Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 46~A solution that is not a solution (Part 1)

"The probability of appearing is obviously lower than that of a meteor falling..." Lilina just muttered in a low voice. She did not expect that the flag that fell down would actually take off the next moment.

A shooting star that flew straight down continued to magnify in the field of vision, trailing a long tail of fireworks behind it, and countless sparks followed closely behind it.

"Quick, go tell all the residents in the city to go back to their homes, close their doors and don't come out." Bai Ji immediately gave the order.

After receiving the order, the soldiers did not dare to neglect and rushed out of the inner city without even having time to put on their helmets.

"Xiaoya, go and activate the anti-air protection spell in King's Landing. Elder Nim, please leave this child to you." He picked up little Lilina with one hand and threw it to Nim who came after him.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured."

"Mr. Gordon."

"Yeah, I'm here."

"This is probably why you came to us." Bai Ji's tone was more solemn than ever as she watched the small sparks in the sky turn into large flaming rocks.

"Yes, it's just that I didn't expect it to come so quickly." Gordon took a step forward with his staff in hand, with a sigh in his voice and a hint of resentment after a fluke.

"What are the research results?" As soon as Bai Ji finished her words, there were crisp sounds like pebbles hitting glass...

Meteors, as dense as raindrops, hit the air defense barrier, leaving cracks like spider webs, and crimson flames bloomed above their heads.

"The way to awaken the gods, and the price after awakening." The air defense barrier has no sound insulation effect, and the outside world is too noisy for the two to communicate with their voices. What the two are currently communicating is psychological communication.

"These days, I have been sorting out ancient books, and unexpectedly found a very strange ancient book in the compartment of the bookshelf." Gordon said this sentence with a little weirdness. "Obviously, no matter how much I searched before, I couldn't find these related books on the bookshelf."

"How is the research going?"

"It's going well. It has been completely interpreted so far. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to come to His Majesty."

"This is not the place to talk. Let's talk in the palace."

The outside world is noisy, but the house is as quiet as water. There are some loose tea leaves floating in the tea, and the dense heat adds a sense of warmth to the house.

According to the past, with the lavishness and style of the blood clan royal family, it would be impossible to entertain distinguished guests with this kind of inferior herbal tea. Resources are limited. Now is an extraordinary period. Spirits can reshape nature, but they cannot speed up the growth of vegetation. rate.

Den was not surprised by this. Under such conditions, drinks were an extremely luxurious thing, let alone tea.

"Your Majesty should know the nature of extreme blackness and pure whiteness better than I do, and what I want to talk about is the world structure based on this."

"It is true that the ultimate black and pure white are used to select the gods, but to put it more precisely, they are actually used by the gods."

"Just imagine, is there anything inexhaustible in the universe? Magic, resources, and even the air we breathe, these things we take for granted are not free."

"Baland's resources will always be exhausted. So, what will be used to replenish them after they are exhausted? The characteristic of Baland's plane is that it cannot be self-sufficient. Otherwise, foreign leeks like the Road of God would not be launched. the behavior of."

"You mean that the essence of the path of God is that the gods are unable to continue to maintain Barand, so they summon alien species and draw their power to keep the world from collapsing?"

"You can think so. After all, the devouring species cannot coexist, and devouring is the only way to eliminate each other. In this way, the gods indirectly absorb all the energy of these devouring ones, and wait until the power is exhausted again. Just start the path to God.”

"According to this meaning, the devouring kind of tool man, the one who survives to the end will be even worse. Not only can he not become a real god, but he will also become a non-renewable fuel that continues the continent?"

"That's what it means."

"...Fortunately, we didn't try to summon the gods with our heads burning." Bai Ji covered her head and thought according to this line of thinking. A certain smart bird-faced man blocked the knife for herself. Logically speaking, he should be the tool in the end. Be yourself.

"So, in this case, the leeks are finished, the energy has been restored, and the spirit has completely disappeared in the world. Shouldn't the world return to peace?"

"This is the biggest reason why I came to you." Gordon looked solemn. "The depleted gods gained energy. This is not something worth celebrating. Instead, it is an out-and-out disaster."


"Because God is not equal to Baland. You are just Baland's creator. Just because you have obtained energy does not mean that Baland has also obtained energy."

"On the contrary, after the core is infused, the god who gets the chance to awaken will destroy the entire Barand."

"? Why is this?" Bai Ji, who rested her chin on her folded hands, frowned slightly.

"We have unknowingly activated the self-destruction device of this world." Gordon took a deep breath. The hot tea in his hand could not calm his mood.

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