Blood Source Era

Chapter 650: : Time wasted

It was after Aaron solved the monster he had encountered in front of him, and then went to have other other ideas about the problem.

It seems that it has become unnecessary to have more things to be concerned about or considered.

He began to face more seriously what he saw in front of him, thinking about how to deal with the problem.

Do not have other ideas or concerns that are not suitable for the problem.

Nor can there be too many things that one should not think of when facing what one sees in front of one's eyes.

It may not be easy to recognize the reality in front of you, but it is always necessary for someone to have a clear understanding of the problem.

Why should there be inappropriate thoughts or concerns about things going again?

The answer therefore becomes so simple at this moment.

Aaron adjusted his state of the problem after breathing deeply.

Opening his eyes again, his eyes changed at this moment.

He is more focused on solving what he is facing right now.

There are other things that should not be. There is one more consideration or idea for the problem.

At this time, it may become unnecessary to think or judge.

Why go there any more things that are of special concern or consideration.

Isn't reality what you see now?

When looking at these things happening in front of my eyes, other other ideas that are not suitable for the problem.

Or other things should not have their own consideration of the problem.

As a result, there are no more delicious choices, or the need to judge.

The answer itself is as simple as the reality you see in front of you.

Why bother to have other too many good and inappropriate, Aaron has understood the problem, he has clearly recognized what happened in front of his eyes.

Then when faced with what you see in front of you, you should not have other considerations for the problem.

Accepting the reality in front of you is simpler and more direct than anything.

Then the situation will have more thinking and hesitation about the problem with other people, and therefore there will be no more things to be cared about.

Everything is like what you see on the surface, so it can be clearly recognized and understood by people.

As if things were at this time as simple as what they saw in front of their eyes.

Aaron did not have any mistakes in his own attitude towards what happened before him.

Then the situation, so naturally it will become a very realistic thing at this time.

He himself should not have this idea of ​​the problem, but it will make people feel unexpected regret.

Then there are other, unreasonable considerations, or ideas.

Perhaps it will be at this time, is there not much that is necessary to be pondered?

The situation itself is like an understanding of the problem that you have realized.

So naturally, so I have to consider other issues of my own.

As a result, there are no more good needs, worthy of concern, or the necessity of consideration.

The reality in front of me is such a simple thing.

This is what a person thinks is so simple and realistic about the problem.

Aaron had fully recognized what he was facing in front of him.

Then there are other needs for more good thinking or concern.

The situation seems to be very simple at this time.

There are any other ideas or considerations that make you feel inappropriate about what you see in front of you.

But it is the illusion that I have about the problem, and the wrong understanding of the problem.

Therefore, there is no more good need, something that deserves special attention or concerns.

He had to realize more clearly and see more clearly what he was seeing in front of him.

Therefore, it is unnecessary to have other concerns that oneself is not suitable for too many problems.

Presenting what people see in front of them is just like what they encountered, and it feels so simple.

Perhaps Aaron should be like this, and should accept such a situation before him.

He considered that there might be such a result, but after some careful questions, doubts and hesitations.

But he can't draw a conclusion in the face of these things he sees in front of him.

So he finally shook his head in regret, but his footsteps did not stop at this time.

But still walking firmly forward.

Perhaps this is one, it makes people feel very realistic understanding of the problem.

There is no other case of cognition and choice about the problem that can be made.

Faced with such a situation before him, Aaron still had such a simple and direct understanding of the problem.

Therefore, there are more other thinking or situations that are inappropriate for the problem.

At this time, what you see in front of yourself is the same as the thing you face, is it so simple?

If there are other ideas for the problem, there will be no need to think more.

Aaron, he always chooses to use the simplest and most straightforward understanding of the problem when facing it.

If you say that there are too many other things that are not suitable, the idea of ​​the problem, or the inappropriate one's own consideration of the problem.

It will only cause those worse results to happen in front of you.

Then he changed, and there was no other good understanding of the problem.

The situation itself is like an understanding of the problem and an understanding of the problem that you have seen in front of you.

