The boy's head fell off.

Lin Cheng's expression was cold.

An Jing was calm.

Ning Qiang's expression showed fear and trembling.

Lin Cheng saw this and reminded her, "Ning Qiang, it's the end of the world. You should always be vigilant about everything around you. And you have to consider that one day in the future, you will stand in the same position as An Jing and wield a butcher knife against humans."

Ning Qiang's face was pale, but she still nodded vigorously and said, "I will cheer up when I encounter such a thing, Senior Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng didn't say anything. But he had decided that when he got to An Jing's residence, he would start to consider training Ning Qiang. Regardless of whether to kill or not, at least she won't panic when facing zombies.

"Anjing, do you recognize what this stone is?"

Anjing said quickly: "Yes, Master. In the last life, this stone was called energy ore. As long as there is one pound of energy ore, it is enough to upgrade the superpower of the same level to the next level. However, the role of energy ore will become negligible under different levels."

"Energy ore is a strange mineral that will appear randomly on the earth after the blood rain drips. As the blood rain is absorbed more, the energy ore will gradually increase in level. The one in the master's hand is the first level, and as the blood rain drips, it will gradually increase in level. In addition, the energy ore that has been used cannot continue to increase in level."

Speaking of this, Anjing hesitated for a while and said: "However, the energy ore that the master left should have been absorbed by someone, and it can't be used to increase the level of superpowers."

Lin Cheng felt a little sorry when he heard this, but he exchanged the energy ore with instant noodles for the system upgrade.

"An Jing, can mutant plants also absorb this kind of energy ore?"

"Yes. And if I'm not mistaken, the reason why the mutant plant is so powerful is that there is an energy vein nearby, which has given it a lot of improvement."

"Of course, even if there is enough energy ore, this level of energy ore can only upgrade it to level 2."

An Jing said.

However, for ordinary psychics, even including advanced psychics. The gap of one level is a world of difference. In short, this is not an enemy that psychics at this stage can fight.

Of course, there are exceptions. As a panel monster, Lin Cheng believes that he can still steadily suppress the opponent when facing mutant plants.

Lin Cheng put the energy ore in his pocket, and then silently said in his heart: 'System, start upgrading. '

'Get energy ore, the system will upgrade automatically. '

'Upgrade completed. '

'Get new panel data joy value. '

'The host can get joy value when having sex with the maid. Every time you consume a point of pleasure, you can increase your strength, defense or speed by 10 points, and all maids can get a point of strength, defense or speed bonus. ’

‘Current pleasure value: 45’

When Lin Cheng saw the 45 points of pleasure, his expression was subtle, which happened to be his record last night.

Lin Cheng then used up all 45 points of pleasure.

‘Your strength has increased by 100 points, your defense has increased by 200 points, and your speed has increased by 150 points. ’

‘The maids get an additional 10 points of strength, 20 points of defense, and 15 points of speed increase. ’

After Lin Cheng finished the upgrade, he felt that the upgraded attribute enhancement function of the system was a bit of a cheat. Although it was a bit regrettable that he could not improve his superpowers, it was not difficult to obtain pleasure points.

Lin Cheng touched his chin, thinking about finding a place to stay, and then fucking day and night. Who knows, in just one year, he could sweep the world and be invincible.

However, this idea only surfaced a little, and Lin Cheng gave it up. After all, if he did this, he might become mentally depressed before he became invincible.

Even gods can't stand it if they do it 24 hours a day.

After Lin Cheng used up all the pleasure points, An Jing raised her right hand with a strange look on her face, clenched her fist, and released it, as if she was feeling some changes in her body.

Seeing this, Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek. When a red cloud appeared on her face, he said, "Don't worry, it's the effect of my superpower. It can improve your basic abilities."

"Master, your superpower is too strong." An Jing said in surprise.

Not only can he purify from a zombie to a human, but he can also greatly improve his basic abilities like this. An Jing felt

Isn't Lin Cheng's ability too strong?

Lin Cheng shrugged. Strictly speaking, this is not the effect of the ability, but the effect of the system. But it is more convenient to explain it with the ability.

Lin Cheng said: "You get familiar with your body, and then..."

Before Lin Cheng finished speaking, he saw Ning Qiang suddenly jump lightly, and then jumped to a high position. When the person was in the air, Ning Qiang said in surprise: "Senior Lin Cheng, Senior An Jing, look, I can fly."

"Look at me flying!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ning Qiang hit the white stone building above. This is a white stone as high as a person's abdomen.

After being hit by Ning Qiang, the white stone was directly broken.

An Jing looked at this scene in surprise, and then said: "Late level one, no, now we may have the basic ability close to level two. This is too exaggerated."

However, the next moment, the serious atmosphere was destroyed by Ning Qiang's words: "Help, save me, Senior Lin Cheng, Senior An Jing, my head is stuck here, I can't get out."

Lin Cheng: "..."

An Jing: "..."

And Ning Qiang's head was stuck in the protruding building, and her two little feet were weakly stepping in the air.

Lin Cheng stroked his forehead and said: "An Jing, get her down."

An Jing also shook his head gently, then jumped up, and in the air, hit the white stone next to Ning Qiang hard.

This punch broke the white stone, and Ning Qiang also fell down smoothly.

When she landed, Ning Qiang was nervously touching her butt at first, saying, "It hurts so much!"

But after touching it for a while, Ning Qiang blinked and said, "It doesn't seem to hurt that much."

After greatly improving her attributes, this impact actually had no effect on Ning Qiang.

An Jing looked away. She also felt the change in her ability, but she was not as embarrassed as Ning Qiang.

Lin Cheng, on his side, activated the virtual vision again.

Lin Cheng confirmed the location of the three black spots he had seen before. During this time, the black spots remained unchanged.

"Let's go to the third grade classroom next."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly remembered Ling Qingyou's panel that he had seen before. He asked, "An Jing, after killing zombies, the probability of equipment dropping is considered normal, is it normal for us to have the situation we had yesterday?"

"We killed more than 300 zombies yesterday, but only one piece of equipment dropped."

Lin Cheng thought that Ling Qingyou and the others should not have killed more zombies than him, but Ling Qingyou was wearing three pieces of equipment.

"It's normal." An Jing said, "That's the normal probability. But some people are very lucky and the drop rate is much higher. However, most people still have the same drop rate as us."

Lin Cheng touched his chin, a little curious about who among Ling Qingyou's group had such a high drop rate.

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