However, Ning Qiang looked petite and not very courageous, but she was not stupid. Compared with the women in the dormitory or Zhou Xunfa who asked them to gather in the playground, Lin Cheng and An Jing, who were more powerful in the face of zombies, wiped them out like a whirlwind.

Lin Cheng did not answer immediately, but took a quick look at Ning Qiang's data.

Ning Qiang

Race: Human

Power Level: Level 1

Panel Strength: Strength (1) Defense (10) Speed ​​(10) Power (10)

Power Growth: Range C, Rate of Fire A, Shield Value A

Power: Visual Operation, Freeze Operation

Equipment Bar Spaces: Four

Wearable Equipment: None

Overall Rating: SS

After seeing this data, Lin Cheng had the intention to make a decision.

This is a potential ability of the same level as An Jing, and it can even be said that compared to An Jing, the potential is even greater.

An Jing's dual power is the second power he obtained after rebirth.

And Ning Qiang, on the other hand, has two powers from the beginning.

"You can follow us if you want, but I need you to be infected by zombies first."

As soon as Lin Cheng finished speaking, Ning Qiang's face turned pale.

In Ning Qiang's opinion, Lin Cheng's remarks were just a rejection of their intentions, right?

However, Lin Cheng stretched out his right hand and said, "You should also feel that you have some power in your body, right? That is the transformation that will occur after being drenched in blood today."

"If the transformation fails, you will become a zombie."

"I have the ability to restore zombies to adults. Ning Qiang, although I know who you are, I don't know if you will follow our orders in this dangerous environment. Therefore, I need you to prove that you can absolutely obey my orders."

Lin Cheng's superficial meaning is like this, but in fact, he absolutely does not trust the interpersonal relationships after the end of the world.

Let alone his family, even Lin Cheng's roommates, he came to the university to find them with the goal of helping them but not acting with them.

Lin Cheng does not trust his good friends, let alone Ning Qiang, who he does not even know.

Want Lin Cheng to believe? Sure, just become an absolutely loyal maid like An Jing.

As for whether Lin Cheng would feel guilty for deceiving Ning Qiang in this way?

Lin Cheng said that he never thought he was a good person.

In the end of the world, good people will only die quickly!

An Jing saw what Lin Cheng was thinking. She pointed at the body fluids left by the zombies on the ground and said, "As long as you cut a wound on your body and then touch the blood of the zombies, there is a high probability that you will become a zombie."

"Then, make your choice, Ning Qiang." Lin Cheng said.

Lin Cheng's attitude was very firm.

You can't be a saint in the end of the world. Lin Cheng is not at the age of being hot-blooded. Just from An Jing's attitude of killing him before, you can see how cruel the end of the world is.

Ning Qiang trembled slightly when she heard Lin Cheng's request. This was because she was afraid.

Ning Qiang didn't know whether Lin Cheng made this request to really test her attitude or just wanted to turn her into a zombie.

"Senior Lin Cheng, can't I prove my attitude in other ways?" Ning Qiang looked at Lin Cheng pitifully: "Whether it's chores or other things, I promise not to hold you back."

It is estimated that many boys may be softened when they see this scene, and may agree to Ning Qiang's request. However, Lin Cheng just shook his head and said firmly: "No."

Seeing this, Ning Qiang's eyes became resolute in a flash, and she obviously made a decision.

"I understand, Senior Lin Cheng. Then I will become a zombie. I believe that Senior Lin Cheng is not trying to hurt me on purpose."

Because Ning Qiang carries two superpowers, she still has a certain degree of trust in Lin Cheng's purification ability.

Moreover, in Ning Qiang's view, if Lin Cheng's purification ability is true, it is definitely the most useful superpower in the end times. After all, the reason why everyone fights zombies is to live, right?

Becoming a zombie is more annoying than being killed by zombies.

Ning Qiang stretched out her slender arm and said, "Senior An Jing, please cut a wound for me."

An Jing raised her long knife and resisted the inexplicable hostility (jealousy) impulse to cut off Ning Qiang's arm.

After being cut by An Jing, Ning Qiang left a ball of liquid on the ground next to her, which she couldn't tell which zombie it was, and smeared it on her wound.

Then, as time passed.

Lin Cheng and An Jing and others

Also patiently waiting.

The girls in the dormitory also noticed this scene, however, they just watched from a distance and hoped that Lin Cheng was not lying.

As long as Ning Qiang proved that Lin Cheng had the ability to purify, then they could prove themselves. After all, if they turned into zombies, Lin Cheng could turn them back into humans.

However, the girls who thought so were obviously right. The reason why Lin Cheng made such a request was entirely for Ning Qiang's high value.

Just over ten minutes later, when even Ning Qiang doubted whether she would turn into a zombie, her body began to grow hair. Ning Qiang's hair after being transformed into a zombie was also silver.

When she was about to be occupied by the zombies, Ning Qiang said weakly to Lin Cheng: "Senior Lin Cheng, I believe you."

To put it bluntly, Ning Qiang, this girl, is still very smart. She took such a risk to let Lin Cheng and others protect herself, so she kept using a tone that would make people feel guilty to Lin Cheng, the boy who was obviously the leader.

Such a lovely girl trusts you so much. If you lie to her, wouldn't you be a scumbag?

Even if Ning Qiang proves that she will listen to Lin Cheng and others' orders in the future, Lin Cheng will still feel guilty.

She trusts you so much, but you still doubt him? It's normal to have such a psychological entanglement.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Lin Cheng's moral bottom line is too low and he can ignore Ning Qiang's words.

However, Ning Qiang also saw that it was the end of the world, and it would definitely be better to find a partner with a personality like Lin Cheng.

Be cautious and careful, and don't be easily tempted by beauty.

Lin Cheng has been staring at Ning Qiang's panel. After the three words "purification" appeared on Ning Qiang's panel, he immediately used the purification ability.

After becoming a zombie, because of Lin Cheng's supernatural zombie affinity, Ning Qiang's target was An Jing who was present. She showed her fangs and waved her right hand that turned into a claw.

However, before the zombie Ning Qiang launched an attack,

Just like when facing An Jing before, after Lin Cheng used purification, the zombie Ning Qiang, who had originally aimed her fangs at An Jing, immediately attacked Lin Cheng.

However, unlike An Jing who only relied on her bare hands to fight Lin Cheng at that time, Ning Qiang directly used her power ability.

Lin Cheng's feet were suddenly approached by the cold air.

The ice covered Lin Cheng's thighs.

Lin Cheng was thoughtful, but not surprised.

The difference between Lin Cheng and Ning Qiang's panels was too big, and he casually moved his right foot to break the ice layer.

This ability of this effect could not do anything to him.

However, Ning Qiang's other ability followed closely.

The freezing operation is the ability to freeze, and the visual operation directly affects Lin Cheng's vision.

Lin Cheng's vision suddenly became pitch black.

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