Li Mingqi was just a loser in the sect's fight for the throne. He fled the sect in a hurry and accidentally discovered that there was an affiliated force of the Soul-Snatching Sect in this remote corner, so he came here directly.

Since there was only one black iron ore vein that was not precious, Li Mingqi did not care much about this place.

The descendants of the foundation-building cultivators were all high and mighty in the sect. Even if they were wandering and downtrodden now, they did not think that a place guarded by a small inner sect disciple was in line with their status.

In his understanding, the Qi family affiliated with the Soul-Snatching Sect was extremely weak, and there were not even high-level cultivators in Qi training. He could destroy the family alone and could not provide much help to it.

However, when he arrived at the Qi family, Li Mingqi was surprised to find that the Qi family had developed well. Both the family size and the family strength were far beyond his expectations.

Not only are the family buildings connected and look quite majestic, but the Qi family is also quite powerful. The several high-level members of the Qi family that he has seen have a solid foundation and are likely to move up.

It can be said that if the Qi family is well trained, they can actually be used by him and become one of his own teams.

Although Li Mingqi is arrogant, he is not an idiot. Because of the relationship with the third elder, there are always a group of people around him who give him advice. The disciples who were originally trained to be high-level members of the sect still have basic vision.

If the division of the subordinate forces of the Soul-Capture Sect is based on the division, the Qi family will never be like the evaluation in the sect newspaper. Instead, it is thriving, forming a huge contrast.

The Qi family must have a secret, otherwise such a weak Qi family, which does not even have a high-level Qi training, cannot form such a large-scale change in a short time.

This is Li Mingqi's ultimate purpose of staying here.

They are now saying that they are ready to attack, but in fact, they are the losers of the internal struggle of the sect. They have been bloodthirsty for a long time, just like gamblers who have lost everything. Any little benefit can make them want to kill.

What's more, this small Qi family and the inner disciple Zheng Yi are not in their eyes at all.

It's like meat on the chopping board. If they don't take action now, they will be itchy.

"Sir, the Qi family has been quite honest these days and allowed us to explore at will."

Then the subordinates stepped forward and reported the attitude of the Qi family. From the beginning, the small Qi training family has been very hospitable to their arrival, which fully shows the awe of a small local family for the true disciples of the upper sect.

They are afraid that they will offend them if they are not well entertained.

There is no intention to hinder their exploration at all.

"It seems that the news has not come yet!"

Li Mingqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. His current cultivation is not weak. He has been taken care of and personally taught by the third elder since he was a child. Now he has reached the eighth level of Qi training.

However, he had just suffered a great failure and collapsed in the internal struggle of the sect. Now he is still in shock. Now he has to plan against the local snake Qi family just after arriving in this small place. Instead, he has become cautious and suspicious.

If before, the third elder was still alive and the position of the Soul-Capture Sect was stable, he could easily destroy the Qi training families in these places with just a word.

But now, Li Mingqi doesn't think so.

People will always mature after setbacks and experiences. It is the basic hard truth to plan before taking action.

Besides, in the sect, there was a big battle with other forces. Li Mingqi's party fled the sect in a hurry. Both he and his followers were injured and could not burst out their full strength.

If there are pursuers behind them, they still have to rely on local snakes like the Qi family for cover, so they must be extremely careful.

However, although Li Mingqi's party was careful, they still had some preconceived ideas. They did not know that all this was done by Zheng Yi and Qi Lin.

This small Badong Town mining area has long been managed by Zheng Yi like an iron plate. It is not easy for them to infiltrate it when they first arrived.

What they did seemed to be concealed, but in fact, every detail was under the surveillance of Zheng Yi's people.

Looks smart, but in fact it is an embroidered pillow, a straw bag, with a grass belly and an empty stomach.

This is Zheng Yi's evaluation of Li Mingqi.

Now is an extraordinary period. Zheng Yi has a base camp in the doomsday world. Now is the time to develop. Generally speaking, if it is not a vital interest, Zheng Yi does not want to cause trouble. It is best for everything to pass peacefully.

He did not even stop the actions of Li Mingqi's entourage, otherwise the other party would not want to inquire about the news, and it would be difficult to move in the entire Badong Town mining area.

If Li Mingqi knows what's good for him, heals his wounds, and leaves the Qi family obediently, Zheng Yi will definitely treat him with courtesy and give him some resources.

You go your way, I go my way, and we don't touch each other.

Both the Qi family and Zheng Yi need more time to grow and avoid trouble.

Looking at Li Mingqi's attitude, Zheng Yi is ready to kill him like a fly, trying to root out the problem and leaving no future trouble.

It's OK as long as it doesn't affect the development plan of the Qi family.


Li Mingqi nodded slightly, motioning his men to continue.

"According to our people's careful investigation and observation in the past few days, the entire Qi family is completely different from what we thought. The strength of the Qi family members is generally not low, but it should still be within our response range."

