Blood Princess and the Knight

50~Their relationship is surprisingly good?

The gun salute represents the end of a year's hard work, even if

Some workaholics who don’t want to participate in the celebration will also be free at this time.

Sit in the countryside and drink a few cups of light tea.

Young people prefer liveliness, especially those who live under the imperial city

People have bought tickets for festival celebrations early, purchased food and


The Royal Tournament venue is equipped with public toilets and food vending stations.

It can meet all the needs of viewers and will not miss any game.


After the opening remarks, Bai Ji returned to the backstage and asked listlessly

Ask the staff responsible for the event scheduling process.

"There's no competition for me today, right?" The hidden rules of the Harvest Festival, the members of the royal family -

Usually there will be a bye in the round, or some irrelevant opponents will be drawn.

, today’s event probably has little to do with her.

"There is indeed no competition for you." Not daring to neglect the princess, the staff checked

After looking at the game arrangements, he answered truthfully.

"That's fine, I'll go back first." She didn't sleep well this morning, and she planned to make up for it.

It's time to go back to sleep.

As he was leaving, out of the corner of his eye he glanced at today's match schedule.

Arriving at Yana's name.

That girl has a competition today? Forget it, let’s take a look.

With the horn blowing, the routine declaration of friendship first and competition second

After that, the first round of knockout competition officially began, with a noble young man from the blood clan fighting against the contestants from the leaf clan.

Bai Ji knows the Ye Clan. They are the vassal country of the Blood Clan. They

The area they live in was still in a tribal state before the arrival of the Vampire Clan, and it belongs to the Vampire Clan.

Their arrival allowed them to learn various magic techniques.

In exchange, the vampires will continue to open up and utilize the resources in their territory.

source, and they are also the beneficiaries, so it is a win-win situation.

The vampires will never mistreat their younger brothers who sincerely surrender to them, just like

The Scarlet Queen's character is strong and sadistic, but she will never point the finger at others.

People close to you.

The game has begun, and how could such a formal game involve less gambling?

Where is the game? No, betting has already begun in important areas. This is also

As part of the fun of the game, of course, the royal family as the banker can also make a small profit.


"Vina, can you place a bet for me?

"I understand, which side do you want to bet on, Your Highness?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. Just bet on whichever side you want."

Prince White's words were extremely casual, as if he didn't bother to guess which side would win.

It's just a symbolic participation in the gambling game.

"Your Highness doesn't want to participate, so there's no need to force yourself to participate." Wei Na remained silent.

Seriously. "This kind of game is not worthy of Your Highness watching."

"Wina, which side do you think should win?" White rested his chin on

With his folded hands, he calmly looked at the two sides who were constantly testing and confronting each other.

The noble young master of the vampire clan was obviously better.

"Well, I trust your judgment, go ahead and place your bet." White said with a smile. Isn't it nice to make money, especially if it's money from the Blood Spirit Empire?

"I understand, let's go now." Wei Na bowed slightly.

"It can be nourishing. It can be nourishing.

"Naila, eat quietly and don't make such a big noise." Huai

Te sighed. "You should learn from Luo Lan and don't speak when you sit down.

Yes, as quiet as a sculpture.

"Roland said nothing.

"Your Highness, you still don't know how to praise others as always. If I were Luo

Lan, when I hear your words, I don’t know whether you are praising me or hurting me.

. "Naila swallowed the fries in her mouth and said jokingly.

"Then who do you think the final winner of this game will be?" White didn't.

Naira, who cares about speaking out, asked her own question.

"Me? I think if there are no accidents, it should be our Knight Roland.

Your Excellency. "Naila glanced at Roland who was silent next to her and smiled.


"I'm asking about the current game."

"This game is so boring right now. Do we need to care about the outcome?" Naira

He pursed his lips. “It’s enough that we only need to worry about who the final winner is.

?Your Highness actually bets on this kind of game with low odds. How boring.

"If you can earn a little bit, it's just a point. If you lose, just treat it as participating in the game. There's nothing you can do."


Naila rolled her eyes and wanted to ask His Highness if you are short of money.

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