It is well known throughout the continent that Gulan and the Blood Spirit do not deal with each other.

In addition to territorial disputes, differences in beliefs, and differences in living customs and habits,

, the fundamental reason why the two sides are in the same situation lies in the hatred stemming from blood ties.

The blood type of the Gulan people is the only blood type that the blood spirits dare not drink.

If the Lan Royal Family's blood were splashed on the Blood Spirit's face, his appearance would be ruined.

The same is true.

It is said to be a curse. According to legend, it is the relationship between Ratsambo and Cypriel.

The emperor ordered it, because since ancient times, the relationship between the two has been so immortal.

Endlessly, this hatred for each other is continued through blood ties.

, therefore, Gulan and Blood Spirit are considered to be two people who cannot coexist harmoniously.


The scene in the special audience seats really scared many people.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Lan and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess of Blood Spirit had a very happy conversation, as if they had met each other.

I was so late, and the news of giving gifts at the banquet spread rapidly, and suddenly

Everyone looked at the two of them looking a little strange.

These two people are not good at it, right? Blood Spirit and Gulan, they are the same

A completely impossible combination, right? Not to mention the issue of physical rejection, this

This kind of combination will definitely be resisted by the secular world. Whether it is the blood spirit or the Quran, the two

Everyone would not agree with them.

The love that the whole world opposes, the two of them face the challenges of this world together

Rumors and strenuous opposition, all they have is each other -

In an instant, some middle-aged girls in the stands who were just starting to fall in love immediately thought:

Published a long list of bad romantic dramas that could fill a dozen books.

The audience who understands makes assumptions without permission and looks back with a knowing look.

There was a lot of chatter in the audience, and the nobles' seats were also very lively.

"What kind of thing is this?" The old nobleman who sticks to the rules

They were so angry that they were half dead.

After all, she is also the princess of the Blood Spirit Empire. When she goes out, she represents the blood clan.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t bring glory to the country to save your face, you won’t sit next to your relatives during the competition.

On the other side, he went to sit with those people from Gulan, and also with that stinky guy from Gulan.

The boy was chatting and laughing, about this and this.

The traditional aristocrats felt that they were so angry that they were about to burst into flames. Finally, they

I couldn't help it, so I ran to the queen to talk to her in the name of urination.

"Your Majesty, rumors have spread among the audience, however

Her Highness the Princess herself doesn’t know it at all

"Yes, he actually got together with the prince of Gulan. At the banquet, he even

Is it ridiculous to accept a gift from the other party?" These old nobles are all -

In their eyes, the stern old stubborns, Gulan is their sworn enemy. This is

Things that are not negotiable are just like the Quran, which treats them as unreasonable

Like a monster.

"How can the blood of the royal family be mixed with the Gulan people? ?This."

"That's right, that's right, Victoria, look at that boy Gulan's appearance.

He is just a pretty boy, and he definitely doesn’t have any good intentions in approaching Solanya deliberately.

I suggest you ban that kid from the game and drive him out!" Seeing this, he looked at

His Excellency Prince White, who was grinding his teeth, immediately jumped out and echoed the words of the ministers.

"My dear, calm down." Victoria held her forehead, Your Excellency.

It's all good, but it's easy to lose your mind sometimes, with a half-year-old child

Like a child.

"Don't worry, Solanya won't fall for that Prince Gulan's tricks."

Victoria vowed.

"Besides, just communication is within the acceptable range. We

The relationship with Gulan is indeed too tense, which is not conducive to long-term development.

exhibition. "After all, once the two countries go to war, only the third party will benefit.

Victoria understands this truth, and Empress Gulan also understands this truth.

Therefore, when promoting hatred, we must do it just right and not let the war

Get angry, otherwise it will get out of control.

"You don't have to worry too much. Rumors won't spread. Besides, Lao

To be honest, it would be pretty good to have a diplomatic genius in our family. "

The queen has said so, and the nobles can't say anything. They can only look at it.

The light and attention shift to the game, out of sight, out of sight.

The next game was even more shocking, and it really succeeded in taking the nobles' bets.

All his attention was transferred to the game, but Victoria frowned slightly.

She secretly called the people who arranged the event.

"Who asked you to arrange the event like this? ?"

"Well, Her Majesty the Queen, you are not saying that the competition must be fair.

Fair and open, in order to let everyone know that our competition arrangements are fully transparent

Obviously, so except for Her Royal Highness Solanya, who had a bye, the other contestants were all competing against each other.

There is no way to fake the lottery in public, and we can’t decide," said the person in charge of the competition.

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