Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 39~Hope and Bloodline (Part 1)

"What?" Lilina's next move shocked the audience below.

Seizing the opportunity, she used Dawn's side skill to immobilize Evening Star, then used a sword to pry open her mouth, and then got in.

A row of big question marks appeared on the heads of everyone present. When this kind of advantage is taken, shouldn't it end with a fatal blow to the opponent? Why did you just get into the other person's mouth without saying anything? ?

"Bow and cross, what kind of operation is this?" Wooden Tenon, who looked at it for a long time, finally said something. "Are you sending yourself into the tiger's mouth?"

"...Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Senior Bai Ming is such a person. She must have her reasons for doing this. You have also seen Mu Xing's near-immortal regeneration ability, so I think Senior Bai Ming should be planning to start from It pierces the opponent's fragile navel." Landrito analyzed it randomly, but in fact he couldn't understand this series of operations with his thinking.

"Is that so? It's amazing. As expected of Senior Bai Ming, he easily accomplished what we couldn't do."

"Miss Lilina seems to be planning to rescue Her Majesty Bai Ji first...but will this work?" Gordon frowned slightly. "The stomach of the Devouring Species is the source of devouring. If you fail to do so, you will not be able to protect yourself." For more exciting books, please go to "This is simply what a reckless man does." Yana sighed and thought about it carefully. So far, There really is no other idea besides this method.

Judging from the current situation, Mu Xing has absorbed most of Bai Ji's divine power. Even in the digestion state, it has almost immortal regeneration ability. The mortal curse is obviously helpless, although the opponent also does not have good skills to kill them. , but when time passed and Bai Ji was completely digested by her, they would be finished.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, Lilina chose to fight.

"But can this really succeed?" Xiao Sha looked worried as she was supported by Yana.

After seeing Lilina's amazing strength, everyone understood that without Lilina, it would be impossible for them to defeat Evening Star. If Lilina made a mistake, everything would be in vain.

"You foolish mortals are so audacious!" Duixing, who had recovered from the immobilization effect, cursed angrily. "I won't let you succeed. Since you are so anxious to put it in my mouth, I will reunite you!"

She has no time to care about the small fish and shrimps on the ground now, because Lilina is indeed a threat to her.

Lilina entered the mouth and quickly slid down the esophagus. As far as the esophagus was concerned, the Devouring Species seemed to be no different from ordinary creatures.

Zigzagging from top to bottom, like a slide in an ocean amusement park, she landed perfectly and came to a relatively empty flat ground. The surroundings were dark red, and there were things like mud attached to the walls. 'The ground is as soft as a soft blanket.

Before she even took a step forward, she realized she couldn't walk anymore. Her feet seemed to have taken root on the ground. Not only that, but the worst part was that her body was still sinking, as if she had strayed into a swamp. , the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

Several flesh-colored tentacles stretched out from the ground, entangled towards Lilina, who could not move. After they were cut off by Lilina with her sword, these tentacles stopped the attack very cleverly, but they did not give up their attack. Her covetousness seems to be looking for new tactics.

Obviously, these tentacles should be controlled by Evening Star. As a devourer, she can adjust the conditions in her body at will and eliminate some invading pests in time.

Lilina was like a little mosquito that had fallen into a trap, attracted by the fragrance secreted by the pitcher plant, and finally got stuck in it and couldn't extricate herself.

Cutting off flesh contact naturally and inevitably requires movement of the limbs, and this will only cause Lilyyan's body to sink deeper and deeper into the flesh pool.

Lilina's swing of the sword gradually became difficult, and she felt her strength gradually drain away as her body sank. By then, the flesh pool had already swallowed her knees.

As the movements became slower and slower, the tentacles finally seized the opportunity and wrapped around Lilina's waist, followed by her hands, and then her thighs, binding her tightly.

The tentacles dragged her down, like a predator dragging a large prey, until Lilina's head was completely immersed in the flesh pool.

The pool of meat that seemed to be solid gave people a very strange feeling. Lilina only felt that she was wrapped tightly by a ball of soft meat. She could not move between these pieces of meat, and she even had a thought. The feeling of falling asleep.

"Pah!" With the force of gravity, Lilina left the flesh pool and fell onto a ball of soft things. When she stood up from the ground, she felt that something was stuck to her hands.

However, the surroundings were too dark, and without lighting, she couldn't see clearly what was sticky on her hands. She looked around and couldn't find her sword. At the same time, something like ocean waves slapped on her thighs. Hot and sticky, like glue.

The glue quickly covered her ankles and quickly rose to her thighs, making it slightly difficult to walk. The visibility of less than three meters made her mobility even worse.

She tried to find the dawn that should have been left around, but found nothing. She realized that the dawn had probably been washed away by Dusk Star's conscious use of the trough, and she had no choice but to walk in this boundless darkness and rely on her senses for purpose. Look for.

Looking away, she seemed to see a flickering faint purple light in an instant. She rubbed her eyes. It was not an illusion.

The purple light that looked at her from afar was not swallowed up by this boundless darkness, and still remained

It is emitting a dim but persevering light, trying to make people discover it.

Lilina felt the familiar fluctuations, and she opened her legs and walked towards the purple ray that seemed to symbolize hope.

Lilina kept walking, but the distance between the two seemed not to be shortened at all. It always remained at a fixed value, as if there was no way to get there no matter what.

She didn't give up, but the more she walked, the more she felt her strength drain away from her body. Her steps became more and more laborious, and she swayed, as if she would fall into the viscous pool water and never get up again. Not coming.

The water in the pool is constantly absorbing its own vitality!

Realizing this fact, Lilina awakened her exhausted nerves and cheered up.

In this desperate darkness, courage is the only light that can illuminate the way forward.

As the distance got closer, Lilina could barely see clearly the shape of the veins of the purple light.

It's a pendant, and it's hanging on a stalactite-like rouge bud.

That is, Yue Huang.

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