Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 33 ~ Lessons (Part 1)

"So, I'm ready, what's my training?"

"Well, of course you also have training." Lilina, expressionless, pretended to be mysterious. "Listen up, Mr. Gordon, your training is to dress yourself up beautifully."

"The prettier you are, the better. Well, to the extent that people can't recognize you as a boy, you're qualified."

"Okay, I know... you, what did you say??" Gordon almost stumbled. He rubbed his ears and wondered if he heard wrong.

"Didn't you hear clearly? Then let me explain it in more detail."

"Mr. Gordon's training is to pretend to be a girl. Well, I can't say pretending. The more you think about it, the better. It's best to identify yourself as a girl from the bottom of your heart."

"Miss Lilina, in a certain sense, you are quite similar to Her Majesty Bai Ji." It's enough to be able to say these words with an expressionless face. Ordinary people can't achieve your level of sinisterness.

It's not that one family doesn't come into the same house, no wonder Bai Ji falls in love with her.

"I'm not kidding." Lilina said seriously.

"But what does the crusade against the deified Elf Queen have to do with whether I dress like a girl or not?"

"Don't you like it?" Lilina looked at Gordon quietly. "Although it's not appropriate for me to say this, you are quite qualified."

"This is the only qualification I don't want." Gordon said angrily.

"I don't force you, but in order to add a few more chips on the scale, I have to do it."

"Does it mean that if I dress up as a woman, I will become stronger??" Gordon's face was full of surprise.

"You don't understand at all." Lilina came over and looked at Gordon meaningfully.

"Understood, what do you understand?" Gordon subconsciously took a step back.

"Your family's bloodline, that is, the bloodline of Noni's family, is really benefited from women's clothing in a certain sense."

"What the hell? What the hell kind of effect is this?? What's the principle?" Not far away, Yana and Tina were already snickering at him. Even Huo Lei couldn't help coughing twice. Den felt that he was losing face. Some can't hang on anymore.

"The principle is a bit complicated." Lilina explained seriously.

"Do any of you bring a mirror?"

"Oh, I have it here."

"Here." After taking the mirror, Lilina handed it to Gordon.

"?What's wrong?"

"Look after yourself."

"Oh, what next?" Gordon asked, looking at the extremely familiar face in the mirror.

"Have you ever felt your blood vessels expand?"

"?? What is bloodline expansion?" Gordon was confused, there were so many flaws, and for a while he didn't know where to start. "You can see your blood vessels swell when you look at your own face. To this extent, ordinary perverts would be intimidated!"

As soon as these words came out, Lilina immediately looked at him with a very strange look.

"?What's the matter."

"You have invisibly cursed all your ancestors."


"How strange, didn't your fathers teach you the secrets of your family?" Lilina straightened the mirror, walked behind Gordon, took off his hood, and let his hair fall down.

Since he has been busy escaping for several months and has no time to take care of his hair, Gordon's hair has fallen down to his shoulders. In the mirror, he can see his fair skin, delicate facial features, and a pair of aquamarine eyes paired with a slightly dressed The shoulder-length hair is messy but harmless, like a fairy who is free from the world. Check out more exciting books here.

"How's it going? Do you feel a little better now?"

"It sounds like something is wrong when you say that!" Gordon quickly shook his head and changed his perspective from the mirror. "Isn't there something wrong with the brains of people who are fascinated by me?? I'm not a narcissist."

"It's such a pity that the people of the Witch God clan have some narcissistic attributes." Lilina explained slowly. "The people in your family can unleash two hundred percent or even higher potential, but the prerequisite is to expand their bloodline...! It depends on your own way. After entering a state of narcissism, there will be a large amount of certain hormones in the blood. stimulate potential.

"I have a lot of books, don't lie to me." Gordon said with disbelief on his face.

"You might as well give it a try."

"? How to try."

"Hmm... I don't know much about this. Is there any of you who is good at makeup and makeup? Can you help me?"

"I can." Tina raised her hand and volunteered to stand up.

"Okay, please, please dress Mr. Gordon up as a girl so that you can't tell at all."

"Give it to me! As for the clothes, we can just use local materials." Tina was full of enthusiasm.

"Wait a minute, don't just decide these inexplicable things. Have you asked me for my opinion?"

"There is no need to delay, Mr. Gordon, for the prosperity of your clan and for the sake of this world." Lilina's expression was full of seriousness. "Any sacrifice made for this is great." is the only station in this novel.

"That's right, don't come over here!"

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