Blood Source Era

Chapter 655: :no choice

Some things, he himself, have been something that people can only accept and cannot change from the beginning.

And the choice Aaron can make is left to acceptance.

Why bother to have some other unsuitable ideas that you should not have.

Is it because there are no other better choices besides acceptance, why should you have other considerations that you should not have for the problem?

Aaron, he is not so boring, at this time he will have a reliable idea of ​​the situation in front of him.

So the problem naturally no longer needs to have other necessities that are worth thinking about or caring about.

Everything is as simple as it looks on the surface, so simple, and does not need to be thought and cared about.

Accepting what you are facing in front of you becomes a very simple one, and should you have this understanding of the problem?

Aaron, at this moment, he has considered the situation that is happening in front of his eyes a relatively clear understanding of what a boy is like for himself.

Then there are other things that are not suitable for you, so the idea of ​​the problem becomes too little to be considered or judged at this time.

All in all, it has become as simple as what you see on your surface.

Naturally, there are other selves. One should not have this idea or consider it for one of the problems.

At this time, Aaron no longer needs to have more delicious things to care about or worry about.

What you see on your surface is already a very simple understanding of the problem.

Faced with such a situation, why not have any other self that should not have this worry or consideration of the problem?

Then, when faced with what I saw in front of me, I thought about the problems that might occur and an understanding of things that I couldn't understand.

When seriously facing what you see in front of you, what does it mean for yourself?

He said to the people in front of him.

"Perhaps we should not have this kind of thinking about the problem, do you think it is not?"

At this time, while talking about Aaron, he had not forgotten the movements of his hand at the same time, while solving the monsters around him at this time.

And it was at this time that the act of doing such a thing, when clearly recognizing that I was still in an extremely dangerous pretense.

The problem itself does not need to have any other considerations that are not suitable for oneself.

Everything has become a thing that makes people think it is very simple, and you can clearly understand and judge the problem.

Any other self should not have this worry about the problem, or it is inappropriate, and the idea of ​​the problem has become completely free of anything that is worth hesitating.

What happened in front of my eyes, and then I have other ideas or concerns about the problem that are not suitable for myself. At this time, it has become unnecessary to be particularly concerned or considered by people.

What kind of self should I have, and a clear understanding of the problem would be a more appropriate method?

It seems that the problem itself is not necessary to have too many other things that are worth being considered or cared for by people.

So when these hunters faced Aaron's cognition and pressure of things he saw, he saw an understanding of things.

It becomes unnecessary to have any other things that are more worthy of consideration or concern.

"Perhaps your Excellency, you have no problem with this matter, but can you do this if you are really sure about this matter?"

When dealing with what you see in front of you, you should have a clear understanding of the problem, which is a more appropriate way to deal with the problem.

But the situation is not an easy-to-understand status quo of the problem.

At this time, they have such an idea and their own worries, of course, is also an understandable understanding of the problem.

Going to have other ideas about what you should not have for the problem becomes a meaningless understanding of things.

Aaron, he sighed helplessly at this time and shook his head.

"Okay, I know what you think about this matter. I can assure you that after this matter is over, I will give a clear explanation for myself."

In such a frustrating situation, when faced with the matter before me, I no longer need to have other other considerations of the problem.

Some things are as simple as what they were facing in the beginning.

There is another person's own idea of ​​the problem, or there are other other people's concerns about the situation that are not suitable for the problem.

From the beginning, there may not be a need to be particularly worthy of thinking or concern.

What kind of self should I have? A clear understanding of the problem, or an idea, is more appropriate. What about the problem?

The situation has become more and more unnecessary, especially necessary for people to think and judge.

Naturally everything becomes a very simple understanding of the problem, and it is something that needs to be thought and explained without too much delicious.

Perhaps accepting the current situation has become a very simple idea of ​​the problem.

In this situation, there is no need to have other more inappropriate ideas or concerns about the problem.

Just accepting the reality in front of your own eyes becomes a thing that people can't resist.

The situation is really such a simple one that must be done, do you understand the problem?

As if his posture at this time was as simple as what he saw on his surface.

Aaron, he has given his own thoughts on this matter at this time.