"In addition, the Qi family seems to have made a fortune in the past few years. All kinds of training facilities are quite complete, including training rooms, body tempering rooms, weapon refining rooms, etc. Although the level is not high, it is definitely a treasure. "

"What's more, what really surprised us is that this small Qi family actually developed a number of caravans. Although we don't know the specific trade, the Qi family has developed to such a scale that it is enough to see , these caravans have gained a lot from their trade.”

"The only thing our people have been unable to detect until now is what resources the Qi family trades for? Black iron ore cannot be of such value. It should be that the Qi family has a good thing that we don't know about."

After the followers had completely summarized the information they had explored over the past few days, they all reported it to Li Mingqi.

In the main hall, everyone gathered the information and discovered a surprising fact. The Qi family was not like a small family at all. There were so many resources and so many training facilities that ordinary Qi-training families could not assemble.

"By the way, I remember that when Sun De was investigating a few days ago, he accidentally discovered a secret. There seems to be a hidden force being trained in the Qi family. Have you gone to find out about it?"

Li Mingqi remembered that when his subordinate Sun De reported before, he specifically mentioned something about the information he had learned from other sources.

In the Qi family, someone is secretly training forces.

Because Sun De practiced earth walking techniques and had extraordinary talents, he actually found the valley in the dark.

After coming back to report, I was shocked.

It is said that in a valley, a certain number of monks who practiced the Blood Demon Dao had gathered. Seeing the surging blood energy, they felt frightened and rushed back to report.

But since then, the Qi family seems to have noticed that the defenses in the valley have become tighter, and even Sun De, who practices earth walking, can no longer easily approach there.

After the news came back, Li Mingqi was surprised.

He did not expect that this small Qi family, which was rated as a weak force by the sect's inner hall, not only satisfied its own cultivation resources and developed a large number of caravans, but also had the ability to support a special cultivation team. The power of the Blood Demon Dao technique was completely beyond his imagination.

What does this little Qi family want to do?

It's actually hidden so deeply.

If it hadn't been for the sudden change in the Soul-Capturing Sect and my group of people had fled here, I might not have discovered this secret.

But that's not what Li Mingqi is thinking about now.

How the Qi family keeps a low profile and hides itself is not the focus of his attention. He doesn't even care about the Qi family's purpose.

What he is really curious about is, what is the secret that made the Qi family suddenly rise?

What resources does a small local family have at its disposal to be able to grow to this point in just a few years?

And can all of this be used for him? This is the most important thing.

If it can be used by him, then he can take the Qi family as his own, steal his position while he still has the strength, and take advantage of the situation to develop and grow, but he may gather strength to rise and counterattack the mountain gate in the future.

If it can't be used by him, then play a big one and kill people and steal the treasure before the Qi family can react. I believe it will also make you and others happy.

No matter what you do, you will never miss a good deal.

"Yes, all the people in the valley are the Qi family, and they are all mysterious. They are all monks who practice the blood demon method. Judging from the gathered Yin Erosion Blood Demon, there is a high probability that they are the secret method of the demon method. Blood refining..."

"It's just that it's hard for my subordinates to understand. Although this magic skill is progressing very fast, it requires very high blood qualifications. Where did this little Qi family find so many blood madmen who meet the requirements? Is it also related to Qi? Is it related to the resources that are closely guarded by the family?”

The monk responsible for the investigation was Sun De, who had followed Li Mingqi since childhood. He also came from a small family in the Soul-Destroying Sect and belonged to the Third Elder's faction. He was also the loser in this battle.

Seeing that because the small Qi family was too remote, not only was it not affected by the great changes in the Soul Capturing Sect, it even prospered.

Jealousy burned his heart like a demon fire, and he wanted to use all the fire to burn everything he hated into ashes.

"This is indeed a good place. I have already imagined the prototype of a small force? How can a small Qi family control this kind of place? If morality is not matched, disaster will inevitably come..."

"It seems that this is God helping us, allowing us to take advantage of the situation, and giving us a great gift!"

Li Mingqi let out a long breath and said with a solemn expression, but a fiery light suddenly appeared in his eyes, which was a kind of desire called greed.

Something called ambition arises from the bottom of my heart.

In a training room, Qi Lin was also in front of Zheng Yi, reporting word for word.

The various movements, words and deeds of Li Mingqi and his group were all under surveillance and accurately recorded.

"It seems that this true disciple, the descendant of the third elder, is also a person who is unwilling to be lonely!"

In the secret room, Zheng Yi opened his eyes and sighed softly.

"Continue to monitor and wait for my order to close the net."

Qi Lin accepted the order and left. He knew in his heart who was the real backend of the Qi family and who made the Qi family develop so quickly.

Without Zheng Yi's thick legs, he and the Qi family were nothing, so they carried out Zheng Yi's orders meticulously.

To be honest, that Li Mingqi had also tempted him, and even promised him various generous conditions. On the surface, Qi Lin was respectful and loyal like a pug, but in his heart, he was always scornful. Looking at Li Mingqi and his party, he seemed to be Watch a bunch of jokes.

He is a real person, and what he wants is real benefits. Li Mingqi and his party are all losers in the civil strife at Shanmen. A group of drowned dogs who have been driven to a remote corner dare to seduce themselves with such empty terms. Really Thinking that others are just as stupid as themselves.

