Blood Source Era

Chapter 120: : Team up to kill (Part 2)

And now, Aaron is close to this close distance, he brandished his weapon and stabbed directly at the monster.

This also forced the monster to stop his behavior and behavior of continuing to attack.

He has no way to continue to attack Aaron, because this is already an impossible thing.

The weapon in Aaron's hand fell on the monster, forcibly interrupting his behavior.

And at this time, Luna also seized the opportunity.

She was almost covered with flaws and made an offensive in pursuit of speed, in order to achieve what Aaron said.

Then, Luna must use a very fast speed to solve the standing monster in front of her.

So he has to abandon his defense.

Aaron's plan really worked at this time, this monster, at the moment when it was interrupted by the attack, Luna brandished her double sword.

The sharp sword edge, along the crack of the bone, directly dismembers the opponent.

After seeing such a situation and his plan going smoothly, Aaron put away his first offensive posture.

Then he waved the sword in his hand again and stabbed it fiercely into the monster's chest.

Makes the other party completely lose the possibility of struggle and resistance.

Aaron held the weapon in his hands tightly, and Luna's hands were like agile butterflies.

The blade of the knife unhindered the bone of this guy from the flesh.

First, the hands that it can counterattack, then the monster's legs, and finally all the parts of this guy's body were cut off.

It is no longer there, the ability to act and resist.

Eventually stopped all activities in front of Aaron, the blood that originally belonged to humans gradually began to turn dark.

The tender flesh and blood exposed from the neat incision seemed to die unwillingly and died like this, struggling, wanting to grow a complete arm from the wound.

However, there is not enough blood supply for magic power and high elves, there is no way to make it do this.

Aaron, without hesitation, plunged the sword in his hand into the heart of this guy.

'S purpose is to use the mysterious silver plated on his sword to corrode the blood of the high elves.

Completely changed the blood of the high elves into useless and poisonous filth.

In this way, this guy can lose all his ability to act, and there is no way to make any resistance and resistance in front of himself.

Eventually, the struggling, twisted flesh and blood stopped their activities completely.

This monster, he lost all of his ability to act, and was completely silent, weak and lifeless.

After solving this guy, Aaron finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Said to Luna with an approving tone.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, it was beyond my imagination!"

Luna was thrown away, and the filthy blood remaining on her blade.

The final struggle of this dismembered monster also made Luna see clearly. He is definitely no longer a normal body.

But Luna still felt so strange about this problem.

"Why do you find this problem? I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about this monster."

Aaron's face was originally filled with a gratifying smile, and gradually converged.

He was helpless and looked at the monster's body in front of him.

"Actually I am not very clear, I can only say that there are too many secrets hidden in this magical academy, we do not know."

"Someone may try to resurrect the dead, using the blood of the high elves, or the blood of the ancient gods."

Luna narrowed her eyes at this time, she had a trace of vigilance in her heart.

Resurrecting dead things is not an idea that a normal person should have.

All living things in this world are bound to die. This is the curse and fate that no one can escape.

Because everyone will die, no one can live forever.

Therefore, life becomes meaningless. Therefore, everyone makes an effort to become meaningful.

Everyone makes his life more fulfilling through his own actions.

Some people may choose to become monster hunters, and some people may choose to become merchants or nobles.

Everyone has what they want in their hearts.

Then, according to different identities and different classes, do what you want to achieve.

This is why life becomes meaningful because of death.

But if human beings would never die at that time, is it necessary for humans to do anything?

Anyway, he will not die anymore, so he will have contempt and contempt for everything in this world.

So, this world will always stay in a kind of stupid ignorance.

Everything becomes worthless. It can be said that those who dare to explore this mystery of immortality are essentially destroying all human beings.

When human beings can live forever, can people really be called human beings?

Luna could n’t imagine how such a world would become if such a thing were really realized ~ ~

But there may be one thing, that is, if being a human being can really achieve eternal life.

Maybe people will become ugly like those ancient gods, hiding in the dark underground will never look at the sun again.

Because the ancient gods are immortal, if it is not killed!

Such a thing, just thinking about it will make people feel creepy and terrible.

"Are you saying that someone is doing this kind of experiment?" Luna in order to make sure that her thoughts and Aaron's thoughts are exactly the same.

At this time, she was sure and asked again very seriously.

Aaron no longer hesitated about the questions and answers that he had already reached, but said very seriously.

"Yes! This magic academy is definitely doing such experiments on people."

Then Aaron raised his finger to the cages, the cages designed and created by human beings in this society.

Those so-called scholars must have put the poor guys in such cages, and then forcibly poured them into the blood of ancient gods, and cut off their limbs.

Used simple and crude methods to observe whether their bodies would change due to blood.

Eventually they might have come to the conclusion that when a blood was poured into him, his head was cut off.

This person will be resurrected as a corpse, and the body will not be mutated.

Even to a certain extent, if it is not because he has no head, then he even looks completely different from a normal ordinary human.

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