It would only be very bad to have other ideas about the problem that are not suitable for yourself.

Aaron naturally has no more special concerns, or the need to think about problems.

These things are as simple as they appear on the surface.

Others feel inappropriate. Thoughts on the problem, or your own concerns.

Then there is no need to be particularly concerned and thinking about the problem.

Perhaps this should be just like what I saw in front of my eyes, the perception of the problem and the understanding of the problem?

Maybe there will be some other understanding of the problem, or your own consideration.

Aaron, even himself, is not necessarily aware of the problem when facing what he sees in front of him.

He can only have a rough idea of ​​the problem when facing the things in front of him.

So no other self should have considerations about the problem.

As a result, there will be no need to be particularly concerned about, or particularly worth considering, at this time.

The state of natural reality is also present in such a reality that he sees in front of his eyes.

Why not have another idea that is too inappropriate for the problem.

Isn't the result of all this just like the understanding and situation of the problem as you see it in front of you?

Is there anything else I need to have that is not suitable for too many problems, a special understanding of the situation?

The situation itself does not have much need for special concern or consideration.

Only when faced with the situation in front of you, will you have a clear understanding of the problem.

Then Aaron has no other understanding of the problem.

Things themselves should be like what they are facing.

There are too many other inappropriate understandings and ideas, but it will make people feel very sorry.

Rather than doing such an act on the things in front of you at this time.

Instead, choose to accept the facts in front of you.

So why face the situation you see in front of you, and then have other thoughts about the problem that you should not have?

This is Aaron's most basic understanding of the problem he has in front of him.

In the face of what you see in front of you, you should have other kinds of thinking or thinking that you should not have.

There is no longer any need to think about the problem any more.

Perhaps the actual situation is as simple as what you see in front of your eyes.

Perhaps accepting what you see in front of you, there is no other choice.

Realistic things are no longer needed, there are any other things that are worthy of concern or consideration.

Aaron's understanding of the situation in front of him no longer requires other considerations.

Maybe this is such a simple reality like what you see in front of you?

What you see in front of people is like making people think it is very simple and understands the problem.

So, what other ideas should you have that you should not have?

No matter how many other people have more thoughts on the problem, or how they have other considerations that they should not have for the problem.

Therefore, there is no value for special care or concern at this moment.

So why should the situation go again with other, more inappropriate understanding of the problem.

The situation has become unnecessary, and there is more need to be considered or considered.

Accepting the status quo in front of you always makes people feel very difficult, but this is not a thing that cannot be done.

So there are other things that are more inappropriate, and the concern about the problem becomes less necessary for good thinking.

The thing itself is just like what you see in front of you, it is such a simple understanding of the problem.

By accepting the reality in front of you, it naturally becomes unnecessary to be concerned.

Rather than trying to make other other ideas about the problem at this time, it is better to lay down your heart!

When I think of it, everything seems to be very simple.

It is no longer necessary to have other things that are more thoughtful or judgmental.

The status quo is also so simple, and can be understood by people.

There are other other considerations, and it seems that at this time, it becomes really unnecessary to think and judge.

Perhaps the situation has become a very realistic understanding of the problem.

He understood such a thing he saw in front of him so much, and hoped that the final result might be like what people see.

If you have other considerations that you should not have, you will no longer need to be particularly concerned.

The things that are not necessary are in the beginning, and even the thought of thinking is completely meaningless.

Accepting such a status quo in front of you becomes a very simple thing.

So in the real world, why not have some ideas about how you should not have this problem?

The situation itself makes people feel so simple.

For what you see in front of your eyes, you no longer need to have other concerns about the problem.

There is not much in itself that is worthy of special concern or consideration by people.

So naturally, there are too many other inappropriate considerations for the problem.

Maybe because of this, there will be no more things of special interest.

The reality presented in front of people's eyes is as simple as what is encountered on the surface.

Others make people feel unsuitable, and the thoughts on the problem are just people who feel very sorry.

So, why should we have other considerations that are not appropriate for the problem?

Perhaps the situation itself is just like what you are facing, and there is not much to be concerned about.

