The man picked up the child and wore a rag and followed behind Liyou and Anhui. He did not ask where to go, but he had decided to give his destiny to these two people, and he understood that the woman’s so-called purchase seemed too good. It was a temptation. He didn’t know what would happen if he really agreed, but he felt that it would be fine now. At least he could be with the child, no matter what the future would be.

But they wanted to go but were blocked by people. Many people saw them coming in. They didn’t show up just to see what would happen, but they didn’t expect that these two people wanted to take away their own toys. Can be willing.

"Hey, what are you two doing and why are you taking people away?" The woman who spoke first was the woman who bullied the man just now. She seemed to be quite powerful here, standing behind four or five women, all with a single face The expression headed by her, and they looked at the man's expression with a hint of lust.

The man's face changed, but he didn't say anything, just looking away, at this moment he felt that these things should be given to the woman.

"No matter what, I just want to take people away, how can you do it?" The tone of the unconcerned tone is quite irritating, and the way she doesn't put people in the eyes is even more stimulating to the other party.

"In a arrogant tone, I want to see if you have the arrogant ability, go up and beat me to death." Sure enough, the other party's boss was irrationally irritated and greeted his men and rushed up.

After two steps back from Liyou, the dark back was blocked in front of her, and then the person who rushed up in the blink of an eye was kicked back by the dark back.

Things happened so fast, the people who watched the lively were dumbfounded, and they didn't seem to understand how this person was kicked back.

"Oh, you, who the **** are you?" The boss screamed, clutching his jaw with a sore kick. He was frightened to find that he seemed to provoke people who shouldn't be harassed. Although these people are all kind of people. It exists, but it is still somewhat insightful. When you see the dark martial arts, you know that Dark Hui must not be an ordinary person, at least a master of the rivers and lakes!

"It has nothing to do with you." Anhui Hui is a very reticent person in front of other people, who can say one word at a time and never say a word.

The women were frightened by the cold attitude, and they shrank back a few steps before daring to ask another word.

Seeing those women honestly, they walked behind Liyou and waited for Liyou's order. Liyou looked at the women and turned to the man who had been silent behind him. "Remember those Are you a woman?"

The man did not understand the meaning of Liyou, but still nodded his head. Of course he remembered how he might forget the appearance of those who insulted him indiscriminately on his body.

"If one day you have the ability to revenge, then they can only let you be slain, and then you will be the one who kills or kills." The power of the word hatred is very magical, it can make a People become less like themselves, and can even make a person look less like a person!

"Yes." The man nodded, and he understood the meaning of solitude. As for whether he will have the ability to avenge in the future, he doesn't want to think about it now. He is looking forward to what the woman in front of him will bring him.

"Let's go." Li You took the dark back and left with the man and his child, leaving behind him guessing countless.

The three adults and one child walked on the way back to attract more attention. Liyou frowned softly and said to Dark Hui: "You take him to the dark part of here, I will go shopping again."

He secretly hesitated, apparently worried about the safety of the emperor, but when he saw the displeased look of the emperor, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes!"

The secret back took the father and son to leave, and the lonely person continued to walk on the street. The border of the war was chilly. Normal war will not happen in winter, but this war has caught up so urgently. The cold season, the dilapidated roof tiles, the withering atmosphere, dyed the war into a hazy gray, and the **** taste became a bit bleak, and at this time, the horn outside the city sounded, and the war began again... …

Liyou feels that anything here can be used as a game, and war should have been the same, but since the last words of the snow, she has been curious about war. Many years ago, she She once stood on the ridge to see the two armies confronting each other, and the blood was flowing into the river, but at that time she only wondered why the tiny humans would give up their lives for those unimportant things. Now she seems to understand so little, no matter Whether she or humans have their own desires, as well as the existence they want to protect, so there will be battles, and in serious cases there will be wars, and then countless lives will disappear, she can no longer treat it all Games, those people have thoughts and feelings, they should not die because of a game!

