The more zombies there are, the more they will be.

However, with this calculation, Lin Cheng's thoughts inevitably extended to the future: 'According to the growth rate of zombies, there will naturally be no shortage of crystals. In addition to my own team, perhaps I can also appropriately cultivate some non-core teams belonging to me. '

Lin Cheng's most core team is naturally the maids such as An Jing after they have been transformed into maids. However, An Jing and the others are destined to be the elite of the minority.

Even if there are a large number of female zombies with SS ratings, Lin Cheng's purification cannot transform them into maids.

Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate non-core teams.

The main role of these teams is to collect crystals or other useful things to improve strength, and in exchange, they can be given food or water.

Humans will not survive without food and water, but they may not survive without crystals.

There are also a lot of instant noodles, sausages and other food in Anjing's storage space.

In addition to these, there is also a new system prompt.

'The basic conditions for system upgrades have been met. Please obtain any amount of energy ore for system upgrades. '

Last night's battle with Anjing also gave me extra rewards from this system.

The equipment given by the current system is already very powerful, and I don't know what new things I will get after the upgrade.


After washing up in the dormitory, Lin Cheng and his friends left the dormitory.

As soon as Lin Cheng and his friends left the dormitory, they saw that the dormitory rooms nearby were opened one after another.

The girls in the dormitory poked their heads out.

"Senior Anjing, Ning Qiang, can you take me with you?"

"Me too, I will promise to be obedient, and let me do the same test as Ning Qiang. Please."

With the precedent of Ning Qiang, these female students are no longer afraid of becoming zombies. After all, Lin Cheng can really change them back.

However, Lin Cheng is really not very interested in the girls here.

Now, most of the girls who stayed in the girls' dormitory were ordinary psychics in the virtual vision, and Lin Cheng didn't look down on the few elite psychics for the time being.

Lin Cheng said directly: "We have enough people in our team. You can find other people to cooperate with."

Lin Cheng walked in front and left the girls' dormitory.

Ning Qiang followed behind, and she deliberately waved back and said: "Everyone, please continue to work hard to survive, maybe someone will come to save you."

These words made An Jing, who was always cold and didn't like to talk much except Lin Cheng, couldn't help but say: "Ning Qiang, I can see that you are probably the type who has no friends."

"Why do you say that?"

"When you open your mouth, I think I am your friend, but the moment you open your mouth, our friendship is over."

After saying this, An Jing followed Lin Cheng's footsteps and left the girls' dormitory.

Ning Qiang chased after them: "Hey, wait, Senior An Jing, please explain it to me more clearly, why do you say that as if I am using words to squeeze them!"

Looking at the unconscious Ning Qiang, An Jing just sighed and shook her head.

This look made Ning Qiang scratch her head in confusion, she really didn't have this kind of self-awareness.

"Senior Lin Cheng, what is our next destination?"

An Jing also looked at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng said: "In the virtual vision map, there are three black spots in the school. Today we have to find these three black spots and determine whether we can add new companions."

The location of the three black spots has also changed from yesterday.

Yesterday, the three black spots were in the second grade classroom, the playground, and the school cafeteria.

Today, the three black spots are located in the third grade classroom, the cafeteria, and the school gate.

"Let's go to the school gate to confirm it first."

The black spot appeared at the school gate and might leave the school next, so Lin Cheng gave priority to finding the black spot at the school gate.


School gate

Ye Tongling quietly ambushed behind the wall, holding a red tasseled spear in her hand.

With the passing of yesterday's blood moon, the number of zombies outside the school increased significantly today.

Zombies were wandering on the streets, and there were more zombies passing by the university.

After just a few minutes of pause, groups of zombies made strange sounds and walked past the school gate.

Ye Tongling noticed this scene, and the spear pierced through the wall of the school.

When piercing through the wall, Ye Tongling's spear did not touch the wall, but the tip of the spear appeared on the wall facing the outside.

The spear just pierced through the sidewalk.

zombies coming.

When this ordinary zombie was pierced, the body fluids on its body suddenly exploded.

A strange scene appeared, and the experience of the explosion turned into solid metal. Shooting towards other zombies nearby.

The zombies pierced by these metals were all dead.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of zombies were successfully killed by Ye Tongling's move.

Ye Tongling held the spear, and then a stream of energy gathered on the top of his head.

At this time, a zombie entered from the school gate, and the supernatural power gathered on the top of his head instantly pierced through the zombie.

With a bang, the zombie's head was blown through.

Ye Tongling pulled back the spear, and then used the spear to continuously dismember the zombies she killed.

After peeling off the crystals from the zombies' bodies, Ye Tongling stopped dismembering them and took the crystals from them.

In order to avoid touching the zombies' body fluids, Ye Tongling just picked up the crystals with the red tassel spear.

Ye Tongling waved her spear, and then put the crystal in her backpack, and then walked towards the girls' dormitory with the crystal.

When Lin Cheng and the others arrived, Ye Tongling was no longer there, and Lin Cheng scanned the black spots on the map and found that there were still three black spots in the school, but one of them was in the girls' dormitory.

An Jing asked: "Master, did the other party leave the school or return to the school again."

"She went back to the girls' dormitory." Lin Cheng confirmed and said: "Leave this black spot alone for the time being, it's closer to the cafeteria, let's go to the cafeteria to confirm it first."

This black spot went to the girls' dormitory, but Lin Cheng didn't necessarily think she was a girl. After all, on the map yesterday, none of the three black spots were in the girls' dormitory.

Maybe the boys just went to the girls' dormitory.

"Master, look outside."

An Jing walked around the wall and said in surprise: "There are some zombie corpses here, and their crystals have been taken away. One of the zombies has traces of being pierced by supernatural power."

"It seems that he is a supernatural person who has already found supernatural power." Lin Cheng said.

However, the opponent is not a zombie, but a supernatural person who has learned how to fight. For Lin Cheng, it is more difficult to become a maid.

After all, he can kill zombies by himself, so why should he join Lin Cheng's team.

Lin Cheng and his team then rushed to the cafeteria.

After Lin Cheng and his team arrived at the cafeteria, they saw two students standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, as if they were guarding the post.

Lin Cheng pondered for a moment and said: "An Jing, go and confirm whether there are students guarding the other entrances of the cafeteria."

"Yes, master." An Jing rushed to the other entrances of the cafeteria at a rapid speed.

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