Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 4 ~ This is the education of love (Part 2)

Just move forward a little bit, and the sharp blade will cut Yana's skin.

"You lost again." Bai Ji made a declaration that made Yana despair.

"Okay, now you want to stop here and exchange those five pigs, or continue to gamble and see if you can offset these five humiliating pigs?" Bai Ji used it cunningly. Follow the instructions carefully.

"As for us, I recommend that you stop continuing and exchange it as soon as possible, so as not to make a fool of yourself and make people laugh."

"Come again!" Yana stared at Bai Ji and said.

Being defeated head-on by a loser with no blood or talent, and losing twice in a row, Yana obviously couldn't swallow this breath.

"Okay, you have courage, you are worthy of being our sister." Bai Ji's lips curved into a smile.

Although Yana is a bit superior, it does not mean that her IQ has decreased. This time, Yana, who knew that she would definitely lose if she was approached, deliberately tried to distance herself from Bai Ji as much as possible before the war started.

Bai Ji rushed forward to approach her as before. Yana held her breath and concentrated to increase her concentration. After two failures, she knew that the more panicked, the less likely she would win, so this time, she forced herself to calm down.

After calming down, more spells could be released at the same time, but Bai Ji was still not hit by any of them.

"Tsk!" Looking at Bai Ji getting closer and closer, Yana, who had already expected it, released the magic spell she had always reserved - the touch of the magic hand.

This move is to release huge aerodynamic force, pushing two people close to each other apart, thereby increasing the distance.

Yana firmly believed that the secret the other party used to resist the curse only applied to the curse and could not act on the thrust. She was bound to win this move.

However, to her disbelief, with the sound of sparks bursting out, the gauntlet bent as if it had been hit hard, but Bai Ji did not retreat but instead advanced, using the curved long sword to suddenly thrust towards her chest.

The lower limit of the counterattack gauntlet is very low, and ordinary knights only understand it in the offense and defense of swordsmanship. In fact, this swordsmanship is a versatile trick passed down by the Saint Lun family. As long as you are proficient enough, you can hold the sword in your hand. It's strong enough, and its spirit is blocked for you to see.

The long sword that drove straight in stopped in front of Yana.


"I, I'll come again!" Yana still didn't believe in evil and continued to demand without admitting defeat.

She already has a complete gambler's mentality, and this mentality will obviously make the situation more serious.


"Come again!"


"Come again, come again!"


"Again, again!"

In this way, until the magic energy in Yana's body was exhausted, she could not use the magic spell to even touch a single hair of Bai Ji.

"Why, maybe?" Yana, who had just woken up after exhausting her strength, found that she had already incurred a debt that was difficult to repay.

Looking up, the girl's shadow in front of her covered her.

"One hundred and five~~" At some point, the sword in Bai Ji's hand disappeared, replaced by a long, slender wooden stick that would hurt a little when hitting someone.

"One hundred, zero five." Yana lost all hope and fell to the ground, her face full of hopelessness.

"Well, as you can see, if you have no other questions, let's start first? As promised before, one hundred and five, no more and no less~~ Come on, lie down and keep your posture relaxed Yes~~"

"Let go, if you put it right, it won't hurt so much?" Yana looked at Bai Ji pitifully, trying to find a trace of sympathy for brotherhood on her smiling face.

"No, if you have the right posture, it will be easier for us to strike. We must make sure that the stick reaches the flesh. If it hits the bones, it doesn't count. You have to start over."

"Ugh!!" Yana covered her mouth. She felt that although Bai Ji in front of her kept laughing and never stopped, she was really scary, almost scarier than the devil in the fairy tale book. However, even so, Yana She has no intention of going back on her word and begging for mercy. As the legitimate daughter of the Blood Spirit Royal Family, she has been taught to be noble and elegant since she was a child. It is impossible for her to do anything like going back on her promise.

"Then, let's begin~"

That's true, but...


It really hurts!

"Ah ugh!"


"Oooh, you, you devil!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu away

"Wow! Yana, Yana is wrong, don't hit me so hard, Yana is wrong, sister!"

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