"That's all your swordsmanship..."

Roland, who realized that he had been tricked, had no time to pull away and used the fireball technique to

The explosion at close range releases a large amount of heat and energy. There is no chance of using the enchanted sword.

Cutting Roland was hit head-on.

The fireball exploded between the two, pushing them towards opposite sides.


Being hit by a fireball, even Roland could not escape unscathed.

Find a foothold, and at the same time mobilize the small amount of magic energy in the body to neutralize the fireball technique.

Aftermath and intrusion.

Yana is in a worse situation. Flame is the weakness of vampires.

As a caster, she is not immune to the fireball spell. In addition,

The excessive consumption earlier was thrown away by the spreading heat wave and hit the

The fence of the competition venue.

"Stop it!" The prince, who was watching this scene from the main stage, stood up anxiously.

It bounced up and down, and its tail waggled three times, looking very anxious. "good

Okay, the winner has been decided, there’s no need to fight any more! Hurry up and pick up the little one

Come up Ya!"

"Don't be anxious." Victoria calmed the prince's emotions and looked at Sai.

Yana on the court remained silent.

"Yana, who fell down due to coughing, stood up again, tough and temperature-resistant

The powerful outfit had blocked a lot of damage for her, but it was also in tatters at this moment.

Parts of the skin all over the body were burned red by the blazing high temperature, and some were even

It was burnt, and the underage vampire's regeneration ability was not perfect enough. For a while, she could not regenerate flesh and skin. She looked extremely embarrassed, but she stood up straight again.

The waist is broken.

There was silence in the audience, no one dared to say anything to this stubborn girl.

What sarcastic words are said, it is just to see that the girl does not succumb to pain and is tenacious.

Then they remembered how she stood up. The girl on the field was nothing more than

Fifteen years old, she is still a spoiled little princess who is loved by thousands of people.

However, it was such a squeamish princess who, after being burned by the fire,

Without saying a word of pain, I overcame the pain caused by my body and skin and stood up resolutely.

Just because she is the princess of Blood Spirit, her every move represents the Blood Spirit Empire

She can't fall down because of her face.

"come on! Come on!

"Princess Yana, don't lose!"

"Come on, Your Highness, Second Princess!" Gradually, along with the first shout

The stadium was instantly filled with cheers for Yana, and the audience was moved towards

The tenacious and unyielding girls on the field shouted and waved flags to cheer.

Roland's eyes towards Yana gradually changed, no longer just one

Unchanged indifference.

Even at the cost of losing both sides, he would be injured and seriously injured.

Even though she was still standing, her determination and courage won Roland's admiration for her.

Roland, who realized how disrespectful his previous behavior was, felt deeply

Ashamed, she plans to go all out to give this respectable opponent

An honorable exit.

She held the sword in both hands and sprinted forward. The speed of the sword was too fast for the audience to catch, just like a gust of wind blowing across her cheeks.

The wound burned Yana's nerves, and at this moment, she felt cold

She calmed down, and she, who had not practiced much close combat, interacted with the audience in the stands -

There is no way to capture Roland's traces.

She closed her eyes and tried hard to recall the details of her previous fight with Bai Ji.


'Does what Shuimei sees must be real? Use your heart to feel it

A sentence inadvertently flashed through Shou's mind, amid the calm sound of the waves.

During this time, Yana's impetuous heart gradually calmed down.

In the invisible darkness, a gust of wind seemed to be blowing in the face.

In an instant, Yana opened her eyes, put her hands together, and the magic energy in her body flew out.

Running at high speeds, overloading and charging, she used the magic spell she was best at.

[Elemental Summoning System Frost Judgment]

As a spell on the ceiling of Despair, Frost Judgment is both offensive and defensive.

The spell caster is specially used to deal with the spells of close swordsmen, in front of the caster.

At the same time as an ice wall was formed, several ice spears pierced out from the ice wall,

The attacker countered.

The calm Yana's judgment ability has improved by more than one level than before.

Using the most effective spell at the most opportune moment, if an ordinary swordsman

They may stumble as a result, suffer heavy losses and lose their combat effectiveness.

It's a pity that the opponent she faced was Roland, a contemporary of the Shenglun family.

Unparalleled genius.

As early as the moment the ice shield was generated, Roland sounded a warning sign of danger.

He completed the chant in just three seconds and used the sacred spell to advance himself.

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