"The pouring rain is exactly the same as before." In the mansion, the purple-haired girl caressed the cold jade glass with her fingertips, looking at the black rainstorm outside the window through the colorful colors.

The clear sky did not stay forever, and the pouring black rain finally came as promised.

"Mi Luo, do you think Her Majesty Bai Ji is the opponent of that foreign god?" Tina asked the girl behind her.

"Miss Tina, don't worry."

"Such a specious answer doesn't reassure me." Tina sighed. "If I remember wrongly, you once followed His Majesty in battles and fought against foreign gods."

"It can't be considered a battle."

"how do I say this."

"At the beginning, Your Majesty and I... Your Majesty Solanya did not directly fight against the foreign gods." Milo thought for a while, but Tina wanted to hear that this was not a secret worth keeping. "The Outer God simply sent an army of ghost sharks and a team of dependents, almost in full force."

"I understand, the outer god didn't end up personally?"


"Is it possible that I don't want to die in person because I am afraid?"

"Maybe it's because of this, but I think the bigger reason is that it's not necessary." Milo expressed her thoughts. "Maybe against Solanya in her heyday, although the Outer God is not invincible, it should be a bit difficult to win. So, I chose to use my subordinates to consume His Majesty's power. By the time it comes to an end, Solanya has already There are no more cards.”

"Coupled with the consumption of the mainland coalition forces, the Blood Spirit First Empire failed to survive this crisis after all."

"Is that so?"

"The causes and consequences this time are very similar to last time." Milo looked out the window quietly. "Outer gods took advantage of the mainland forces' dissatisfaction and fear of the Blood Spirit Empire to instigate war to weaken the forces of various countries, and then..."

"Outer gods have arrived, and the continent has made the same mistake again."

"Baland made the same mistake twice." Tina was a little helpless. "Anyone would think this is stupid, but the Balander people themselves don't know it."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It seems that I can't change anything with my power. All I can do is pray to Lasambo." Tina walked back to her seat and patted the seat next to her.

"Mi Luo, please sit down too."

"If it disturbs you, please don't do it."

"It doesn't matter. I've been alone in the Liuli Palace painting since yesterday. The maid who brought food and food didn't even have time to say a word to me. It's quite boring. If there is someone walking around, my inspiration may increase sharply. Oh." Tina said with a smile.

"In that case, excuse me."

on the other hand.

"Sister Royal, the army is ready. All members who can fight have been mobilized, including trolls and sub-cats."

"Okay, we understand, let them help with defense."

"If Her Majesty the Queen has an order, just mention it. Tell me, where does Zero Seven Chinese ask me to help defend? It's best to go to the front line!" Huo Lei, as the temporary leader of the trolls, patted his chest and said carelessly.

"No, Mr. Huo Lei, you have more important things to do." Bai Ji smiled slightly and threw something tied like a big rice dumpling to him.

"Oh? This is"

Landslides and mudslides follow one after another. Fortunately, Sazhou's terrain is high and will not be affected by these landslides.

Although for Bai Ji, as long as she is here, it doesn't matter whether she helps in defense or not. The wall of the Blood Spirit Palace is not impenetrable. Unless a ghost shark comes, these small fish and shrimps alone cannot cross the wall.

The clear sky inside the palace and the continuous rainstorm outside the palace are clearly distinct, giving people a very strange feeling, as if they are a few meters apart but a world away.

On the city wall, the surviving soldiers went on the defensive and faced off against the monsters that came one after another. Due to the lack of supplies, the defenders could only use a limited amount of crudely made arrows to attack, except for a few magicians. , most of the guards could only fight back with the most primitive close combat.

Although the battle was fierce, in fact the city defenders did not suffer much damage. The one-way barrier protected the soldiers on the city wall. After they discovered that their job was only to output, they became even more unscrupulous and let go of these helpless forces. The monsters attacked, wanting to vent their resentment over the destruction of their hometown.

On the other side, the Offensive of the Sinner's Families also proceeds very quickly, and seems to be planning to engulf the remnants of Baland through the human sea tactic.

The black water has reached the bottom of the city gate. Fortunately, the walls of King's Landing are thick enough and the water cannot penetrate.

"Hey, hey, it's time, throw that thing down!" Huo Lei shouted, and the troll warrior quickly dragged up a white figure tied up from behind and threw it towards the murlocs who were still climbing. Go down.

The white figure touched the ground, and the accumulated water disappeared instantly. All the attacking fishmen were briefly attracted by the thrown thing.

Many fishmen came up, sniffed, and squirted. When they were about to deal with the creature that had lost the ability to move, they stopped and dragged it down instead.

"Successful." Bai Ji, who was far away in the palace, saw this scene and showed a sly smile.

"Sister Huang, I remember you said that Devouring Species become stronger by devouring them, right?" Yana, who had just been instilled by Bai Ji with new knowledge about Devouring Species and the world, was still in a state of digestion at this moment. She was not sure about Bai Ji's behavior. Feel puzzled.

"The war is about to begin, why do you still give the best devouring materials to the outer gods?"

"Even if I give it to you, I won't dare to swallow it." Bai Ji vowed. "It is taboo to swallow another prey in front of the prey. The wisdom of the alien gods is far beyond that of mortals. How could they do such a stupid thing?" 38 Reading is the only website with the fastest updates for this novel.

"But what if you just do this?" Read the latest chapter on Baidu Search 38 Reading.

"If He really did this, it would be easy to handle. It will take some effort to swallow the Innocent White participant, and during the swallowing process, the Devourer is very fragile. If you really do this, He will definitely stop the offensive first and transfer all his followers back to protect the body under the deep sea... This proves in disguise that the Sin Lord himself is also a Devouring Species, and he cannot escape the laws that apply to Devouring Species."

Before Bai Ji could finish her words, a messenger rushed in.

"Your Majesty, the sea monsters have withdrawn."

"Sister Huang, did the Outer God really choose to devour it? Then this should buy us enough time.

"Don't let down your guard, maybe you want to create an illusion to make us take it lightly." Bai Ji stood up and said calmly. "Tell the border guards not to let down their guard, do you understand?"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the soldiers exited the palace.

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