Blood Princess and the Knight

38~Ms. Mula’s nightmare

"Miss she Miss Mulla of the Leforno family?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows. "So your name should be, Muraleforno?"

"Wrong, that's right." She didn't know why Bai Ji mentioned her family, so she subconsciously responded.

"You don't want to leave here?" Bai Ji asked while holding the list.

"Yes, yes! I know I was wrong. If Your Highness can let me stay regardless of the past grudges, I would be very grateful!" Hearing that there was a hint of looseness in Bai Ji's words, Mulla hurriedly got off the slope.

"I can keep you, but it's a fact that you don't follow the rules. If you don't punish me, I'm afraid the atmosphere in the princess house will not be corrected in the future." Bai Ji threw the list on the table.

"That's right. Your Highness Solanya, please punish me as much as you want. I will survive no matter what!" Mulla breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he still had a chance to stay.

As long as there is still a chance, it doesn't matter what the punishment is. Besides, when it comes to nobles, the punishment is unlikely to be too severe. It's usually just talk and a formality. For a noble and intellectual person like Her Royal Highness, How could it be possible to punish people with those cruel and ruthless methods?

"Okay, this is what you said." Bai Ji handed a piece of parchment prepared in advance and a quill to Mula.

"Wrong, Your Highness, what is this?..."

"Sign it. If there is disability, mental sequelae, syncope, coma and other serious injuries, it will be considered a work-related injury. We can provide you with medical expenses, but we will never be held responsible." Bai Ji spread her hands and had to do everything.

"This..." "How can such a thing be prepared in advance? Maura swallowed, she felt there was something wrong!

She didn't know why, but she felt that if she signed like this, she would be on a pirate ship.

"Don't you plan to sign? Then I will take back what I said before. Miss Mulla can leave."

"Wait! I'm willing to sign." After being forced like this, the anxious Mulla immediately agreed and signed his name on the paper without hesitation.

This must be a test for yourself by His Highness! Besides, it is not Mura's style to retreat in the face of battle. In her dictionary, if you like it, you have to chase it on your own. What is a piece of parchment?

And the so-called punishment is definitely just a formality. Even if it's because of her father's situation, the Princess Palace can't do it, huh?

After thinking about this, Maura smiled sweetly. "Thank you for your tolerance, Your Highness~" "You're welcome, I didn't give you this opportunity for your sake." It's just because her surname is Leforno.

"Yeah, yeah, I know~~ I know I was wrong. Then, Your Highness, where is the punishment?"

Bai Ji was silent for a moment before speaking abruptly. "Don't say it now that I'm wrong. Say it later. I believe it will be much more sincere than the completely indifferent tone now."

"Wrong? What do you mean?" Maura didn't quite understand Bai Ji's words.

Bai Ji didn't explain. She crossed her legs and supported her head with her hands. Her weird smile made Mula shudder and make her hair stand on end, as if she was being targeted by some extremely threatening beast.

Although she was trying to be nice on the internet for the sake of her old friend, she didn’t plan to fire her juniors, no, seniors, but no matter what she said, she had to be fair to Ke’er. Not only that, if she wanted to continue working here, she would definitely fight with Ke’er. conflict.

If the problem cannot be solved, then the person who raised the problem will be solved. Bai Ji has already made up his mind.

To make this ignorant young lady in front of her completely afraid of Kerr, and to create a kind of fear from the heart and soul. To put it bluntly, it creates a psychological shadow.

So, how can darkness be planted in people's hearts and be deeply rooted? Wrong, coincidentally, Bai Ji is an expert in this aspect.

"Take a moment." Bai Ji asked Mula to take a seat. The latter was not polite and sat elegantly opposite Bai Ji.

"Have some tea."

"Okay~" Maura held up the tea cup obediently. Although she was not thirsty, since it was Bai Ji's request, she would carry it out.

"Drink some more." Bai Ji poured tea for Moura with a smile on her face. This was already her third cup.

"Well, Your Highness, I'm not thirsty. One or two cups of tea will be enough." Maura, who couldn't drink, could only wave her hand and refuse.

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