So naturally, when faced with such a situation happening in front of us.

It is no longer necessary to have a special concern, or understanding of the problem.

The situation is naturally as simple as what happened on the surface.

Why should there be too many considerations for this problem?

Why do you have more thoughts about the problem when facing what you see in front of you?

Perhaps the situation itself is just like what you are facing in front of your eyes, and no longer need to have more ideas.

Then there are other issues that make people think they should not be considered.

It just makes people feel very sorry at this time.

The situation has become that it is no longer necessary to pay special attention or consideration to the problem.

When faced with what happened before me, I had any thoughts about the problem.

It was just a pity that people felt so sorry about the problem.

In all cases, it is no longer necessary to have other options.

Then, when looking at the things that are encountered in front of oneself, should one have more other considerations about the problem?

Perhaps the reality that people see in front of them is the situation that they are facing at this time.

For such a situation in front of you, what kind of self do you have, when you think about the problem, or when you think about it.

So there are not too many good needs, and it is worth being considered or necessary.

And the situation naturally becomes what you see in front of you.

For these things that happen in front of you, you have a responsibility and other other unsuitable ideas about the problem.

In itself, there is no need for more delicious special care or consideration.

So isn't it just like what you see in front of you?

In the face of these things that I see in front of me, should I have more other ideas about the problem?

The situation has become too much for good thinking.

The actual answer is as simple as what you see on the surface.

There are other thoughts about the problem in front of what is in front of you.

It just makes people feel very sorry for the understanding of the problem.

So what kind of hesitation should you have when facing this thing you see in front of you?

Or what kind of consideration should be given to the problem?

The answer is obviously that there is no way to make it at this time. For the choice of question.

And since it is when facing these things in front of you, why should you have other more good and inappropriate considerations?

The situation presented in front of you is as simple as what you encountered on the surface.

Since these seem to be very simple things, I have the idea that I should not have this. As a result, there is no chance to choose.

The reality may therefore be like what you see in front of you.

For such a situation in front of me, there are other considerations for his own teammates.

Those are just meaningless, and the understanding of the problem will ultimately only affect people's accurate judgment of things.

So all the more thoughts and considerations that are not suitable for me, at this time, become completely meaningless.

What could be more difficult to accept than the reality in front of you?

If there is, then at least he does not exist in what he sees right now.

So facing the problem at hand, I have other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

That just makes people think that there should not be a consideration for the problem.

Maybe this is what people should see in front of their eyes.

When you have seen the situation, should you have other ideas about the problem?

As if the problem had become very simple.

So more of you are hesitant about the problem, or more of yourself. There should be no thoughts about the problem.

This is just and ultimately regrettable. Understanding of the problem.

So the situation has any other unsuitable ideas about the problem.

At this time, you no longer need to be particularly concerned or considered.

The reality is as simple as what you see on the surface.

Why do you have any other doubts about the problem?

And the situation seems to become very simple to understand the problem at this time.

It is the most basic understanding of things that I see in front of me.

When facing such a very basic understanding of the problem that I saw in front of me.

It seems that all the answers can therefore come to a clear conclusion at this time.

The natural situation becomes very simple.

In the face of these things that I saw in front of me turned out to be very simple.

It shouldn't be necessary to go to other other people to think more about the problem.

Then, when facing the reality in front of you, what kind of understanding do you have for the problem?

Realistic results always make people feel very sorry ~ ~ And in such a situation where we have to accept reality, choose to compromise, as if there are no things that can be thought and worried about Too.

This is the most basic understanding of the problem that people see in front of them.

When faced with what we saw in front of us, we didn't need to have any other things that we need to think or think about.

Then the situation should have an understanding of the problem.

So when facing the things you see in front of you, what kind of knowledge should you have about things?

The result of everything seems to be a very simple answer at this moment.

Since there is no longer any need to have too many other good thinking.

Perhaps the actual situation itself is just like what you see in front of you.

In the face of such a reality that I saw in front of my eyes.

There are other ideas or concerns that you should not have about the problem.

Maybe it was just a waste of time.

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