Blood Princess and the Knight

Volume Thirteen The Truth of Gods and the Final Battle The Final Scene: Princess Solanya and Her Mai

It's not that God created Baland, that's why Baland came into existence, but that Baland needed a god to manage it, so there was a god.

In a certain sense, God is the manager of the formation of Baland's independent consciousness. Therefore, the god who acts as a god must be a machine that has no emotions and can absolutely execute orders. This also explains why the mortal and divine conflicts with each other. .

Since the first birth of this continent, there have been countless people who have ascended to the throne of God, but there has never been an existence that can retain independent consciousness and ascend to the throne of God. Perhaps, she will make history.

The plane of God began to collapse. This ancient plane has become a thing of the past. It is a product that will be eliminated and there is no need to retain it.

Holding the sleeping Lilina in her arms, Bai Ji opened her strange-colored eyes, and her black wings covered the sky and stretched out, covering the entire world.

As if she had been reborn and reborn, she knew she still had things to do.

"Only the last piece of the complete puzzle remains."

Looking indifferently at the sleeping girl in his arms, the being named Bai Ji put down his hand, and the girl in his arms disappeared as if she had been transported through space.

"Tsk, what's going on with this sky? It's like a malnourished tomato. It's splitting inwards."

The survivors of Barande survived the crisis, but had to face new challenges.

The sky collapsed and the earth trembled, just like a divine messenger bringing the doomsday appointed by the gods. All living beings were like ants, unable to decide their own destiny.

"Your Highness Yana, Your Highness Yana!" At this time, a maid rushed out from the palace. "Your Highness Yayan, the princess is back!"

"What did you say??" After a brief surprise, Yana followed the maid back to the palace and saw that at this moment, the silver-haired girl was lying on her bed, sleeping.

After testing her breath, Yana breathed a sigh of relief.

"Her Royal Highness Lilina is back?" Everyone felt surprised.

"Elder Nim, is there anything abnormal?" Yana asked Elder Nim who took Lilina's pulse and checked her body.

"I just fell asleep. It seems to be due to exhaustion of physical strength. Otherwise, it's not serious." Nim shook his head.

"Since Miss Lilina has returned from the Realm of God, does that mean that Her Majesty Bai Ji has also returned from the Realm of God?" Gordon guessed.

"They really succeeded and did it." Huo Lei sighed with emotion. Even as a passionate young man, he couldn't believe that he could defeat Baland's true god with only his mortal power.

"It's truly a story that will go down in history."

"But why...since they succeeded, why hasn't Baland returned to normal?" Mu Ju frowned as he looked at the strange sky and cracked earth.

"Yes, and where is my sister?" Yayan covered her head. She had ordered the maids in the palace to search through the Blood Spirit Palace, including the queen's bedroom, the queen's reading room, and the queen's library. Find Bai Ji's figure.

"Is it possible that only Lilina is back and Her Majesty Baiji is trapped in the realm of God for some reason?"

As she thought, if Baland lost his god, he would subconsciously recast the god, and the way to cast the god was to choose the most powerful mortal species so far.

Bai Ji was chosen without hesitation. At that moment, the consciousness tried to erase her consciousness. At the most critical moment, Lilina's voice awakened Bai Ji, who was about to be replaced by the consciousness, and she was exhausted. lethargy.

After defeating the outer gods, the true gods, and the erasure of the will of the world, Bai Ji successfully ascended to the highest throne in the world.

However, up to this point, she didn't have much sense of unreality. Instead, after gaining divine power, she had the idea that all this was a natural result.

It's not over yet, there's still one last piece of the puzzle left.

With a flutter of her black wings, she moved from the collapsed God's Realm to a dark castle.

The owner of the castle seemed to have anticipated her arrival. The torches on both sides bloomed with cold sparks at the right time, and the black and gray city walls were lit by blue flames.

"You're here." The woman with horns walked down from the throne.

Bai Ji stared at the woman quietly with indifferent eyes and remained silent.

"Defeated the gods and obtained godhead to replace the gods of this plane? Haha, let me say congratulations first." Ke'er said with a smile.

"Who are you?" The more she learned, the more Bai Ji became suspicious and uneasy about the identity of the woman in front of her.

"Are you wary of me?" Ke'er raised her eyebrows slightly, then smiled to herself. "What am I talking about? How could you not be wary of me?"

"It seems that after becoming a god, you are not omniscient and omnipotent." Ke'er said teasingly. "Oh no, to be precise, you are not a real god yet. If you want to become a god, you still need one last thing. And now, you came to me for it, right?"

"That's right. If we don't recover this swallowing energy quickly, the world will collapse."

"It's not just that kind of thing." Bai Ji held the death's scythe and looked at Ke'er meaningfully. "We still want an answer."

"Answer? I'm sorry, I really don't have an answer for you here."

"who are you?"

"I have answered this question for you a long time ago." Ke'er spread his hands. "I am Ke'er, but I am not the Ke'er you know."

"We don't want to hear these mute words." Bai Ji released her divine power invisibly, and the castle trembled.

"Hey, you want to hear the answer? Then knock me down first.

Well, there is no free answer in this world, you know that, right? ? "Ke'er sneered.

"You are so powerful now, it won't be difficult to defeat me, right?... I won't say a word. If you want the answer, you have to fight for it yourself."

"After being a Devourer for so long, haven't you figured out that we can only talk with our fists??"

Bai Ji's eyes narrowed. In just this moment, Ke'er couldn't move. Before the next moment, without giving her any chance to breathe, Bai Ji picked her up from the air.

"You secretly hid part of the devouring energy behind God's back. I have to say you are a little clever."

"But do you think this little cleverness is meaningful in the face of real strength?" Bai Ji asked coldly.

It was precisely because Ke'er secretly hid part of the devouring energy that Shen did not receive the complete devouring energy, which resulted in him losing the ability to move due to exhaustion of energy after only ten minutes of fighting with Bai Ji.

If she were to face a god that was overflowing with energy, I'm afraid that Bai Ji would be in the realm of gods now.

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