Bloodline Lord of War

Chapter 144: unkillable ogre

  Chapter 144 The Unkillable Ogre

  Luke brought a group of people to the south of the camp, where Simon was guarding at this time. The Highlander was ready for battle with a tomahawk in his hand.

  Luke trotted two steps, jumped two meters high, and dexterously jumped onto the roof of a carriage, almost without a sound.

  He pointed to the south: "It's in that direction, about 400 meters away from the camp, and it's slowly approaching us."

  Saru also climbed onto the carriage with both hands and feet, and looked in the direction Luke pointed, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness.

   "I can't see it." Saru frowned.

   "It's there, I can see it clearly," Luke replied.

  Saru turned his head to look at Luke, and said enviously, "Humans' eyesight can't compare with your half-elves'."

Robin stood under the carriage with a calm expression. Seeing that several of Martha's guards were approaching, and the expressions on everyone's faces were tense, he said loudly, "It's just an ogre. There is no need to make such a fuss.”

  After he finished speaking, Martha and all the guards turned to look at him, and everyone showed surprised expressions.

   Ogre is a kind of humanoid ignorant creature with a tall body, not very bright head, but very strong physical combat ability. They have unparalleled brute force, and if they are slapped, they will either die or be injured. An adult ogre can easily deal with five or six human soldiers.

  Although there is no clear research proof, anthropologists generally believe that ogres are related to giants, and iron giants may be their distant cousins.

  Saru and the others were very nervous because the ogres were difficult to deal with. Their hard skin was comparable to iron armor, and it was very difficult for ordinary swords to pierce through them. Even if the opponent has only one, if you are a little careless in dealing with it, your own side may suffer casualties.

  Humans living in the wasteland know that if you encounter an ogre in the wasteland, if there are not enough of you, the best way to deal with it is to turn around and leave.

  However, compared to Saru and the others, the horror of the ogre is only in Robin's eyes, these stupid big guys are giving him experience.

   "Ogres generally live deeper in the wasteland. This is near the Silver Frost City, which is the range of human activities. How could there be ogres here?" Martha asked suspiciously.

   Seeing that Martha was still calm, Robin couldn't help but feel a little better about the baroness.

  The commotion outside also surprised Phil in the carriage. The little girl poked her head out of the car window with a worried and frightened look on her face.

   "Mom, is there a monster?"

   "Stay in the carriage, don't come out." Martha turned around and shouted at Phil.

   This time Phil was very obedient, and immediately retracted his head into the carriage.

   Robin also noticed the doubts raised by Martha. He couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it. Anyway, when he met this kind of monster, he just killed it.

   "Luke, when the ogre gets close, shoot it to death." Robin looked up and ordered to Luke on the top of the carriage.

   "Yes, my lord." Luke replied, drawing a feathered arrow from the quiver on his waist.

   After waiting for a while, the huge figure of the ogre finally gradually appeared in the dark night. With the help of the faint starlight in the sky, everyone finally saw the appearance of the ogre clearly.

The ogre is more than three meters high, and its body is as strong as a hill. Its skin is iron gray like a rock. It is naked, holding a thick wooden stick in one hand, and a prairie ash in the other. The wolf's head was walking forward while gnawing on the gray wolf's head, until his face was covered with blood.

  Although they are called ogres, they actually eat almost anything. The most common food is the inexhaustible goblins in the wasteland. Humans are not their staple food, not even dessert. It is only because people are afraid of this terrifying creature that they are given such a deceptive name.

   The ogre has obviously spotted Robin and his convoy. In the endless wasteland, the light from the bonfire can be heard far away. While fire can keep some beasts away, it can also attract more terrifying monsters.

  It looked at this side of the camp, a pair of small eyes looked very uncoordinated on the ogre's big face, its eyes were almost all white, only a small black spot in the middle of the eyeball, which looked very weird.

When the ogre got closer, about two hundred and fifty meters, Luke stood on the roof of the car and began to bend his bow and take an arrow. The muscles of his arms and back worked together to pull the elf's bow like an arrow round full moon.

