planned a strategy to retreat from the enemy, right?" Yu Zheng's eyes were shining with hope.

Now in his sixties, he can only focus on his young and promising children.

"Of course, father, I not only have a strategy to retreat from the enemy, but also a plan to recapture the lock! By then, the enemy leader will be captured alive and the lock will be recaptured. My father will become famous in the Saplan region and his status will rise rapidly." The counselor was very happy. It is confidence.

"Oh?" Yu Zheng looked pleased. Let’s talk and listen. "

"There are only two roads from Yechao to Suoguan, a short road and a long road." The counselor paused.

"The short route is surrounded by mountains, dense forests, and dangerous mountains. If you are ambushed, attacked from both sides, and arrows are fired on the hillside, you will suffer heavy losses. But the long route is muddy and difficult to navigate, but you can see everything without fear. Encountered an ambush.”

"First of all, let me analyze for you - the thoughts of the enemy leader.

"The letter repeatedly emphasized that the situation was extremely urgent and the situation was extremely dangerous. It was simply because the enemy wanted us to take a shortcut to support the lock-up. If we did this, we would have fallen into their trap." He smiled slightly, quite instructive. , Confucian general Feng 5, whose oars and oars disappeared into ashes while talking and laughing.

"They must have an ambush in the dense forest on the short route, or on the hillside, waiting for us to take the bait. By then, they will completely wipe out our army, and then use the cavalry deployed in advance to attack the distant route. A two-pronged approach will not only rescue There is no hope of locking the gate, I am afraid that the leaf nest will also be lost.

"The enemy's appetite is so big?" Yu Zheng frowned and gave a sneer.

"In this case, we will do the opposite and not support from shortcuts. The army will be divided into two groups. One group will send a large number of sergeants to attack from afar. The enemy must not have expected such a surprise force. They will definitely attack the enemy from afar. The east gate is defenseless. Isn’t it easy to annihilate the opponent’s army in one fell swoop and recapture the lock gate?”

"Another wave, Lieutenant General Maolin who sneaked into the shortcut and ambushed the enemy troops - wiped them out in one fell swoop!'

"Okay!" Yu Zheng

He stood up and looked at his eldest son with great satisfaction. As expected, he was not disappointed.

"What else do you think?"

The staff below were all silent, and indeed there was nothing to refute or add.

"My son is far-sighted. If he acts like this, he will definitely win!" Yu Zheng looked at his eldest son with joy. "It's up to you to handle this matter yourself. sf

"Take orders

Another bright moon hangs in the sky.

Frightened, the silver girl spread her wings and sat on the sky, looking playfully at the jungle below.

"Your Highness, Princess." Angda said respectfully, seemingly hesitant to speak.

"Soldiers, get ready.

"Well, are you thinking that what we did is not right?" Bai Ji looked at the brightly lit city in the distance and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Onda was a straight man and didn't deny it. “There are many loopholes in this plan.

"Yes, as long as you are a smart person, you will find this problem if you think about it seriously." Bai Ji pinched and fiddled with the ends of her long hair.

"Then why?"

Bet. "Bai Ji showed a sinister smile. "I bet some smart guy will see through my "strategy" and plan to defeat me. "

"Are you ready for the long journey? We must prepare a big gift for our friends.

"Of course" a pair of red eyes that seemed to be able to speak looked at the jungle below with a smile.

At this moment, they were above the shortcut between Yechao and Suoguan.

"Order to set fire to the forest, and then ignore it. We will kill it from the sky on the shortcut, and we will definitely be able to reach Yechao unimpeded.

There were only 400 soldiers in this siege. Although Ye Chao deployed two groups of people under Bai Ji's calculations, the vampire army was still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

What they rely on is the unexpected effect brought by the surprise attack. To capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as the city lord is captured, everything will be easy.

This time, Bai Ji, the eldest princess, personally led the team. Although the blood army was small in number, its fighting spirit and fighting spirit were unprecedentedly high.

The Leforno family has taken the honor of protecting the royal family for generations, and now the eldest princess personally leads the charge. If they fail to protect the princess, Tina will not need to take action, and they will commit suicide on the spot in shame.

This is their indelible glory. If the royal family is still there, the blood clan can continue to multiply and put the interests of the royal family first at all times.

"Onda, are you confident? =

"Naturally." Onda's tone was dull and solemn. 【

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