Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 34 ~ Set off, the new crusade warrior (Part 2)

Everyone dispersed, and before leaving, Mu Ju found Ji Yue. "My Lady Princess."

"It's Mu Ju. We're about to leave. If you don't pack up your luggage, what are you going to do with me?" Ji Yue looked down at the incomplete scroll in her hand.

"Sypriel has suffered serious ecological damage, and there is no manpower to mine iron ore. What did you use to make that sword?"

"So this is what you care about?" Ji Yue raised her head and sighed, put the book in the bookcase, and walked to the balcony. To view more exciting books, please go to "Let me take a bold guess, you melted your crown, right??"

"Your Majesty, that is the crown of all gods of the ancient kings of the Gulan Empire. It symbolizes absolute orthodoxy and royal power. You" Seeing that Ji Yue did not speak, Mu Ju continued.

"So what?" Ji Yue asked. "Without that crown, am I no longer the queen? In the same way, if I had the crown in my previous life, would I be the supreme emperor?"

"This... do this, at least discuss it with us."

"Tenon, this is the instruction." Ji Yue looked at the unobstructed blue sky and quietly raised an arc. "Only now do I know that all of this is the instruction given to me by ancestor Cypriel."

"It is destined to find the crown and the hourglass. Perhaps my ancestors wanted to tell me that there are things in this world that are more important than the crown and inheritance."

"Fortunately, I have found that thing. No, I should say I have recovered it." Ji Yue smiled happily at Mu Ju.

"But, Your Majesty, Senior Bai Ming is now..."

"It's the same everywhere." Ji Yue shook her head, with a calm and relaxed smile showing a relaxed and open-minded attitude. "As long as she lives a good life and is happy, that's all. I have no other expectations."

"The crown only provides her with a layer of protection."

"His Majesty"

"Okay, you should be ready to go. The opponent is an elf a thousand times more cunning than the outer gods. You must be careful." After giving the last instructions, Ji Yue returned to her boudoir and closed the door. Looking through the screen window at the blond girl who was about to set off outside, she smiled bitterly.

"Have a good journey. This time, we must triumph."

After simply packing their belongings, everyone set off on their journey to defeat the new demon king. Their families, relatives and friends waited behind, watching the departing figures with their hands clasped together and praying to their respective gods for their victory.

The traveling team includes the vampire queen's sister Yana, the troll knight Horey, the Asian cat queen Xiaosha, the wizard prophet Gordon, as well as the former paladin Sword Cross Lilina, Bow Cross Landrito and Qiāng Cross Wooden Tenon .

A total of seven people, composed of forces from different races and countries, marched towards King's Landing.

In order to save time, Milo acted as a transportation tool and sent everyone directly to the mountains not far from King's Landing City.

"Thank you for your hard work, Milo. Let's go back and wait for the good news of our triumphant return." Yana jumped down after stroking Milo's head.

After a dragon roar, everyone watched the figure retreating away.

King's Landing was as it always was, with a warm wind blowing, but there seemed to be a strange atmosphere brewing in the air. The city was as quiet as usual, but there was a huge whirlpool hovering above, indicating that this place was far from tranquility.

Despite being poorly prepared and waiting for no one, they still came.

Everyone approached the city and approached the towering city wall. What made people feel strange was that the city was surprisingly quiet, and even the guards were not seen.

"Could it be that those elves have already withdrawn from here?" Yana asked in surprise.

"It's very possible." Gordon analyzed with a frown. "The final goal is achieved. There is no need for the Elf Queen to stay in Baland. In order to avoid complications, she will most likely choose to escape into the subspace and reappear in Baland after she has completely digested it."

"Ah, so we are still a step too late?" Huo Lei pounded his chest.

"No, not really." Lilina denied. "They must still be here."

"Where to begin?"

"I remember you said that the elf who claimed to be the Elf Ancestor God used forbidden magic to seal all the doors leading to the subspace from Baland."

"Since everything is sealed, naturally, including herself."

"But she herself is the culprit. Could it be that she can't even lift this forbidden technique?"

"Yes, but don't forget that she is very fragile in the digestive state and can hardly mobilize her spirit. If she wants to cast the forbidden spell at this time, she can't."

"So, she is most likely hiding in a space created by Barand. This type of space is not a subspace in the strict sense, so the entrance is often somewhere in Barand. "Lilina, who has an extremely comprehensive understanding of gods, explained.

"Wait, I think I know, come with me!" Gordon put away his small mirror and took the lead to open the door and enter the city.

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