Blood Princess and the Knight

12~Not very convenient

"Everyone, you are really unexpected."

The bird-faced man raised his body from the soles of Milo's feet and hunched his back.

The black robe on his body was in tatters, and the mask on his face was also damaged.

Falling off bit by bit

"You don't really think that this can explain me

Let's give it up?" Shaking the dust off his body, the bird-faced man was dissatisfied.

He caressed Milo and flicked it away.

"Speaking of which, I haven't come out for some air for a long time. Since

If you guys really want to see my true face...

Let you meet me. "The black sharp claws were broken from the gloves.

He came out and pulled the broken mask off his face.


It was as if a false human face had been removed from his face

It was peeled off, revealing a red color that was different from normal skin color

Skin, face as big as a basin, no facial features

There is only one concave vortex in a rotating state, like

Rotating like a gear.

"What kind of monster is this?" The truth about the bird-faced man

The appearance was shocking, and everyone present felt their hearts tremble.

I was shocked by this thing that was not in line with ordinary common sense.

"This is...the Chaos Reincarnation Seal?!" Gordon stared wide-eyed.

His eyes were closed, and his face was as pale as paper.

“What is Chaos Reincarnation?… Rao is alive

Even Yana, who has lived for two epochs, has never heard of this name.

"Miss Yana, have you heard of the Church of Chaos?

"No." Yana searched her mind

The relevant knowledge is to find relevant information.

"Chaos, the Church?......Yana thought about it

Gradually, this name seemed a bit familiar, as if someone was talking to her


"This church has existed for a very long time. According to some

Fragmentary documents record that as early as the First Era, this religion

A meeting was established and some unknown activities were carried out


“The slogan of their organization is: We are born from chaos,

We bathe in chaos.

"Born from chaos, bathed in chaos... Yana suddenly


"I remembered, do they still hold

The ritual of summoning mythical species, saying that this world is just

a Colosseum’, and the natives of this plane are neither

The players are not the audience either. They want to ask the players to leave the field and let them

The world enters the next reincarnation or something?" (Can't remember

Readers, please refer to Chapter 43 of Volume 11 for details.

"Yes, have you met people from this organization?" Gordon

She looked at Yana in surprise.

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I heard Elder Nim said

This group of cults once tried to summon myths over the Palace of Blood Spirits

species, and even caused strange phenomena in heaven and earth... What you are saying is


"Yes, the vision in the second era was caused by this group.

organized the last public large-scale activity.

Later, the Chaos Church disappeared, and it was rumored that they were

The vampire queen invaded her nest and annihilated her in one fell swoop. This kind of

No one paid much attention to it, after all, he was just an unknown person

It’s just a cult spread, and no one takes it seriously.

"You said this organization existed in the first era?" Ya

Na's expression became strange.

¨Not sure, but according to many documents, this

The organization has indeed existed since the first era, as early as the concept of race

Before the thought was formed, even before the Nine Gods came to this place

They may have existed in the wilderness when

Here we are.

"I said, didn't you pay attention to it? It's so weird.

You're an evil organization, you really should treat it like a normal cult.

Are you done?" Yana said in disbelief.

"I have been studying the secrets of this organization, and I have

Do make this public. "Speaking of this, Gordon

I feel very wronged. "But within the Wu Clan, no one

Are you willing to believe my words, let alone a foreigner?

They said that they were probably all taking it as a joke. Just listen to it.


The strong wind roared, and the bird-faced man spread out a pair of strong and powerful legs on his back.

Powerful wings, the vortex on the face is spinning rapidly

"So, you know what this mark is for

"?" Yana took a step back unconsciously, she felt

I realized that the invisible pressure was coming upon me.


"I don't know the specifics, but its function is roughly equivalent to

Our magic eyes provide a steady stream of energy. "Gordon

He held his staff and stood on guard.

"But isn't he a priest of the Ancestral God Religion? Why?

Is it related to the Church of Chaos?

"Don't ask me any questions, Your Highness Yana, I am now

I'm very disappointed now. "Gao Deng said helplessly. "Yeah.

Xu Chaos Church is another name of the Ancestral God Cult.

Maybe not, who knows about this kind of thing?"


As expected of being a witch god, after such a long time, they actually

Can spy on my clues. "The monster in the sky

The sound was clearly an expression of appreciation, but it was like a mockery.

"Hey, do you think this bird-faced man is the Chaos Cult?

The founder of the association, right?" Yana guessed.

"Probably, no...Gordon never thought about it

This question, because no mortal can live so long, has never

The first era lived to the fourth era. From this point of view, he simply

He lives longer than all the Nine Gods.

"It doesn't matter whether it is yes or no." Milo turned into

Humanoid, landing on the ground. "It's really moving on us now

Killing intention. "

"Miluo, how close do you think you are to this monster?


