Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 3~Teaching My Sister a Lesson (Part 2)

"It just so happens that this is also a training ground. We see that it's quite tiring for you to train alone. How about finding a partner?" Bai Ji looked at it with a smile.

"Sparring partner? What sparring partner?" Yana glanced at Bai Ji and quickly understood the other party's intention. "Let's forget it. I'm afraid I might accidentally make you disabled or something, and it's hard for my mother to explain to you."

"Our lovely Xiao Yana, is your brain showing off?" Bai Ji laughed mockingly. "With the vampire's vitality, it's really difficult to injure and cripple him. At least we don't think a spell of your level can do it. Don't overestimate your capabilities."

Yana looked at Bai Ji carefully, and she gradually began to notice something unusual.

She knew very well that her biological sister, Solanya, was cowardly, willing to compromise, and had extremely low self-esteem. She was also very afraid of making her mother angry and did not dare to cause trouble.

It can be said that the word weakness is taken to the extreme.

If she was the second daughter of a certain noble, she was barely qualified, but what she shouldn't have was that she was born into an emperor's family, and she was the eldest daughter.

Such a weak character cannot be the queen no matter what.

To be honest, Yana hates this weak sister who thinks that she is good to her because she accommodates herself in everything. She holds the title of the first heir but does not want to make progress and stays in her palace all day long. , has nothing to do with the word queen.

Today's Solanya obviously made her feel a little inconsistent.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Yana couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Bai Ji had already picked up a long sword from the ground and started playing with it.

Although the strength of this body is smaller, it is not unusable.

"Seriously?" Yana raised her eyebrows. Facing a sister who had no fighting talent or blood, and had never been exposed to anything other than prostitutes, even if she won, there was nothing to be proud of. On the contrary, she was ashamed.

To duel her would be to bully her.

"Your Highness, forget it, let's go back." Seeing Bai Ji getting more and more playful, Ke'er couldn't hold back her anger.

"Stay far away. Our sister's spell is not precise and may hurt you later." Bai Ji held her hand and waved away Ke'er who wanted to step forward.

"This, this" Ke'er saw that the situation between the two parties was out of control, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"If I take action, don't expect me to show mercy." A bolt of lightning rose from Yana's palm.

"Oh, thank you very much."

"Are you going to use that sword against me?"

"Well, I know a little bit about swordsmanship. Please give me some advice. My sister is not cute at all~"

"You don't overestimate your capabilities." Yana snorted coldly, as if she planned to make Bai Ji suffer a little, and released a thick lightning beam.

[Elemental Summoning Lightning Chain

Bai Ji reacted immediately and made a dodge action. However, this body was too slow. When her head reacted, her body was unable to respond, although she still managed to dodge.

"Huh?" Yana was surprised to see Bai Ji being able to dodge the extremely fast lightning spell.

"It's a taboo to stay in a daze during a battle." In just one breath, Bai Ji adjusted her condition and rushed over.

After reacting, Yana hurriedly threw out various low-level elemental summoning spells such as fireball and ice cone. When she was panicking, she never thought that even lightning could not hit Bai Ji. The slower fireball and How can I get the ice pick?

Sure enough, Bai Ji just moved her body slightly to dodge the released curse. Seeing that the distance between Bai Ji and herself was getting closer, Yayan panicked.

It can also be seen from here that although Yana has learned a lot of magic spells, she has no practical experience at all and can't cast any spells at a critical moment.

No, if I were defeated by this good-for-nothing sister, my reputation would plummet!

She was desperately thinking about the magic spells that could be used when the swordsman got close to her. However, at that moment, Bai Ji rushed in front of her and dealt with her face to face.

"Lightning ball!" At the critical moment, Yana came up with the idea of ​​using the lightning spell when the distance was so close, and she would definitely hit the opponent.

Her thinking was indeed correct, but it was a pity that she chose the wrong opponent.

[Counterattack Gauntlet


Sparks burst out, and the lightning chain cracked the gauntlet, emitting a large number of sparks. Holding the charred sword, Bai Ji herself was unscathed...

The sword blade was about to pierce Yana's chest, and she closed her eyes subconsciously.

"Haha." Bai Ji turned the edge of the sword and held the blade of the sword as if she were hitting a baseball. She hit Yana hard with the hilt and knocked her away like a baseball.

"Wow! Okay, it hurts." Yana covered her red forehead, gritted her teeth, and looked at Bai Ji with tears in her eyes.

After all, he is still a child. Due to his well-developed tear ducts, he can't help but cry out when it hurts.

"Oh, damn it! My mother never beat me like this!"

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