Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 52~The knight will never be absent (Part 1)

You are the knight of all.

What has never changed is the determination to protect.

"Me too, knight." Bai Jin stood up slowly, clutching the golden medal tightly, looking at the golden statue not far away.

A wave of warm blood surged from her chest and spread to her chest, and she picked up the broken objects on the ground. "As a queen, maybe you should stop here, but as a knight"

The reason why the insignificant mortals are not worthless is the courage to challenge the strong.

Brave men themselves cannot become good stories, but their determination and bravery to persist until the last moment are passed down through the ages.

Powang hit the god's body again. This time it was obviously different from the previous attacks that were painless and painless. It left a medium-deep crack on the god's body.

The god who realized that he was injured noticed the presence of Bai Jin, but did not pay much attention to it. The wound was healed as well as ever the moment it was cut.

At this point, the scratch damage caused by Powu was repaired for the first time.

The process of destroying the world seems to have entered the final stage, and God is in no mood to be distracted and deal with a little fly.

Bai Jin followed the god's body, jumped onto the god's head in one fell swoop, and struck down hard with one strike.

The god turned a blind eye, and the scratch was repaired the moment it fell, leaving no trace at all.

After realizing that ordinary attacks could not cause damage to the god, Bai Jin moved his eyes to the place where the god was focused—the Mimic Balande Sphere.

That is the place where the divine power is most concentrated. God mimicked the planet of Baland's form, associated it with Baland, and destroyed it to destroy Baland.

The complexly woven divine power can break down any substance into its most basic molecules, and he is no exception. renew.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

If this is not done, Barand's destruction will become a fait accompli, and there will be no way to remedy it.

Bai Jin took a deep breath and jumped into the energy sphere woven in the arms of the god without hesitation.

"Bai Ji!" Lilina was stunned, obviously shocked by Bai Ji's actions, and couldn't close her mouth.

Perhaps because of the protection of her organs, Bai Jin, who was immersed in divine power, was not directly disassembled into cells, and her situation was not optimistic.

It was as if the surroundings were filled with turbulent ocean currents, just like the pressure she had to endure when diving 10,000 meters below the seabed, as if all the blood in her body was being squeezed out.

The body, the flesh and blood body is too fragile, no way

It would be great if the body was turned into a pure energy body. In that case, these turbulent currents would not be able to destroy her body. Such thoughts and desires continued to grow in her heart, which seemed to be a response to her thoughts. , the Golden Eagle Medal gave off a dazzling brilliance.

Bai Jin, who was unconscious, suddenly felt like thousands of silver needles were stuck in her brain, and she woke up instantly. At the same time, she noticed the familiar calling.

"Tianhui?" She was so close to her that she tried to touch it. In an instant, the armor fragments turned into white-gold particles, wrapping and covering her.

She felt that her body was fading and dissolving, but it was just a body, and her soul was as clear and clear as ever.

The armor that envelops her was made from local materials and used the energy of the gods to forge a body completely composed of divine power for her.

Dark Silver's whole plate armor bloomed with silver light, and the seam of the helmet burned with blazing cold fire. The burly knight was reborn in the forging of the fire.

In the Barand plane, the Blood Spirit Palace ushered in the final wave of impact.

The dwarves hid in the ground in an attempt to escape, but Xiaosha, who was exhausted, finally collapsed. The Blood Spirit Palace, which had lost the protection of the Purple Lotus, was exposed to the meteor. The thousands of flickering fires that fell would become The final curtain of this world.

Just when everyone was mentally prepared, a shocking scene happened. The meteorite that was supposed to fall to the ground actually exploded in advance. The meteorites that could not catch up in the future were all spared and died collectively in the sky.

After the deafening series of loud bangs, the sky returned to calm.

"?? What does this mean?" After noticing that the noisy crackles fell into a deathly calm, Huo Lei and others hurriedly walked out of the palace.

"Why, the meteorite rain has stopped?"

"Is it possible that the meteorite just happened to be smashed, and even the gods are at their wits' end?" Huo Lei made random guesses with his weak head.

"No, that's not right." Tina, who saw the scene of the meteor dying in the air, was definitely not because the meteor had run out, which she knew was impossible even if she thought about it.

"Is it possible that there is something more powerful behind?" Landrito said, covering his head. "Isn't this god too cruel? After the meteor hits, there will be a tsunami, volcano eruption or something. Or do you plan to have all natural disasters happen again to let humans experience the wrath of nature?"

Before Landrito finished speaking, the earth began to tremble.

"Bow Cross, you crow's mouth!"

"Where is the crow's mouth? This is a realistic guess!"

"Quick! There's an earthquake. Everyone, get out of the city and find an open place to take refuge!"

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