   "It's impossible to shoot at this distance." Saru said from the side, seeing Luke draw the bow now, with a puzzled expression on his face.

   he thought to himself: What is this half-elf messing with? I thought he was a master of archery, but I didn't expect him to be such a layman.

  Luke was concentrating on aiming, he ignored Saru's words, and let go of the bowstring.

  The bowstring bounced back with a "thump", and the arrow immediately soared into the sky and shot obliquely into the darkness in the distance. The arrow pierced the air and made a sharp whistle in midair, like the cry of a falcon.

  【Long-range shooting】

  In the dark night, it is impossible to catch the trajectory of the arrow with the eyes. Saru squinted his eyes and looked over, and saw the ogre in the distance suddenly raised his head, and the arrow fell from the sky, hitting his forehead!

   Saru showed a look of astonishment, he felt unbelievable, such a long distance, and it was night, this half-elf was hit by an arrow!

  A satisfied smile appeared on Luke's handsome face, and he was quite satisfied with the arrow he shot. However, this smile only lasted for a second, and then he showed a surprised expression. Because, the ogre is still moving on.

There was an arrow on the ogre's head. It was obvious that almost half of the arrow had been inserted into the head, but the ogre still seemed to be fine. It didn't even make a sound, and continued to walk slowly towards the camp. come over.

   "What's the matter? Isn't this ogre too resistant?" Simon held the battle ax in his hand, eager to try. "Leader, why don't I go up and promise to cut off its head."

   Before Robin could say anything, Luke shouted, "No need."

Unwilling, the half-elf immediately bent his bow and set an arrow again. He thought that the last arrow might not be able to exert its full power due to the distance. This time, Luke purposely brought the ogre closer. Only then did the shooting begin.

  With a whoosh, the arrow shot out. After two blinks, the ogre's head jerked back, and the arrow hit his forehead again.

  However, the ogre is still advancing.

  Even a rough-skinned and thick-skinned ogre would still die if his head was shot through by an arrow. With two arrows on his head, it stands to reason that he should already be dead.

  Robin also felt strange. Luke, as the leader of the half-elves, is not only good at accuracy, but has no strength. Among the half-elves, Luke is the only one who can worship Simon. Although he has never won, but being able to challenge the ferocious Iron Bear Warrior is enough to show that Luke is a strong man among the half-elves.

  The arrows shot by Luke can penetrate even iron armor at a certain distance. How could they not kill an ogre?

   "Shoot him in the eye," Robin yelled.

   "Yes, my lord." Luke replied loudly.

  Two arrows failed to knock down the ogre, and Luke was also on fire. This ogre made him lose face, and he made up his mind to shoot it to death with his own hands!

  Luke put the arrow tail on the bowstring for the third time. He took a deep breath and slowly pulled the bowstring back. His sharp eyes were fixed on the ogre in the darkness ahead, and he prayed silently in his heart:

  Dear Moon God, please grant me the power to kill and wipe out the enemies in front of me.

  After praying, Luke let go of the bowstring.

   With one breath and one breath, the arrow flew through the darkness between the two sides, and in the next second, it accurately hit the ogre's left eye!

   At this moment, the ogre finally stopped moving forward, its huge head drooped, and its huge body began to shake.

  Seeing that the ogre was shaking and seemed about to fall to the ground, Luke couldn't help showing an excited smile. Just as he was about to celebrate the joy of victory, he suddenly saw in horror that the ogre raised its head again.

   The ogre was shot blind in one eye by Luke, but it didn't seem to be in pain, and it didn't scream or make trouble. Then, he saw a flesh slit suddenly open on his bald forehead, and from this flesh slit, another eye squeezed out!

  The newly-appeared eye seemed to have to get used to it first, turned around a few times, and then locked on to Robin's camp again.

  This weird scene startled everyone. Martha turned pale as paper, and exclaimed, "What kind of monster is this? Ogres don't have such terrifying abilities."

   Saru also showed a shocked expression, completely petrified.

  Robin frowned and looked serious, looking at the ogre slowly approaching in the distance.

