The ceremonial competitions at the Harvest Festival have always been a hot topic among the people.

After all, ordinary people may never see the princess of the royal family in their lifetime.

Now, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Watching the game is secondary, the most important thing is to see the royal family

No matter which country, the royal family is the most popular topic among the people,

Especially the scandals and trivial matters of the royal family, once spread among the public, they are like a plague.

Yes, maybe they were only in the imperial city in the morning, but in the afternoon they might be all over the empire.


Just like the star effect in previous lives, what the royal family enjoys among the people is probably

This is such a treatment. Due to their religious beliefs, most people can say that

He is a crazy fan of Ratsambo, and the royal family hardly have the looks to bring him down.

, all of them are at the top level of the country.

You see, the royal family and their little ones are fragrant and their skin is like a newborn baby.

) L is so childish, and his pretty and playful face is so charming. It’s so beautiful.

Awesome, I really want to hold them in my arms. Don’t they smell delicious when powdered?

Even though the performance last year was very unsatisfactory, the hearts of the people of the Vampire Clan

Naturally, they all support their own royal family and hope that the royal family will win in today’s competition.

If you have amazing performance, don't be put down by the Gulan people again.

The vampires are preparing for the competition, and the Gulan people are not idle either. In fact, the Gulan people are not idle either.

The Lan Empire's visiting convoy is now on its way to the Blood Spirit Empire.

This year, as always, they plan to celebrate the day on this day when the whole country is celebrating.

Zi gave him a big gift called a slap in the face.

Unlike in the past, a vampire who was beaten could turn against him on the spot. In this kind of international social event, even if he was slapped in the face, he could only grit his teeth and take it to his stomach.

If you swallow, you have to stretch your face to apologize.

This is what the Qur'an people like to hear and see after dinner. It can make people

These annoying vampires showed smiles that were uglier than their crying faces. It was so big

It's so satisfying that I feel like I can eat a few more bowls of rice.

The news spread that Gu Lan Fang won a great victory at the Blood Spirit Empire’s festival last year.

After returning to China, it immediately aroused heated discussions, and it was not just the vampires who liked to talk about these things.

People, if you have nothing to do, just enjoy the melons and watch the excitement. This is an attribute that all human beings have.

As soon as this incident was reported back to Quran, the whole country immediately celebrated

, under the long-term tension between the two countries, all the people of Quran have grown up.

Feeling of bad breath.

The Blood Spirit Empire held the event in its own local area, taking advantage of the right time and place.

Ren He actually had his seat usurped by Gu Lan. This is really a slippery slope.

Big news.

If Gulan wins again this year, the Blood Spirit Queen will be really embarrassed.

There's no place to put it, and not only that, maybe there's a harvest festival banquet competition - Legend

The traditional project will be canceled directly because the vampire clan cannot bear the humiliation.

At that time, the Quran people will be able to proudly add to their own historical records.

Such a stroke: The traditional martial arts competition of the Blood Spirit Empire was interrupted due to the winning streak of the Gulan people.

Unable to bear the humiliation, cancel immediately.

The implication is that you vampires can't afford to play. If you lose, just flip the chessboard and act like a fool.

But even though they were there to cause trouble, superficial etiquette was still in place.

, otherwise the outside world will think that the Quran Empire is a country without etiquette.

Therefore, they have put a lot of effort into selecting leaders.

For example, this time, the person leading the convoy is the eldest son of the current Empress Gulan.

Special prince.

In order to congratulate the friendly country, he sent all his eldest sons, such as

This shows how much the emperor of Gulan attaches great importance to this 'friendship' with the Blood Spirit Empire


She did this to send out a signal that Gulan was the leader

Come with sincerity and friendliness, the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person, the blood spirits see this

The situation is that even if you suffer a loss, it is not easy to have an attack. It can only be said that eating Coptis chinensis is painful for a mute.

Not out.

Gulan's Liuli convoy drove into the border of the Blood Spirit Empire in a mighty manner

The city-state, the luxury of the carriages extremely demonstrates the national power of the Quran Empire.


Rows of tall horse-drawn carriages are traveling, as spectacular as moving buildings.

The facilities in the room are all available, including a toilet, in the true sense of the word

Let the people in the car enjoy the feeling of traveling with their home.

"The convoy in front, don't come any closer." The guards guarding the city had long said

He caught a glimpse of the massive convoy and waved to stop it.

"Explain your purpose of coming."

"Sorry to bother you." The motorcade stopped. A man in formal attire

The black-haired boy who looked very clean and behaved politely walked out


The word handsome cannot be used to describe this young man at all. He can be called a monster.

Her face is like a jade sculpture carved by the gods, and her violet eyes are full of aura.

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