Blood Princess and the Knight

24~Bai Ji VS Ancestor God (3) (Part 1)

It took dozens of minutes for the waves to calm down.

Come down.

Black water splash mixed with white foam, stirred

The sky is still swirling, and the sea is becoming calm.

The consciousness of everyone who got up from the ground slowly went back

Then hearing and other senses began to have intuition

When gods fight, mortals suffer, separated by a barrier

Everyone was still deeply affected by this huge sound, and their ears

It felt like the membrane was about to be broken.

"Oh, my God, after this battle, my ears

Duo must have a lot of calluses..." Huo Lei rubbed his ears.

"Okay, it hurts"

"Ah, sister Xiaosha, are you okay? Where does it hurt? You fell.

Did it fall?"

I'll be fine if you don't press my legs

A lot of. "Xiao Sha said with a resentful face.

Oh oh, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, man

It's not the wrong hand, haha. "After reacting, I was still suppressing

Xiaosha, Huo Lei scratched his head and said haha

"What just happened."

“What a scary bàozhà.

"Where's the imperial sister? Yana looked around, dàngdàng in the air

The sky is looking for Bai Ji.

After regaining peace, Bai Ji was not seen again.

I didn't see the sinner either.

"Has the winner been decided yet?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

They said, who won?

"Probably, an alien god."

"How is it possible? Aren't the outer gods also missing?

"I'll go over and take a look at the situation." As everyone wavered,

When the time came, Holey stepped forward.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you." The person who spoke was Ya

Na, she was worried about Bai Ji's safety no matter what.

Go check it out.

"Okay, Miss Yana will come with me."

"I'll go too." Xiaosha hesitated.

"You? Sister Xiaosha, it's too dangerous for you to go. Now

The catastrophe has not yet been lifted. "Huo Lei looked at the rich and deep

The deep sky said.

"Don't underestimate me. Maybe I can help you when you are in danger."

They have a handful. "Xiao Sha puffed up her cheeks.

"Hey, we're not going on a picnic here.

"I'll go with you, so I can take care of you on the way."

Gordon said as he stood up with his staff.

"Without further ado, let's go, we may be exposed later.

Something happened. "Yana, who was worried about Bai Ji, followed Gordon's


“It’s better to send more people to protect His Highness.

"No need, more people are more likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

bother. "Yana rejected Nim's proposal.

After making a face at Huo Lei, Xiaosha also

I followed him, leaving Huo Lei, a big stupid man, unable to touch me.

Thinking about it, he realized that the three of them were getting further and further away from him.

Only then did he catch up with a slap on his head.

"Wait a minute.

Everyone left the mansion and dressed carefully

Came to the city wall.

"Uncle Huo Lei, you should be shorter. If we are found out,

Now you are fully responsible!"

The problem is that it’s not like I can be shorter if I want to be.

of……. Huo Lei touched his head, feeling very aggrieved.

"Stop talking, keep your voice down, don't make any noise

Come. " Yana warned.

The four of them sneaked onto the city wall. Xiao Ran's city wall

There were a few sounds of broken catkins in the wind above my head.

Outside, there was only the sound of waves lapping against the city walls.

"There is no danger on the city wall, you can come up."

Gordon lifted the detection magic and called the other three people.

"Is the battle over?" Yana looked around

Zhou, the eerily quiet atmosphere gave her a chill.

A thrilling feeling.

Where is the imperial sister? Where has the imperial sister gone... Yana lies down

On the top of the city, I tried to find that familiar figure, but then

Apart from the endless life and endless depth,

Nothing can be caught, darkness occupies everything but the feet

of all places.

"Sister Huang, Sister Huang..." Yana looked at Shen in a daze.

The silent sea, when you spread your wings and want to swoop down

He was immediately blocked by Gordon.

"Don't get excited, the situation has not stabilized yet.

Don't be too impatient, Miss Yana. Bai Ji must still be there somewhere.

Fighting with foreign gods everywhere, you have to believe in her. "

"No, look there quickly!" Huo Lei said roughly

The voice attracted everyone's attention, and only the top of the city was visible

There was a big hole in Fang's barrier.

"You have to fix the hole quickly." Gordon frowned slightly.

Mei, just when he was about to recite the incantation, Huo Lei stopped him.


"Other methods of repair cannot fully restore it, or

Let me do it. "Huo Lei pointed at himself with his big thumb, and then

with him

Find an iron lever from the side and turn it

After kneading it into an irregular shape, I punched it.

The irregular iron product instantly turned into a workmanship

Fine iron scaffolding.

Putting it on the crack, Horey climbed up the ladder.

"Look at my restoration...

"Be careful!" I saw the stupid yù above Huo Lei's head.

The tentacles moved, Xiaosha opened her eyes wide and shouted

However, it was already too late. The tentacle followed Horei's thick

The big neck wrapped around him and pulled him down


“Uh uh uh

The feeling of suffocation is coming, Exit Huo Lei

Consciousness struggled.

"Quick, think of a way to save Uncle Huo Lei

Gordon was helpless, and the mage wanted to activate the magic weapon.

The method takes a lot of time, and it is obviously impossible to save Huo Lei at the critical moment.

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