However, war is inevitable. Although the Qianhe dynasty is a big country, covering a vast area and rich in materials, it is a domestic and foreign trouble, and has been weak for a long time. If it is not governed from the roots, then the collapse of the kHz will be in the near future. But that was before. Now that she is the emperor, she will never let the Khmer collapse. From the handling of Situ Changqin, to the replacement of courtiers, and then to this war, she has done a lot to change the Khz at will. Historical things, and these things are changes in kilohertz from the inside out. The kilohertz is struggling to become stronger and reborn in the flames of war, but such a change requires the sacrifice of many people. Once she thought this was taken for granted. To get something, you naturally have to sacrifice something, but now looking at these people who are closest to the war, their lives are already living in pain, and now they are struggling for food and clothing, and there is no tragedy in life. People are no longer like people. , Morality is lost, dignity is lost, so what value do they deserve to exist?

Although in the refugee camp just now, Li You didn't do anything or even say much to the people who bullied the men, but she remembered the scene very deeply in her heart. Evil has not been reported. Mo Yao said that this is in a troubled world, even in the peaceful days, such things will not be less, this world is the same, the same is the world where she was originally, this situation will never be eradicated ,this is the truth……

However, it will not be completely eliminated but will not drift with the waves. It will fall into mischief. There will be black and white. She believes that she is not white in the eyes of the world, but she also has her own principles. In this war, she will minimize casualties.

No longer hesitating because the decision has been made, Li You's figure flashes, but it has already appeared on the city wall in an instant. Jiang Hanyang is commanding the soldiers to prepare to defend the city, and Feng Xue is also standing beside him. .

"Master, Sanguo has begun to attack the city." Feng Xue's expression was solemn, and his white eyes were deeply worried.

"Well, did people give Jiang Hanyang?" Li You asked suddenly, naturally asking about Sang Ziyan.


"What did Jiang Hanyang do?"

"General Jiang just put Sang Ziyan under house arrest. He was treated well except for his lack of freedom." Feng Xueru Shihui reported that Jiang Hanyang was really surprised after he sent the person away. After thinking about it for a long time, he was brought to Sang Ziyan. Go on, and tell your subordinates to be polite.

He nodded his head and quite agreed with Jiang Hanyang's approach. It seems that Jiang Hanyang is also a personal talent, and he is quite ambitious in dealing with others.

"The subordinates see the emperor, the emperor, and the Sanguo army is attacking the city. It is very dangerous here, and please ask the emperor to move behind!" Jiang Hanyang heard that the subordinate reported that the emperor was coming, and immediately rushed over. Anything goes wrong.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. I just came to watch the war. I hope that the Sanguo Army without Sang Ziyan will no longer be your opponent."

"Yes, her subordinates will never let you down, but here is really dangerous..." Hearing the emperor's words, Jiang Hanyang very solemnly promised that without the Sang Guo army of Sang Ziyan, she was quite sure to win! It's just that the emperor's safety must not be ignored. The emperor's will is to stand here. How can this be good?

Li You waved his hand and interrupted Jiang Hanyang's persuasion. Not only did she not stand back, she stood on the outermost side of the city wall. Standing here, she could see the Sanguo army ready to go, and the big sang on the high banner. It is bound to see the flag fall and the annihilation of Sang Kingdom!

There is no unity and no division forever in the world. She does not want to dominate, but she wants to give the world a short peace, at least there will be no such annoying wars, so, The word unification flashed in her mind, giving her an idea that she would change the world!

The horn sounded again, Sanguo’s army rushed towards Yulingguan’s already dilapidated but standing wall, the Khmer army also moved, and the soldiers guarding the wall began shooting arrows and throwing stones, belonging to the brutal siege of the cold weapon era The war has begun, and it is being staged in front of the thousands of miles away.

After a quarter of an hour, hundreds of corpses have accumulated outside the Yulingguan city wall. Although the blood flow has not yet formed into a river, it has stained the land, and the dazzling look from the quiet, the emotion has become somewhat unstable due to the stimulation of the blood, and At this time, the dark back happened to arrange the man to rush over. He also accelerated the speed after hearing the rallying sound, thinking that the emperor should come over and look at the city wall, and found her trail.

"Emperor, what do you want to do?" Anhui Hui always felt that the emperor's expression seemed a bit wrong, not as deep and cold as usual.

"How about flying down?" Li You said in a very casual tone that scared everyone around her. Jiang Hanyang looked at Li You's eyes almost like he was watching a lunatic...

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