Blood Princess and the Knight

68~The outcome is determined

"I don't think so." Bai Ji showed a confident smile.

There is no reluctance or the hardship of a last-ditch fight, as if everything is there

She's in control.

"Your Royal Highness, I admire your perseverance, but you have to be brave.

There is a limit. Now you don’t even need me to take action, - the gust of wind can

You are crushed. "Roland is determined to win."

In fact, I have wanted to try this for a long time. "Bai Ji smiled brightly,

Trembling, he raised the broken sword in his hand.

"Sir Roland, without the protection of armor, you are as fragile as me, aren't you?

"?" Bai Ji held swords in both hands, and her face reflected on the sword surface.

She hasn't used this sword spell for a long time, although she has lost it

Quran's body, but the conditions for release were met.

Roland soon noticed that something was wrong with the flow of spell energy in the air.

The energy contained in it is being depleted at an extremely terrifying speed, just like being

The balloon pierced the eye and quickly shriveled up.

The center point of the gathering is the sword in Bai Ji's hand.

Roland's face was full of disbelief, but Bai Ji never used it from beginning to end.

No magic spell has been used, which is similar to the rumors. This princess palace

For some reason, I don't have the conditions to use the magic spell.

Could it be that they were all pretending before? ?

Roland soon realized that this was not the case. The fluctuation of the spell did not come from

What came out of Bai Ji was from the little children attracted by the magnetic field emanating from her.

Emitted by particulate matter.

After seeing clearly what these particles were, Roland was suddenly shocked.

Aren’t these particles the fragments of armor that I had broken earlier? ?

She collected the radiant fragments she exploded. This was to

do what? !

Roland had a very bad premonition in her heart. She had been among the seniors of the same race.

During the conversation after dinner, I heard about a super skill unique to the Shenglun family.

The radiant armor passed down by blood is the symbol of the Shenglun family.

Consciousness is also the most resistant and toughest thing to Balande's curse. Powder it

The wave of the sword released by being shattered into pure energy will be accompanied by a radiant helmet.

The original characteristic of armor is to absorb all the spells that come from it, and it also has extremely

A powerful force of destruction.

It is a well-deserved killing move for the Shenglun family.

However, over the years, members of the Shenglun family have been able to successfully master their secrets.

There were so few people that they eventually disappeared completely, and this skill was also lost.

Therefore, it only exists through word of mouth from the predecessors.

"How? Roland, whose face turned pale, knelt on his knees, holding hands tightly

The iron sword that he was holding tightly fell off.

As a knight, she never leaves her hand with a sword. This is the first time she loses her composure on the battlefield -


Look at the bunch of platinum rising into the sky, stirring the sky until it becomes dim.

With the lustrous light, she was more willing to believe that she was dreaming now.

The secret of the Shenglun family was mastered by an unknown foreigner, and the other party was the Blood Spirit Princess who was Gulan's old enemy.

At this point, Roland feels that all the worldview he has built up to now is here.

It was annihilated in the white light that shot up into the sky.

"Liar, deceptive Roland, whose eyes were blank, faced Bai Ji

Those eyes that gradually became condensed could no longer restrain their emotions, and they were frustrated.

He bent forward and fell to the ground, a series of big tears falling down his face as if he were asking for money.


Genius, what kind of genius do you think you are? ?

For the sake of the sword and chivalry, she gave up her true gender,

I deceived everyone and myself in front of the mirror. After more than ten years of hard work, I deceived everyone.

The purpose of cultivating and forbearing is to reveal one's true nature after becoming successful and famous.

Don't let your family know that girls can do what men can do.

It can be done.

For this reason, she must become very strong, stronger than anyone else, so that she can

There is enough authority to convince the old stubborns in the family.

Studying and practicing hard day and night, worrying about gender issues all day long

Only she herself knows the hardships along the way.

But she believes that everything is worth it, until she becomes the shoulder-to-shoulder continent

After becoming a master swordsman, he can not only prove himself, but also become the leader of the Shenglun family.

Women's names are corrected.

Therefore, she should be stronger than anyone her age, much stronger!

But today, reality gave her a hard blow.

Genius? No, she was not a genius at all, until she rose up in front of her

Only then did she realize that the so-called swordsmanship genius was just a joke.

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