Although Lin Cheng solved the zombies after his attack, he was not careless and was ready to attack again at any time. After all, since he looked at the map in the morning, the sudden appearance of these zombies was very unusual. Someone must be behind it. Mutated plants, more powerful zombies, or superpowers? Many speculations flashed through Lin Cheng's mind. At this moment, Lin Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the air. Vines gathered densely in the sky, like thousands of snakes descending, and kept shaking. These vines gathered together, and soon a human face emerged. "Human... I'm looking for a strong man... Looking for a strong man to fight me..."

Intermittent voices came from the mouth of the human face.

After saying that, a large number of vines dispersed, leaving only one vine.

The appearance of the mutant plant also shows that the zombies were thrown into the university this time because of the mutant plant.

Lin Cheng curled his lips: "It seems that this means that I should follow this vine to find its body for a duel."

"Okay, save the time of using virtual vision to check your location."

"But before that..."

Lin Cheng paused and looked at Li Xuefei.

At this time, Li Xuefei was sitting on the ground, putting Ling Qingyou's head on her knees.

Noticing Lin Cheng's gaze, Li Xuefei raised her head and looked at Lin Cheng.

Li Xuefei's gaze was not particularly courageous, but it was also a gaze that did not avoid.

"Senior Xuefei, according to the terms of the deal, you will be mine from now on."

"However, if you want to join my team, you must meet one condition."

"You must first become a zombie, and then be cured by my superpowers. I will only trust such teammates."

Lin Cheng said, still as before when he fooled Ning Qiang, he did not reveal the true effect of his superpowers.

Ning Qiang heard Lin Cheng say this, curled her lips, and thought to herself: 'Senior Lin Cheng is fooling people again. '

"No... no problem."

Li Xuefei, who looked relatively weak, did not have much resistance to turning into a zombie for a short period of time. She also thought that Lin Cheng did not deceive her. After all, there was no need for this.

If he really just wanted to turn Li Xuefei into a zombie, then no one could stop him by forcing him directly.

Li Xuefei raised her arm and said, "Please do it."

An Jing was beside her and swung a long knife.

Li Xuefei's arm was torn open with a scar, and blood was spilling out.

An Jing then sprinkled the zombie fluid on it.

Because of Lin Cheng's ability, An Jing has prepared enough zombie fluid in her storage space.

Of course, these zombie fluids are all from women, and the zombie fluid taken before is also from female zombies.

Based on the previous situation, Lin Cheng believes that it will take more than ten minutes before she turns into a zombie.

Li Xuefei looked at her wound, and her heart beat fast. Perhaps she was about to turn into a zombie, which was a bit similar to the state of becoming dead. Therefore, in her mind, it was as if a dying person's mind would run through some past experiences.

Li Xuefei recalled the things before she met Ling Qingyou and after she met her.

Li Xuefei's personality is well-behaved, obedient, and peaceful. This is what the world thinks of her. However, in fact, Li Xuefei's personality has not been like this since the past.

When she was in elementary school, there was a girl in the class who liked to give orders and be the boss. Li Xuefei played with her.

When she was in junior high school, there was a girl who was the core of the class. Li Xuefei also followed her, just like her running errands.

When she was in high school, there was a monitor with good grades in the class. Li Xuefei became the study committee member and always helped this monitor.

Then in college, Ling Qingyou appeared.

In fact, from elementary school to college, Li Xuefei has never changed. She will directly depend on the one with the highest status, and then live a dependent campus life that allows her to enjoy a brainless life even though she will be asked to run errands and be used by others.

No need to consider anything, no need to worry about anything, there are tall people to support the sky if it falls.

Li Xuefei is a person who has always lived such a dependent life.

The crazy thoughts of the zombies gradually began to invade Li Xuefei's consciousness.

The last thought that emerged in Li Xuefei's mind was the figure of Lin Cheng.

'After the end of the world, the person I want to depend on is...Lin Cheng. '

"She has become a zombie."

Silver hair, scars on the wounds, silver skin.

As soon as the zombie Li Xuefei appeared, Lin

Cheng immediately used the purification ability.

Compared with Dong Yingxue before, this purification was much smoother.

First, Li Xuefei's ability had been used up, and even if she became a zombie, her ability had not recovered.

Second, Li Xuefei's value was not biased towards combat.

Therefore, although the zombie Li Xuefei tried to attack Lin Cheng, she didn't even touch the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes. She was pressed to the ground by An Jing, unable to move.

The purification process ended quickly.

Li Xuefei's ability level was lower than Lin Cheng's, so Lin Cheng's consumption of this purification was less than one-third of his ability.

After Li Xuefei regained consciousness, she said to Lin Cheng a little shyly: "Master... Master."

An Jing subconsciously glanced at Ning Qiang, and she looked confused.

In fact, An Jing only compared the attitudes of Li Xuefei and Ning Qiang. They were both deceived by Lin Cheng to become maids, but the latter's attitude didn't seem very good. She wondered whether she should find an opportunity to bang Ning Qiang's head twice to make her respect Lin Cheng more.

Ning Qiang shuddered subconsciously, feeling that someone was thinking bad things about her.

On Lin Cheng's side, after confirming Li Xuefei's situation from the panel, he focused on the SS-level equipment he obtained.

Time TV (Growing Equipment)

Level: One Star (0/100)

Equipment Effect: Select any creature to view all the experiences of the creature in the past ten years. When viewing the past experiences of the creature, you can use the shooting function, and keep up to 30 photos at a time. Each photo can weaken the strength, defense or speed of the photographed creature by 1%.

Attributes: Strength 100 points, Defense 100 points, Speed ​​100 points

Growth space: SS

Current level: Level 1 (0/100)

The SS equipment given this time still gave Lin Cheng a feeling of full auxiliary functions.

In addition to the time-stopping short knife at the beginning, the later virtual vision, the portable pharmacy, and the current time TV are all very functional equipment.

With the time TV, Lin Cheng's intelligence acquisition has also become much stronger.

Then, the shooting function of the time TV is equivalent to weakening any attribute of the target by 30% at a time.

This is weakened in proportion, not a fixed value.

'Just in time to fight the mutant plants. '

Lin Cheng thought to himself.

Lin Cheng is now a very stable person. Even if he is sure to defeat the mutant plants, Lin Cheng will try to fight his opponents in a better state.

For this reason, Lin Cheng believes that the current preparation is not enough.

"Anjing, how many crystals are there now?"

Anjing roughly counted and said, "Including the last time, there are nearly 10,000 crystals now."

"Help me gather the crystals together, I plan to break through to the second level of the superpower."

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