  At first he thought it was just an ordinary ogre, but it seemed that things were not that simple.

  After the half-elf Luke was surprised, he immediately wanted to shoot again, but this time, Robin stopped him: "Forget it Luke, you can't kill him, let me do it."

  Although Luke was unwilling, he had already shot three arrows and failed to knock down the opponent, so he had no choice but to obey orders at this moment.

  Robin came to one of Martha's guards and reached out to him: "Lend me your spear."

   The guard was at a loss for a moment, and turned to Martha for help.

  Seeing this, Martha hurriedly said, "Give your spear to Baron Robin."

  Robin took the long gun, shook it in his hand, and tried the weight.

  This spear is about two meters long, and it's a bit heavy. It's actually not suitable for throwing, but in Robin's hands, anything can be a throwing weapon.

  Robin took off from the spot, jumped two meters high, and landed on the roof of the carriage with a bang. Immediately, the whole carriage let out a "creaking" moan, as if it was about to be crushed to pieces by the lord.

   At this time, the ogre had already walked within 80 steps of the camp, and his forward speed began to gradually increase, and the frequency of his steps began to increase, as if he was about to run.

  Robin stood on the roof of the carriage, holding a long gun in his hand. Under the gaze of everyone, he stepped back and lowered his shoulders. At this moment, the muscles of his whole body twisted into a rope, and he threw the long gun out.

  The moment the gun was released from the hand, the gun head rubbed against the air and made a loud "bang", like a thunderstorm in a dull rainy night, and even set off a circle of air waves around Robin.

  Saru was also standing on the roof of the car, and felt the terrifying power of Robin's spear at close range. He was immediately dumbfounded, and exclaimed in disbelief: What kind of power is this!

The spear shot at the ogre almost straight, like a shell fired. The next moment, the spear accurately shot the ogre's face, and the whole spear shot through the middle of his head. With a "poof", the ogre's big head exploded!

  From a distance, the ogre's head looks like a goddess scattering flowers, red flesh and white bones, spraying from his neck into the air.

   Robin's head was blown off, the ogre finally couldn't move forward, its huge body shook a few times, and fell to the grass with a bang.

  At this time, Robin felt a warm current appear in his chest out of thin air, and a row of small golden characters appeared in the lower right corner of his vision:

   Kill the mutant ogre, reward 500 experience points.

   Mutant ogre? Seeing this system prompt text, Robin couldn't help frowning slightly.

  Anything related to "mutation" is almost not a good thing. In Robin's mind, changing for the better is called evolution, and only changing for the worse is called mutation.

  Martha's guards let out a burst of joyful exclamations. The ogre was dead, and everyone was relieved. No one wanted to fight such a terrifying monster hand-to-hand.

  Martha walked under the carriage and praised Robin at the right time: "Baron Robin, you are so powerful, your strength is really amazing."

  In the past, this kind of talk was quite useful to Robin, after all, everyone likes to hear good things. However, at this time Robin was more concerned about what kind of monster this ogre was, and Martha didn't listen to what he said.

  He jumped down from the carriage and gestured to Simon and Luke: "Come on, follow me to see."

   In the darkness, the three of them stepped on the tumbling grass waves and came to the ogre's body.

  Simon raised the torch, illuminating the ogre's huge body. Standing beside this big guy, even the tall Simon looked smaller.

  Robin squatted down, enduring the smell of blood and the smell of the ogre, frowning and studying carefully.

He wanted to know why this ogre couldn't be shot, and where the so-called "mutant" had changed. It would be okay if there was only one mutant ogre, but it would be troublesome if there were a large number of mutant ogres in the wasteland. up.

  At this moment, Robin suddenly felt a little regretful, and said: "It's a pity that I shot the ogre's head, otherwise I can perform a craniotomy on him and study what's going on with his extra eye."

   From the appearance, there was no reason to tell. Robin accidentally took out a sharp knife and cut open the ogre's chest, from the neck to the stomach.

   Then, Robin suddenly discovered that there was a red crystal buried in the ogre's chest.

  (end of this chapter)

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