Blood Princess and the Knight

40~-Annual Harvest Festival

"Solanya, come to me quickly~~" Although he said so,

However, the reality is that the pink figure rushes towards him impatiently.

"Your Excellency, can you let go first?" The succubus held her in her arms and asked.

Bai Ji was very speechless. His Excellency the Prince was already petite and was no better than her.

How much older are you than Yana? From this look, they look more like two little girls of the same age.

Hug each other. "Your Excellency, why are you shouting so loudly all of a sudden?"

Sparse. "His Excellency the Prince pouted in dissatisfaction, the meaning is self-evident.

Father, can you speak nicely?

"Well, well~~" The prince happily let go of Bai Ji's body and pulled him

Bai Ji's hands bounced towards her bed, which didn't look like that at all.

The prince behaves like a child who has found something he loves.

"Your Excellency, Duke Claude would like to see you." At this time, the guard knocked on the door.

After that, he opened the door and informed.

"Didn't you see that the king is talking to his daughter? If you have anything to do later?

Say it again. "The prince's attitude suddenly became cold, as if his words were laced with

A bone-chilling frost.

"But Lord Duke

"If he can wait, he can wait. If he can't wait, he can go back by himself. Okay, don't

Let me repeat it.

"Yes, I understand."

"Father, why did you call me here this time?" Bai Ji was asked by the prince.

He sat down on the bed very kindly, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and looked a little restrained. Looking in His Excellency the Prince's eyes, there was a trace of bitterness in his heart.


"Well, can't you see your daughter if you have nothing to do?" The prince looked very worried.

Hurt expression.

"My father's illness seems to have recovered." Bai Ji changed the subject.

"Well, I've almost regained my mobility in three weeks, thanks to

The medicine Solanya gave me, otherwise I might still be bedridden now.

It might continue to get worse. "The prince was in such a good mood that behind his back

The spade-shaped tail swayed like a cat.

Next are some questions about whether you have been eating well recently, sleeping well, and if there are any needs.

Is it something? If necessary, tell daddy. This kind of thing is what parents like the most.

Things to ask.

It feels good to be cared about, but Bai Ji feels uncomfortable being treated like a child.

It's a little bit too much to bear. Her age and the fact that she had been away from home in her previous life are considered as...

It's somewhat intolerable to children.

"You haven't had lunch yet, right~ Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I've been with Solanya.

It’s time to have a simple lunch. "The Prince with twinkling stars in his eyes

Your Excellency is like a coquettish little girl, which makes Bai Ji confused for a moment.

Actually he is a female) L or she is a daughter.

Bai Ji could understand having a meal with her children and agreed to eat.

At the request of a meal, the two came to the royal dining room of the palace.

Well, it is indeed a simple and honest meal, with long seats throughout the restaurant

It was filled with a dizzying array of food and snacks, and at the end of the long banquet was placed a barand

Famous fruits in various regions.

Heart peach, so named because it looks like a heart, although it doesn’t look very good.

The fruit taste is first-class, sweet but not greasy, crispy, fragrant and delicious, and very moist.

It is sufficient and can also be used as medicine.

Of course, this kind of fruit is okay for vampires to eat, but other races can eat it.

People often don't dare to eat such strange-looking things, so they can only be used to make medicine.

Things are rare and valuable. This fruit is only found in the Rum Mountains in the far east of the mainland.

And it is not abundant, so the fruit is very expensive.

Just glancing at Bai Ji, she saw dozens of expensive fruits from the mainland.

Some of them have never been seen even with Bai Ji's experience.

After all, this is a fruit from thousands of years ago. After the great catastrophe, many original

All species are extinct, including many vegetation and animals, so

It is normal for you to have never seen something from thousands of years ago.

"Solanya, come and sit here." His Excellency the Prince happily took his seat.

Finally, after shooing away the serving servants, he patted his thigh.

"Father, I am already fifteen years old."

"You're only fifteen! You haven't reached adulthood yet." The prince pouted.

road. "And so what if I'm an adult? It's not that in the eyes of my parents,

Children will always be children!

"Father, stop making trouble."

"No, no! It's been a long time since I've been with Solanya. Ming Ming is little

When you were young, you and Yana would sit on your father's lap and receive food.

La. "When a certain succubus prince saw Bai Ji, he pulled out the seat next to him and pouted.

He was so old that he could hang the iron hook, but then he got into a childish temper.

"That's really too shameful, I can't forgive you for obeying my order." Hearing the prince's description

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