After listening to this, Ling Qingyou frowned. Before she could say anything, a girl next to her said, "Who knows about this kind of thing? Maybe you just think we are still useful, so you..." As soon as she finished speaking, the girl's face was slapped by a big hand like a palm leaf fan. This slap was given by the boy next to the girl, but the force was a bit too strong. After the slap, the girl lay on the ground and couldn't get up. Ling Qingyou and the others were indifferent to this scene. Ling Qingyou smiled at Lin Cheng and said apologetically, "It was my people who were rude just now. I apologize to you, Lin Cheng." Ling Qingyou bowed her head to Lin Cheng and apologized deeply. Lin Cheng just said to this scene: "It seems that Senior Ling's team has begun to be mismanaged."

"Thank you for your reminder, Junior Lin Cheng."

Then, Lin Cheng took An Jing and the others away.

After Lin Cheng and the others left, Ling Qingyou's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said: "Xiao Ran, why did you speak on your own initiative just now?"


The girl who was slapped hesitated and didn't know how to answer: "I was just angry that Li Xuefei changed her team to survive."

"There will be no next time. If you do this again next time, you will leave my team."

"Yes...I'm sorry, President. There will be no next time."

Ling Qingyou's expression regained its warmth, but her heart sank.

This girl used to be obedient in Ling Qingyou's team, and today she suddenly acted on her own initiative because the deterrence of Ling Qingyou, the leader of the team, has decreased.

After Ling Qingyou was defeated by the zombies, Li Xuefei's departure made the people in the team begin to doubt Ling Qingyou's ability. They began to subconsciously think that it would be better to make my own judgment instead of letting Ling Qingyou come.

Although Ling Qingyou discovered this situation, it could not be solved in a short time, but Ling Qingyou was confident that if she was given some time, she could restore the cohesion of the team.

"President, what should we do next?"

"Most of the zombies in the school should have been cleared by Lin Cheng." When Ling Qingyou said this, although she was very reluctant, she also knew that the reason why the university was calm and there was no zombie invasion was undoubtedly due to the power of Lin Cheng and others.

"However, with Lin Cheng's attitude, he is only interested in beautiful women. He will definitely not keep men in his team. I want to look for it in the school. I should be able to find some survivors to strengthen our team."

Ling Qingyou said.

Ling Qingyou was also holding back a fire in her heart because of Lin Cheng's appearance.

What Lin Cheng didn't want, she Ling Qingyou not only wanted to take away.

Moreover, Ling Qingyou also planned to make Lin Cheng and others, who were still high and mighty, regret their choice of only finding pretty girls today.

‘No matter what kind of world it is, quantity is everything. Lin Cheng, people like you who only care about pretty women and don’t value the collective have no future in the end times. ’


Although the zombies and mutant plants had been dealt with, Ning Qiang’s room was also destroyed by the elite zombies that suddenly threw over, so Lin Cheng and others chose other girls’ dormitories.

There were four beds in a room.

After Lin Cheng chose one, An Jing and Ning Qiang sat on one, Dong Yingxue sat on one, and Li Xuefei sat on one.

Lin Cheng said: “An Jing, take out the energy ore. Four people, today I hope you can raise your superpower level to level 2.”

“Yes, master.”

The four people responded in succession, and then picked up the energy ore distributed by An Jing, and began to absorb it under An Jing’s guidance.

But An Jing did not enter the state of cultivation.

An Jing, who was in charge of teaching, would not start practicing until they learned how to absorb.

Of course, it didn't take too long to absorb energy ore.

Lin Cheng was looking through the map in the virtual vision and said, "It seems she has made a choice."

The distribution of light spots in the university in the virtual vision, the green and blue dots gathered together, and then left the university together.

Most of them came from the boys' dormitory.

Lin Cheng guessed that Ling Qingyou took the boys in the boys' dormitory and reorganized a team of hundreds of people.

However, Lin Cheng was not optimistic about this approach.

The more people there are, the more likely it is to cause chaos in the early stage of this environment that cannot be adapted.

Even Lin Cheng,

Such a small group with few people will also have various conflicts because of different thoughts.

Not everyone can be like Lin Cheng. As long as the maids under him are purified, they can maintain full loyalty. He can rest assured to hand over things to them without fear of betrayal.

Of course, Lin Cheng also knows that normal survivors of the end of the world will actually have more advantages when they gather together. Strength in numbers also works in the end of the world.

Although Lin Cheng thinks so, An Jing still knows more about the end of the world.

Lin Cheng is a man who listens to good advice. He asked An Jing, who has the most say in this matter: "An Jing, in your previous life, for human survivors, is it better to gather as many people as possible, or is it better to have a small number of elites?"

"Before humans established the human empire, the more humans there were, the better. Every human can be regarded as at least an ordinary superpower." An Jing said: "Although superpowers are divided into high-level, elite and ordinary. But once enough elites or ordinary people are gathered, the superpower level can no longer continue to rise. High-level superpowers may also lose when facing hundreds of ordinary or elite superpowers."

Even if it was An Jing, who faced four elite superpowers before, if they had all experienced the skills of the end of the world, An Jing might not have been able to win that game at that time.

"However, this is limited to the superpowers I know. In the case of the master, I think even if there are only a few, it is more beneficial to the action."

Lin Cheng nodded slightly.

Lin Cheng's eyes fell on Ling Qingyou in the time TV.

In fact, even if Ling Qingyou didn't show it, Lin Cheng knew that she would be dissatisfied.

The reason for her dissatisfaction might be Lin Cheng's attitude, or it might be that Li Xuefei was kidnapped by Lin Cheng.

However, Ling Qingyou is a very rational person. She is dissatisfied, but she will still be friendly to Lin Cheng, as long as Lin Cheng has this value.

Lin Cheng doesn't need Ling Qingyou to treat him sincerely, he just needs Ling Qingyou to gather forces in this doomsday, and one day they will have the opportunity to cooperate with each other.

Lin Cheng is still a little concerned about Ling Qingyou's movements, and then he also used the time TV to confirm Ling Qingyou's previous actions.

Through the time TV, Lin Cheng confirmed that Ling Qingyou is now a team mainly with students from the boys' dormitory.

Afterwards, Lin Cheng switched the focus of the time TV to another person he also paid attention to, Ye Tongling.

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