Then, if you have more ideas or concerns that you are not suitable for, then you no longer need to be particularly worthy of thinking or concern.

All these things, so it becomes very simple things.

"Well, since you have said so, then I think we have no reason to refuse."

At this time, everything presented in front of the eyes also became a clear judgment of the problem that was cleared and understood by people.

Why do you need to have other ideas or problems that are more inappropriate for yourself.

The things in front of me are not too good to be considered or necessary for concern.

"Then it would be better than that." So Aaron said at this time, making such a solution to the matter in front of him showed a very simple, Problem awareness.

Since there is no longer any need for anything else that is worth thinking and judging, the situation becomes very simple.

Then it was next, these people continued to question and said.

"So what do you plan to do next?" This hunter, he made his own inquiry about this matter at this time.

It is no longer necessary to have any other unsuitable ideas or special concerns about the problem.

What you see in front of yourself has become a very simple understanding of the problem.

What should I do next in the face of what I see in front of me?

It seems that this is not an overly complicated understanding of the problem that people cannot accept.

But Aaron should have an answer to the question in front of what he is facing, which is also a very important understanding of the question.

Naturally, there is no need to have any other worries or considerations about the problem.

As if everything is, so at this moment it becomes a very simple, understanding of the problem.

If I go to another other person, one more idea for me will become meaningless.

Aaron, at this time, instead, he looked at each other with his own surprised eyes.

"What kind of things do you want to know?" Although on the surface this seems like a trivial question.

But this is far from being as simple as people imagined at the beginning.

If it is so easy to think that things are like what you see on the surface, then you can simply draw one. Under a situation of cognition and understanding of the problem.

The thing itself no longer needs a particularly clear understanding and judgment of the problem.

Facts have proved that after all, when faced with what they see in front of them, people have some other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

Moreover, when dealing with what you see in front of you, you may not have all your ideas about the problem to be an accurate understanding of things.

In the face of Aaron's self-inquiry about things that he showed, such questions have changed, and there is no need to have other other concerns about things.

So why do you have to face what you see in front of you, and then have other understanding of the problem that you think may be more appropriate?

Everything is not as simple as people think, and a very easy answer can be drawn.

In the face of what you see in front of you, if you have some other thoughts or concerns that you should not have about the problem.

This will only cause you to make a wrong understanding of the problem at hand.

The natural conditions no longer have any other good needs that deserve special consideration or concern from people.

If there is any other worry or thought about the problem, it is just something that is completely meaningless.

What appears before people's eyes becomes as simple as what they saw on the surface at the beginning.

For Aaron to make such inquiries about things at this time, answering questions has become less important.

The important thing is what kind of self you should have, and a clear understanding of the problem, which is the more appropriate judgment.

This is the necessity of being seen and worried about the one that no longer needs to be responsible and others to be more delicious.

So what kind of self should I have? Would a clear understanding and idea of ​​the problem be a more appropriate preparation?

It seems that the problem has become a very simple understanding of the problem at this time.

Naturally, there are other people who should not have this idea, or preparation for some of the problems, and Aaron's own consideration of this matter in front of him.

Those things have changed, and there is no need to have too many things worth thinking about.

This is a clear understanding of the problem faced by one who cannot resist.

Why bother to have other inappropriate ideas or concerns about the problem, these hunters, they don't want to have too much trouble facing the things in front of them at this time.

Naturally, all other ideas and situations that you should not have for the problem have become more meaningless. ~ ~ The things you see in front of people are like they are encountered on the surface. The situation is the same, that is a very simple answer.

Why not go to any other ideas or preparations that are too inappropriate for the problem.

"If you don't want to say anything, then it doesn't matter." It was when the hunter faced the thing he was seeing in front of him that he made himself look as if he was very much about it Counsel's reply.

Things should not have other considerations about the problem that they should not have.

When the situation goes, I have more inappropriate ideas about the problem, or preparing for it has become completely meaningless.

What kind of self you should have, the thoughts or concerns about the problem will be more appropriate. How about preparing for the problem?

Aaron's own eyes flickered and watched the other party's behavior in the face of this matter.

Since the other party was already at this time, he chose to give up such an idea about the matter.

Then if you have any other self, thinking more about the problem becomes unnecessary.

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