"I don't know." Milo shook her head and looked at the strange

There was a hint of fear in the object's eyes. "I can't feel him

The upper limit of strength. "

"There is no way to delay as much time as possible, Milo


After hearing Milo's warning, Yana turned around and saw

I saw the Uzumaki face that was so close at hand, as if trying to straighten myself out.

It's like sucking it in, and a strand of hair is shattered by it.

Yana hurriedly split herself into several small bats to escape

Leaving, but being dragged by the strong suction of the vortex, the unfinished

Several little bats failed to escape and were sucked into the whirlpool.

Kill, not even the residue is left.

"Ahem...!" Yana transformed from a safe place, because

Parts of his body were damaged, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

The monster did not intend to let her go and continued to pursue her.

It seems that it intends to suck Yana into the whirlpool.

Milo breathed dragon breath to protect Yana, but the heat and

The dragon's breath, which contains terrifying and destructive power, was also completely absorbed by the whirlpool.


"Thunder whirlwind!" Gordon chanted the incantation.

After using all the protective magic, he could only use the offensive method.

As a defense.

A series of whirlwinds flashing with thunder struck Yana and

Yana's monsters are separated from each other, but the monsters don't stop at all.

Without even a single movement, he rushed straight into the whirlwind.

The vortex will not reject anyone who comes, swallowing up all the roaring whirlwind.

"This...Gordon was helpless and turned his attention to

Ji Yue, who was pale and trembling with fright, and Fang Xing

After the Purple Lotus barrier, Xiaosha fell into a state of powerlessness

It was obvious that neither of these two people could be counted on.

Milo, who transformed into a giant dragon, faced an eagle-like person head-on.

The gliding monster roared and roared.

"Wait, don't go!" Gordon remembered something.

He slapped his head and shouted at Milo who collided with the monster.

road. "That thing is the Mark of Chaos, the Devouring One."

"Everything will be swallowed by him, including

Yourself. "

It was already too late when I shouted this sentence, Milopang

The big front half has sunk in.

"Mi Luo!" Yana stretched out her hand to pull Milo

Live, but her own strength is too small to be able to

There is no way to resist the rapidly rotating wheel of devouring

Yana, who hugged Milo's tail and refused to let go, was undoubtedly

Being sucked into it along with Milo, of course she knew

This will happen, but she doesn't want to let go no matter what, if

The price is losing another close relative.

"Your Highness Yana, let go quickly! If you don't let go,

You will die too. "Gordon's anxious shouts still echoed

In her ears, Yana turned a deaf ear to this.

ˆSister, please lend your strength to Yana.

As expected, the inner call comes naturally

However, she did not receive a response, and she was still irrevocably

The feeling of being dragged down by force is always there.

My ears have become quiet, and so has the world.

, this is a kind of refreshing peace, as if

My hand was wrapped in a warm hand, turning from the cold

The rainy night returned to the warm harbor, even if it was an illusion

Yana didn't want to wake up either.

"Don't be so reckless next time." The cold voice said

With a sigh, it is so familiar.

Yana, who heard the sound, felt that she was still immersed in a dream

I didn't wake up from the dream state, so I heard what I was dreaming about all night long.

That voice made her open her eyes and see the person in front of her

The expression of surprise froze for an instant, and then gradually changed

Have to wonder.

"Um...who are you?" Yana was a little confused.


"?" The girl looked weird, then stretched out her

The finger touched Yana. "Stupid girl, this is the past

How long has it been since you didn’t even remember your sister?”

"Don't make trouble, don't have random relationships, who are you?

What a weird girl. "Yana looked at her warily, as if

If it weren't for the other party's hand,

If so, she can't wait to show up

Just stay away from this monster now.

"Monster? You girl said it was a monster??" White Hair

The girl frowned slightly, and while speaking, she pulled

He pulled Milo out after half of his body was swallowed.

"Who else could it be? You have a pair of

The antlered monster actually dares to impersonate my sister, tell me now

Who is it...woo hoo!" Before she could finish speaking, Yana was struck by

When the opponent arrived, he hit his head hard.

"Damn girl, don't you always like to treat your favorite sister

Sister, are you talking about it? Why do you recognize it after changing your look?

Isn’t it coming??” Bai Ji licked the hair on her head

Horns, in an instant, a pair of slender horns were retracted, she

He took something off his neck and threw it to Yana.

"You..." Yana, who subconsciously took the pendant, suddenly

reacted between

"Sister, is it really you...

"Who else could it be? Do you think there are still people in this world?

Who can help you at this time?" As soon as he came back, he was

Her sister was called a monster, Bai Ji's tone was obvious

not too good.

"Sister!" Yana pounced on Bai Bai like a dove returning to its nest.

Ji's arms.

"Yeah! Be careful." Bai Ji stopped Yana.

Why, he said cautiously, looking a little annoyed.

Looking at Yana. "Xiaoya, it's not convenient for us now, don't do this

Something too intense. "

"Huh? Not very convenient?" Looking at Bai Ji's appearance, Yana was stunned.

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