Blood Source Era

Chapter 107: :innocent

"I think I let go of a guy who shouldn't let go." Aaron said very regretfully at this time.

He felt a feeling of regret in his heart.

This is a very bad emotion. Aaron understands that the emotion of regret is useless.

Such emotions only make people feel depressed.

Therefore, after he realized that he had done this wrong behavior, if he did not want to have this emotion of regret, then there would be no other way.

There is only one thing he can do, and that is to try to control the situation before letting things go in a worse direction.

After all, these are the things that he has already done, since these are the things that have already been done, it means that there must be no regrets.

Time is passing, there is no way to never tell what happened in the past.

So there is only one thing he can do now, and that is to try to recover the mistakes he has made.

He doesn't want to have a feeling of regret. Since he did something wrong, he just needs to correct it.

So at this time, he wanted to leave, but he hadn't waited for Aaron to walk away two steps. Hearing Aaron's footsteps, the man who couldn't move suddenly said.

"Are you going to leave?"

Doesn't mean anything else, he is doing such a simple inquiry.

Anyone can answer this question, whether it is Aaron or a child.

This simple question is nothing simpler.

Therefore, under such circumstances, there are problems in thinking between adults and children.

That is for a child, he can directly answer this question without thinking, what kind of thing do the guys do next.

But for Aaron, he has to think about many things.

Yes, he must be leaving now, this man, by virtue of what he heard. I will definitely know.

This is a fact, but there is also a problem in it.

That is whether to tell him this matter, and after knowing this matter, will he tell such thing to the so-called doctor Claude afterwards?

If it is for security reasons, then all Aaron must do is to kill everything that might reveal the secret.

He can never let the target that he has been staring at, that is, the so-called doctor Claude finds that he is killing him.

If the other party finds out this fact, he will definitely hide, making the difficulty of chasing it extremely difficult.

But will this man tell him such things?

Aaron stood still at this time and did not choose to answer him immediately.

He took a deep breath, thinking about his current situation, and then turned and walked back to the man.

He admitted that he had not considered it at that time, because he was worried about the evil alchemy experiment that might be created by human eyes.

So Aaron can be said to think about it without thinking about it.

And this unlucky hunter hunter chose to stop Aaron, it sounded a death knell for himself.

Walked from the new side to the other side, Aaron looked down at the man he was watching.

Faced with such a guy, Aaron couldn't bear to kill him like this, and then let his hands be stained with the blood of the innocent.

For anyone, killing an innocent person is not the same as not killing an innocent person.

Because this is a stain that can never be cleaned.

So after thinking about it for a moment, Aaron used a plain tone to state his current moral problems and dilemmas.

"I think your mental state is not good, and you know that I will not save you."

Said the hunter lying on the bed with his weak voice.

"Of course I know you will never save me. The night is too long, and the monster is a curse. Only the long sword of the hunter can get this curse."

Aaron echoed what the man said at this time and said with him.

"Swear in the name of blood and glory that will use the sacred flame to purify all filth and uncleanness. For a long night, the hunter will hold a torch and wait until the dawn."

Then both sides fell into a long silence.

The man sighed and said very quietly.

"Do it, I know you can't save me. If you take me with you, you will only kill yourself, and a waste person like me, what's the use even if you save it?"

He seemed to be in a dilemma of despair. When a hunter was there, there was no way to squeeze his weapon.

When he completely lost all his power, even his eyes were taken away by others to do evil alchemy experiments.

What's the use of this man now?

In the long night, it is not that people have to ruthlessly useless people.

It's just that those useless guys will implicate their companions to die together ~ ~ The heart of the beloved Virgin is useless at this time.

That is the life that will kill oneself and the life of one's companion.

Now that the other party has made such a choice, Aaron has no choice.

He has to kill this man, otherwise if he waits for the guy hidden in the dark to jump out, what will be waiting for him will be endless pain and torture.

And alone, how long can a person persevere in the dark darkness?

Either collapsed and crazily in the silence and darkness, or lost his life in endless suffering.

Killed him at this time, but turned into a kind of salvation.

Aaron didn't want his hands to be covered with the blood of innocent people, but this time, death was his only way out.

He can only do so.

And he does not have a suitable weapon that quickly makes people unconscious.

In order to avoid the pain that this man suffered when he died, Aaron borrowed Luna's weapon.

A sword cut this guy's throat, and the sharp blade quickly made this guy lose consciousness because of excessive blood loss.

This is one of the few beneficial knowledges accumulated by the Academy of Magic.

Within a short time of being hurt, people will not immediately feel pain, only fear because of fear.

But with the passage of time, as the injured tissue re-grows, the painful tissue feels the same at the same time.

At that time, people will feel pain, bone pain.

So in such a situation, the man died without sounding in such a way.

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