The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Anjing's skin returned to its original state, and the hair on her body completely shrank. The only difference from before was that her hair turned silver-white.

After the purification, Anjing was stunned at first, and then her eyes regained color, and then she cast her eyes on Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng subconsciously prepared to continue the battle.

But the next moment, he saw Anjing's eyes showing fanatical worship, and then he knelt on one knee, lowered his head and said: "Master."

'Congratulations to the host, you have obtained an SS-rated maid and a one-star equipment (SS) time-stop short knife. ’

Time Stop Dagger (speed-type growth equipment)

Level: One star (0/100)

Equipment effect: When used, each time the enemy is damaged, the enemy's time will be stopped for three seconds.

Attribute value: Strength 100-150 points Speed ​​50-100 points

Growth space: SS

Current level: Level 1 (0/100)

A Gurkha-like dagger appeared in Lin Cheng's hand.

‘Do you want to equip it? ’

Such information appeared in Lin Cheng's mind. Of course, this information did not make a sound like the system.

After Lin Cheng chose the equipment, this time-stop dagger can be stored and taken out at will.

In addition, after equipping, Lin Cheng's strength became 200-250, and the speed became 150-200.

After Lin Cheng put away the equipment he had obtained, he looked at An Jing who was half-kneeling.

An Jing

Race: Advanced half-zombie maid

Power level: Level 1

Panel strength: Strength (10) Defense (7) Speed ​​(6) Power (10)

Ability: Space operation, Phantom beast master (unhatched)

Power growth: Range A, Fire rate B, Shield value B

Equipment column space: Four

Wearable equipment: None

Overall evaluation: SS

Anxiety: ‘I just wanted to hurt the master. As a maid, I can only die to apologize.’

‘In this dangerous apocalypse, I must protect the master.’

Anxiety value: 20 (When the value reaches 100, it will fall into an unknown action rampage state)

An Jing, who has become a maid, has added three new data.

Lin Cheng curled his lips, and then his eyes fell on An Jing's huge snow-white peak, and said: "I have a lot of questions to ask you now, but before that, you do this for me first!"

A few minutes later, in this deserted alley.

An Jing sat on the ground, leaning against the wall. Then a blush flashed across her face.

It was because Lin Cheng was leaning against her with his head resting on her breasts, comfortably.

To Lin Cheng, An Jing was now a loyal maid to him, so he could do whatever he wanted.

If he didn't understand the current situation, Lin Cheng would have taken up arms and went into battle.

Lin Cheng had never considered himself a good person.

Lin Cheng changed to a comfortable position, crossed his legs and said, "An Jing, tell me, why do you want to kill me?"

"Master, I am actually a reborn person."

"Reborn person?" Lin Cheng was shocked after hearing this: "Are you talking about the kind of reborn school commonly seen in novels?"

"Yes, I come from a world a hundred years from now. After the blood rain falls in this world, creatures around the world will mutate, and human survival will become difficult."

"If humans fail to evolve, they will become zombies?"


"Then why do you plan to kill me before the end of the world? Did I offend you during the end of the world?"

When Lin Cheng said this, An Jing's anxiety value increased to thirty points.

"No, because according to my expectation, you will become a zombie in the end of the world, and you will become the most terrifying zombie emperor among the zombies. I originally hoped to eliminate you before you become the zombie emperor."

An Jing said, lowered his head, and said: "Please kill me, as your loyal servant, I have such a disrespectful idea."

An Jing's anxiety value continued to increase and reached 50 points.

"Zombie Emperor..." Lin Cheng felt that this should be related to his zombie affinity.

'System, will I become a zombie without your help? '

'Negative. The host has the ability to purify. As long as the superpowers are not consumed, you can avoid becoming a zombie. If you have not bound to this system just now, the host's body will also use it spontaneously.

Purification ability restored. ’

Lin Cheng nodded, and then after a little hesitation, he knew why he would become a zombie in the future.

‘In other words, if I become the Zombie Emperor in the future, it means that after my purification ability is exhausted, I continue to fight zombies and unfortunately get infected and become a zombie? ’

‘It is very likely as the host guessed, so please use the purification ability with caution and try to keep the purification ability that will prevent you from becoming a zombie. ’

Lin Cheng nodded and wrote this down. After all, this is a very deadly thing.

"Anjing, if humans who have evolved successfully continue to fight zombies, will they be infected and become zombies?"

"If you are injured by zombies, there is a certain chance of infection. However, the chance of humans who have evolved successfully being infected by zombies is not high, and timely use of purification potions can also avoid the risk of infection in battle."

"Purification potion?" Lin Cheng asked curiously: "Is this the method you invented to prevent zombies after the end of the world?"

"Yes. Three months after the end of the world, someone will figure out how to make purification potions, and in less than a year, this purification potion will be popularized. Because the materials used to make it are very simple."

Lin Cheng nodded, and then he suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed it towards Anjing's mountain a few times.


Lin Cheng said funny.

Anjing's face was slightly red, but not only did she not stop him, but she also had a bit of a reluctant and enjoyable expression.

"I forgive you for wanting to kill me."

Lin Cheng suddenly said.

Of course, if An Jing cannot be purified into a maid, Lin Cheng will not only forgive her, but will chase An Jing and kill her.

Now, Lin Cheng at least does not want to experience what it is like when his maid goes berserk.

"An Jing, tell me some knowledge you know about the end of the world."

"Okay, Master. But many things have changed after the end of the world, and I can't finish it in a short time. I'll start with the most important thing to explain now."

"After the end of the world, the blood rain from the sky will directly penetrate the building. Therefore, even if you hide in the house or have something to cover your head, you still can't prevent the occurrence of mutations."

"Blood rain will not only cause biological mutations, but also cause wear and tear and corruption of buildings. It will also make water and food toxic."

"And these problems can be solved in the safe zone."

"With the appearance of blood rain, special safe zones will appear all over the world. In the safe zone, guaranteed food and water can be provided. Therefore, Master, we must occupy a safe zone as soon as possible to obtain the guarantee of survival supplies."

An Jing quickly picked out some inevitable problems in the end of the world.

"But, Master, don't worry. After this rebirth, I used the space ability I carried with me to accumulate a huge fortune, and before today, I bought nearly 1 billion worth of supplies."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng first rubbed An Jing's Rasengan with his hands, and then asked, "Do you have Coke?"

"Yes, Master, please, it's iced." A bottle of Coke soon appeared in An Jing's hand.

Moreover, she tacitly did not hand it to Lin Cheng, but fed Lin Cheng with her own hands.

After drinking the Coke, Lin Cheng said, "It's strong enough."

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