Blood Princess and the Knight

7~Apologise! (Part 2)

"Luckily you still have survivors, but you are stupid because you are being

There are still those who resist the enslavement of human beings, but you are being

The elf was confused from beginning to a sense

Said, you are really hateful and pathetic. "

"What about the elves? Didn't the elves pay the price for this?"

The silent Landrito asked.

"Maybe there is, maybe there is not, who knows." Ya

Na shook her head. “All of us were played by her

In the palm of my hand, although the Elf Queen should be dead,

I haven't found any elven corpses today

"They also used taboos that shouldn't belong to them

power, the difference is that they found humans beforehand

This scapegoat, and you directly bear the disaster caused by the curse. "

...Tonon clenched his fist tightly and bit it

Pale lips.

"The elves destroyed two powerful forces in the mainland at once.

However, he escaped unscathed. "Landrillo laughed at himself.


"They gave me the feeling that everything was ready

Everything is just step by step. "Yana sighed softly.

gas. "Maybe we meet here, also in their plan

Among them, maybe.

Tsk. "Muzun was unwilling to punch the ground,

The anger towards the vampires was taken over by the unwillingness to be deceived.

According to reports, there is no intention to fight.

Hey hey hey... Hey, I finally caught up, I

Didn't you come to eat?" Then he arrived with a group of troll soldiers.

Huo Lei saw both sides of the confrontation at a glance.

"Hey, you all listen to me, you can't fight, you can't

Fighting, fighting is wrong. Let's talk about peace.

What are the benefits of being flat? Whoever is right... ↑ Tuo Dao

Teacher?! Why are you here??

"Hey, classmate Huo Lei." He looked extremely surprised.

Like Huo Lei who was astonished, Landrito obviously didn't expect to return the favor.

You can bump into former students here.

"Ah, classmate Xiaosha is here too." He glanced at

Xiaosha and Landrito followed behind and smiled helplessly.

After making two noises, I always felt that meeting them in such a scene was a little awkward.

Some embarrassment

"So, classmate Lin is here too." He glanced at Ya

Na, Landrito guessed, and then he hammered his palm. "oh

Oh, it seems like there’s still a kid Ji Bai missing in Tomato Class.

After carefully looking at Yana's expression, Landrito chose to shut his mouth.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet you here,

Mentor, what are you dressed like this?…Looking at Landry Tuo

The armor is completely inconsistent with the temperament of a blacksmith, Huo Lei has


In his impression, Landry was just a tough guy.

Takumi is not good at fighting at all.

"Well, it's a long story. Anyway,

I'd better say sorry to you all. "Landrillo

He smiled bitterly.

"Ahahaha, although I don't understand very well, today

There are so many old friends here, come, come, come and follow us

Come, let’s go to the tent and have a drink!” This is considered unwholesome.

Holey, who is the thinking type, hugged Rand carelessly.

Rito's shoulder.

"This... wine?"

"Yes, yes, of course, but the conditions are a bit worse.

It’s some lighter wine, haha, tutor, we

But we haven’t seen each other for a long time. We must have a drink!

Ha, it would be nice if Brother Ji Bai was still here, he owes me

That glass of wine has not been returned yet.

Just as the scene was getting heated, a cold voice

The voice came through.

"Wait a minute." Yana scanned it coldly and solidified it.

of people.

"The matter is not over yet." Yana silently turned her gaze

Moved to the carriage.

"Hey, forget it, nothing is more important than drinking.

Ah, don’t worry so much, we’ve been fooling around for so many years

Now, we can’t be blinded by hatred...,

"If hatred can bring my countrymen back to life, I will

Let it fade away. "Yana ignored Huo Lei's slap.

With careless eyes, his gaze swept over Gulan with a deadly calmness.

"We, the vampires, cannot compete with these people who destroyed our country.

The bane of staying together will make us breathless

of. Yana finished her words. "We can't coexist," she said.

Qur'an. "

"But, shouldn't we now

"Side by the outsiders who don't hurt their backs when they talk."

Yana suppressed her voice. "They fell wailing

Under the butcher's knife of the invaders, the imperial capital for thousands of years was destroyed.

Torch, wherever it passes, life will be devastated, everything is gone, just

It's like this civilization has started all over again... If you

Only those who have personally experienced this feeling are qualified to speak out

come accuse me

No one said anything, even if it was extremely annoying

The same goes for the wooden tenons of the vampires.

"So, Miss Yana, what do you want?" Lan

Drito spoke. "We are willing to use any

How to atone for your sins.

Atonement? Atonement??" Yana laughed twice.

Shaked his head. “The Atonement gives us everything we have

Come back? We don’t need this kind of self-deception from hypocrites.


"What we want is an apology." Yana pointed

Carriageway. "Let that woman, the one who started it all

Come out, kneel on the ground devoutly, and follow my colleagues

I apologize to my compatriots, my relatives, and my country!"

"You...: Tenon was about to say something, but was interrupted by Rand.

Li Tuo stopped, and the latter shook his head and signaled to him

Go and see the carriage curtain that was lifted.

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