As the schedule progresses, the competition gradually becomes more intense.

Those who can advance to the top 32 and even the top 16 are undoubtedly the best in all aspects. Without some real ability, they are not qualified to continue to stand in the top 16.

Then came the quarterfinals. Unfortunately, Bai Ji met her family members many times in the knockout rounds of the quarterfinals and quarterfinals.

Since they were all vampires and adhered to the policy of unity and friendship, Bai Ji didn't want to be too harsh. However, who knew that before she really struck the opponent, he was lying on the ground begging for mercy in pain.

"Your Highness Solanya, I am the eldest son of the Nemo family. Please give me your advice." After carefully introducing myself.

"Ahhh! As expected of the eldest princess, her aura alone can crush me to the point where I can't stand up straight or even lift my head!" The blood-spirited aristocratic young man lying on the ground moaning helplessly was acting like crazy, making Bai Ji's eyes twitch slightly.

What the hell, it’s just a face-to-face and you’re lying flat before I get hit. Don’t make it too obvious. Hey?? Also, this acting is too bad!

Bai Ji maintained the same posture as before and complained in her heart.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess wins!" It wasn't until the referee announced the result that Bai Ji silently turned her gaze back from the waterproof noble young man, who even gave her a "leave everything to me" wink.

Naturally, the most intolerable thing about a game that ends without a fight is the audience.


What do you mean? Even if you are one of your own, it’s not too late for you to fight back and forth a few times and then lie down. Isn’t this perfunctory to the audience?

The younger generation of the Vampire Tribe has finally made their mark. Don't you all come here just to see the wonderful performance of the eldest princess?

After inexplicably advancing to the quarterfinals, I don’t know what a coincidence it was.

There is still some inside story. Bai Ji once again met a member of her tribe. This time it was even more outrageous than the last time. She gave up before the fight started.

"Your Royal Highness, I am the second son of the Philp family." Another round of emphatically self-introduction, and then.

"Your Majesty, the eldest princess, is so majestic. I am convinced!" The young man knelt down at Bai Ji's feet and said piously.

"Oh, okay, you can get up." Bai Ji was almost used to the other party surrendering without firing a shot. She didn't even change her clothes and chewed desserts, accepting the other party's surrender.

In this way, Bai Ji, who was munching on desserts, successfully advanced to the semi-finals. She didn't have anything to complain about. It would be better to say that this was better. Her opponent didn't want to fight and she was too lazy to fight. Wouldn't it be nice to win the game just by going shopping?

However, Bai Ji is not dissatisfied, which does not mean that the audience is not dissatisfied either.

Didn't everyone gather here and wait for several days just to see what the eldest princess would do again? In order to confirm the authenticity of the rumors, many wealthy businessmen paid several times or even dozens of times higher prices to buy them from common people. Can I watch the remaining tickets for a few more games? Are they here to see this?

And amid the commotion and dissatisfaction, someone immediately figured out what was going on.

"The Blood Spirit has placed all its hopes of winning the championship on the eldest princess.

o" someone judged this.

"If we don't fight, we won't expose more of our strength. Since we are one of our own,

Then there is no need for internal fighting. These noble young masters are probably influenced by their families.

Man's orders. "After this guess took shape, the audience gradually became calmer.

Be quiet. After all, this guess is very reasonable. For the final victory, the vampires must

It is reasonable to do so.

In fact, they did not guess wrong, but the thoughts of the nobles can be

It’s not just as simple as winning the championship, it’s more about showing off to this rising star.

The eldest princess Yao came forward to express her goodwill.

For this reason, when I introduced myself to my family, it was even better than when I surrendered.

Momentum, speaking and spirit.

But Bai Ji didn't want to care about what kind of family they were, and didn't listen carefully.

Almost all of them are taken away with one stroke, and they go home and leave by themselves just as a formality.

"Let's go, it's the same today, there's nothing to see." White glanced

Bai Ji, who slowly retreated from the arena, turned around and said, while Wei Na, who was waiting on the side,

His eyes were closed, like a cat in danger, staring closely at the person leaving

back view.

"Aren't you willing to give in?"

, maybe not reconciled, but not unconvinced. "Vina took a deep breath.

tone, and shook his head. "She and I are no match for her, or in other words, I

It's not in the same dimension as her strength at all.

"I can convince you. I'm really more and more curious about what's going on with her.

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