What's more, even if Li Mingqi offers real benefits, Qi Lin is ready to slap him in the back. He and the Qi family will die on Zheng Yi's thick leg, and everything else is nonsense.

The interests between them were so tightly bound that they were already like grasshoppers on a rope, unable to escape.

How can it be manipulated by others with just a few words?

"No one can harm the tiger, but the tiger harms the human heart..."

"I originally wanted to leave you a way to survive, but unfortunately I really don't know how to advance or retreat. Since you don't worry about it, there is no need to blame me for being ruthless."

A calm voice sounded in Zheng Yi's secret practice room, as if talking about a trivial matter. Then Zheng Yi slowly closed his eyes and continued to practice.

In the main hall of the Qi family, Li Mingqi and everyone were thinking about something, and the atmosphere in the hall was a bit solemn.

"Sir, since this is the territory of the Soul-Capturing Sect, let's just settle here. With the Qi family's background, I believe it won't be long before you can rise again and regain the sect's position."

Suddenly, someone spoke.

"That's very well said. A real man doesn't stick to trivial matters. This is the territory of the Soul-Calling Sect. As a direct disciple of the sect and a blood descendant of the third elder, you have the power and qualifications to lead the Qi family."

"As long as you open your mouth, whether it is the Qi family or the little inner disciple, if you don't give up obediently, why do you still want to resist?"

As soon as the last sentence came out, everyone burst into laughter.

In their inherent impression, the direct disciples are the core inheritors of the sect, and they are also the future senior leaders of the sect. Even if they are in a bad situation now, they can deal with a small inner sect disciple and a small Qi family. Isn’t that a simple matter?

They are now a group of people who not only occupy the sect's righteousness but also possess overwhelming power. Isn't it easy to steal a Qi family's secrets?

But now it seems that if they want to make a comeback, it is still necessary to rectify the Qi family.

"In this case, we can only wrong Junior Brother Zheng Yi."

With your words and my words, it seems that the Qi family has become Li Mingqi's possession, as if Zheng Yi and the Qi family will obediently give everything as long as they move their hands.

Li Mingqi has long coveted the Qi family in his heart, but there have been constant turmoils along the way, so he still has some concerns.

But now that so many of his fellow disciples have persuaded him, he naturally accepted the situation.

They are a group of fierce dragons crossing the river. Even if the Qi family is a local snake, in the face of such a situation, I am afraid they will have to stay humble.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. Under the warm hospitality of the Qi family, Li Mingqi and his party had a good time.

But the more this happened, the more they became envious of the Qi family's heritage. In their opinion, how could a small local Qi-training family have such good luck?

They, the proud disciples of the sect, were reduced to the point of being homeless and competing for food with the small families under them.

Therefore, the more unwilling you are, the more greedy, and the more jealous you are, the easier it is to go astray.

On the surface, everyone is harmonious, but under Li Mingqi's secret operation, all the information after the investigation was compiled.

Their plan to steal the entire Qi family is also progressing smoothly.

On this day, Li Mingqi and others held a party and specially invited Zheng Yi to the banquet.

It was obvious that Li Mingqi and his party were not aware of it themselves. Unknowingly, they had even regarded themselves as their masters and took command without hesitation.

The two parties communicated enthusiastically, and the atmosphere of the entire party was lively. After a while, the food and wine were removed, and someone slowly spoke.

"Junior brother Zheng Yi, you have been guarding the Qi family for a year, and you have really worked hard. This time, senior brother Li Mingqi is considerate of you and specially replaced you. What do you think? If you return to the sect directly, you will be rewarded..."

During the dinner, Li Mingqi glanced, and an inner disciple suddenly stood up and said.

"Thank you for your concern, senior brother, but this small Qijia Badong Town mining area is a corner of the country. How can we bother a sect true seed like senior brother Li to manage it personally? Isn't that overkill?"

"Excuse me, Senior Brother Li. Since Zheng has accepted the order to stay here for three years, he will not abandon it just because of the hard work. He will definitely work hard here and manage the black iron ore veins for the sect..."

Zheng Yi was not surprised, he acted neither humble nor arrogant, and said with a smile.


It seems that he did not expect that Zheng Yi, an inner disciple who had no foundation in the sect, would not accept the soft words and even hit a soft nail. The man was a little annoyed and was about to get angry, but was stopped by Li Mingqi with a wave of his hand.

"Okay, we are all brothers in the same sect, don't say anything to others."

Li Mingqi calmed his men down before continuing.

"Junior brother Zheng Yi, to be honest, this is my first time here and I have no place to stay. It just so happens that the Qi family is good. I want to use this place. I don't think I will refuse!"

His words seemed to be a negotiation, but his tone was more like an order, a tone of commanding a servant, warning Zheng Yi to give up this place quickly.

"Brother, you are really joking. This is the territory of the sect. I am just temporarily managing it. How can I let others do it?"

Zheng Yi looked into his eyes, smiled, and then said lightly.

"Besides, the surname of the Qi family is Qi, not Zheng. Brother, you asked the wrong person..."

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