The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

"I think you may need to give me an explanation for this matter."

Yuan Yuxian said, releasing a slight blue light from her right hand.

However, these blue lights were hidden in Yuan Yuxian's hand. As long as Lin Cheng made any suspicious moves, she could release her supernatural power as quickly as possible.

Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Why are you the first to suspect me? Didn't your community have a case of disappearance at night before? Didn't these children also run downstairs at night? If you have evidence, please show it. I don't think I need to explain this kind of groundless suspicion."

If Lin Cheng really needs to explain, it's simple. He can just take out the photo of the time TV.

However, in this situation where he questioned without evidence, Lin Cheng thought he didn't need to explain.

You don't bring any evidence, and you judge right and wrong subjectively. Even if Lin Cheng brings out evidence, the other party can still deny the evidence and say it's fake.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Yuxian put away the blue light in her hand and said, "You are right about this matter... But, Lin Cheng, can you explain why you came downstairs after I reminded you at night?"

What made Yuan Yuxian suspicious was not that Grandma Yu's grandson set off firecrackers next to Lin Cheng's car, but that Lin Cheng still came downstairs after Yuan Yuxian reminded him many times.

It's normal for children to be intolerant, but Yuan Yuxian has to doubt that an adult would go to the tiger mountain even though he knew there was a tiger in the mountain.

"Someone in our team has the ability to detect the approximate location of the creature. Now there are several mutant creatures lurking underground in this Bluebird Community."

"Underground?" Yuan Yuxian frowned, then stared at Lin Cheng's cheek carefully, but didn't see any flaws in Lin Cheng's face.

Yuan Yuxian asked, "So, you are looking for the location of these underground creatures? And do you think they are related to the disappearance of people in our community?"

"That's right." Lin Cheng said affirmatively.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Yuxian said, "Can I act with you?"

Yuan Yuxian did not say that she believed in or still doubted Lin Cheng, but said that she wanted to act together.

Yuan Yuxian had no way to judge whether Lin Cheng had any bad intentions, but if Lin Cheng really had a way to solve the disappearance in the community, then Yuan Yuxian also wanted to contribute to this matter.

"Okay, follow me." Lin Cheng said, following the location indicated by the map of the virtual vision, he raised his right hand and used his supernatural power towards the soil below.

Then, Yuan Yuxian saw the most shocking thing he had ever seen in his life.

Accompanied by a rumbling sound, a deep pit was hit out of the ground.

Standing on the edge of the pit, Yuan Yuxian swallowed unconsciously. The depth of this deep pit was at least more than 100 meters.

Is Lin Cheng's strength too exaggerated?

Yuan Yuxian complained in her heart, and then began to feel that her vigilance against Lin Cheng was a bit unnecessary.

With the destructive power displayed by Lin Cheng's supernatural power, even if he really wanted to do something, Yuan Yuxian could not stop him at all.

In the entire community, except Yuan Yuxian, the rest were either old men and women or children.

There was no need for Lin Cheng to go around in circles like this.

"Don't be dazed, go down." Lin Cheng reminded, and then jumped into the deep pit.

Dong Yingxue followed closely behind.

If you pay close attention, you will find that Dong Yingxue is not standing next to Lin Cheng, but behind Yuan Yuxian. Just now, as long as Yuan Yuxian continued to doubt Lin Cheng, Dong Yingxue would directly activate her supernatural power to kill.

Yuan Yuxian did not see Dong Yingxue. After she was stunned for a while, she also jumped down.

When landing, Yuan Yuxian rolled over so that her feet would not have to bear too much burden.

When Yuan Yuxian stood up again, she found that Lin Cheng had already dug a passage below.

"Come on."

Lin Cheng said, and then ran into the passage.

Yuan Yuxian hurried to follow.

The deeper she went, the more frightened Yuan Yuxian became.

With such destructive power, if Lin Cheng really did it, the entire Bluebird community would be destroyed.

After Lin Cheng dug two passages, one of which was even a turn, an elliptical space appeared in front of him.

Lin Cheng and his team were located at a position similar to the entrance of the passage above the space.

"This is..."

Yuan Yuxian looked at the scene in front of her in shock.

Lin Cheng in front was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that someone had built a passage here.

An underground space similar to a house.

"That is..." Yuan Yuxian suddenly saw something and her face turned pale.

Lin Cheng also narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I didn't expect that there were zombies here, and I'm afraid they are zombies with high intelligence."

But below, there was a square land arranged in a grid like a field, with human heads planted on it.

Outside this field of human blood, there were two zombies whose bodies had further evolved from the appearance.

Based on the panel, Lin Cheng knew that these two were level 3 zombies.

These two level 3 zombies were only elite types, and the panel values ​​were not high.

But it was night now, and the attribute values ​​of these two zombies alone had increased to nearly 400 in three dimensions. Yuan Yuxian was afraid that she would not be able to defeat them just by fighting with values.

If the superpowers were included, Yuan Yuxian's chances of winning were not high.

Moreover, according to the conclusion that zombies will split at night, since we saw two, there might be a hundred hiding in this underground world.

‘Space manipulation ability? Or are there really just a few zombies? ’

Lin Cheng guessed in his heart.

At this time, he saw the door of the simple house built with blood-stained mud below was gently pushed open.

A red zombie walked out from inside.


Race: High-level zombie

Ability level: Level 3

Panel strength: Strength (235+235) Defense (246+246) Speed ​​(278+278) Ability (300)

Ability: Cave production

Equipment bar space: Four

Wearable equipment: None

Overall evaluation: S


Just looking at the panel, this value has doubled.

And this just proves that the data test mentioned by Lin Yangyang before is wrong.

The two to three times increase that Lin Yangyang mentioned should be the level 1 zombies on the first or second day. Although the increase is also a lot, as the zombies increase in level and attribute values, the increase they can get at night will also become larger and larger.

Like these level 3 zombies, according to the attribute values, their combat capabilities have increased by at least ten times.

Lin Cheng looked at Yuan Yuxian on the side and found that her expression was very ugly.

Lin Cheng asked: "Miss Yuxian, what did you find?"

Yuan Yuxian said solemnly: "The heads in the blood field below are the people who disappeared in the community before. Although I can't recognize whether they are all from the community, at least more than ten heads I can recognize that they are indeed from our community."

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